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Subject: Buff-breasted Sandpiper [Print This Page]

Author: lchunfai    Time: 19/04/2015 14:16     Subject: Buff-breasted Sandpiper

A Buff-breasted Sandpiper was seen in 16/17 during high tide today.
Author: lrichard    Time: 19/04/2015 18:21

Great record!

I think there are one or two records from Taiwan, but this appears to be the first for continental China.
Author: lexusjohn    Time: 19/04/2015 18:59

Great find !!!
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 19/04/2015 19:02


Anyone who has photos of the bird? Is it in breeding plumage?

what others waders were seen associated with the bird in question?

the above pcs of info are important for others to find it tomorrow, me among them.


S L Tai
Author: John Holmes    Time: 19/04/2015 20:34

HK's first "new" wader in a while !  Great find !
Author: lchunfai    Time: 19/04/2015 20:36

Here is the photo, taken in Hide 3

Author: wleepoin    Time: 19/04/2015 21:30

Congratulations !!!!! Excellent find, well done

Author: tsheunglai    Time: 19/04/2015 21:45


Typical sample of the species.


S L Tai
Author: mchristine    Time: 19/04/2015 23:50

We are so blessed to encounter this interesting bird.  According to A Field Guide to the Birds of China 2000 championed by Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences ( by John MacKinnon, Karen Phillipps  in collaboration with He Fen-qi),the bird possibly entered PRC occasionally.  It was translated as 飾胸鷸 in the Field Guide.  It was also translated as 飾胸鷸 in the China Bird Report Ed2013.  The CBR Checklist of Birds of China V.3.0 and being classified as NT ( Near threatened) .  However, the Taiwan name is published as 黃胸鷸, classified as Vagrant Visitor.

Looking forward to hearing more interesting stories brought by this interesting bird!!!! Bird watching is great fun!!!!

我們有幸能与此有趣的鳥兒邂逅。根據由中國科學院動物研究所主持編制的中國鳥類野外手冊2000,(約翰、馬敬能,卡倫、菲利普斯、何芬奇著)所述,這隻被譯為飾胸鷸的鳥可能有時也偶入中國大陸;根據中國觀鳥年報編輯2013.中國觀鳥年報-中國鳥類名錄3.0版 (由董路、雷進宇、劉陽及危騫編輯),此鳥亦被譯為飾胸鷸,IUCN紅色名彔列為近危等級。在台灣,此鳥叫黃胸鷸,列為迷鳥。


[ Last edited by mchristine at 20/04/2015 12:16 ]
Author: wilsondring    Time: 20/04/2015 00:38

congrats .. great find!
Author: lexusjohn    Time: 20/04/2015 08:08

Great find !!!! Congratulation
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 20/04/2015 09:38

Author: HFCheung    Time: 21/04/2015 15:06

Zheng Guangmei 2011: Buff-breasted Sandpiper in China is only from Taiwan.

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