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Subject: [Outing] 13/9/2015 城門觀鳥活動 Shing Mun Outing [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 6/07/2015 12:01     Subject: 13/9/2015 城門觀鳥活動 Shing Mun Outing

此為"香港生物多樣性節2015-「愛。識 自然」"的活動
This is an activity of Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2015 – Cherish Nature





會員:    免費 (需出示會員證)
非會員: 港幣$30 (19歲以下學生港幣$10)

** 不用報名 **
活動查詢熱線/當天與領隊聯絡電話:9457 3196

因參與由香港觀鳥會 (下稱“本會”) 主辦的一般活動、戶外觀鳥活動或訓練課程 (下稱“活動”) 所出現的個人或財產的損失、受傷、死亡或損壞,無論是在活動過程中發生或活動完結後出現,本會不會承擔任何財政或其他方面的責任或義務。所有參與上述活動的參加者,必須確保自己的身體狀況能夠適應活動的要求,如有疑問,應該在參與活動前諮詢合資格的醫務人員,本會建議參加者應自行購買相關保險以保障自己。報名參與上述活動的人士即表示同意即使在活動過程中或活動完結後出現的損失、受傷、死亡或損壞,本會的執行委員會委員、其他委員會委員、職員、僱員、義工、中介機構或人員及分判商均不會承擔任何責任。


Details of the Shing Mun Outing to be held on 13 Sep 2015 as below:-

Activity Date: 13/9/2015 Sunday
Activity time:  8:00 - 12:00

Gathering time: 08:00
Gathering place: Kiosk at Pineapple Dam, Shing Mun Reservoir

Target Species: Forest birds

Members:         Free of Charge (by showing your membership card)
Non-members: HK$30 (HK$10 for student under 19yrs)

**No registration is required **
The Activities Enquiry Hotline for contacting outing leaders at the event date only: 9457 3196.

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (“the HKBWS”) assumes no responsibility, liability or obligations, whether financial or otherwise, for losses, injuries, death, damages, whether to the person or property, arising or occurring in the course or as a result from the activities, outings or training courses (“the Activities”)organized by the HKBWS. Persons who participate in the Activities must ensure that they are medically fit to do so. If in doubt, they should consult qualified medical practitioners before participating. Participants are recommended to purchase relevant insurance for their own protection. By participating in the Activities, the participants impliedly agree that they will not hold the HKBWS, its Executive Committee members, other committee members, its officers, employees, volunteers, agents or subcontractors responsible or liable for any losses, injuries, death damages arising or occurring in the course or as a result from the Activities.

Image Attachment: 圖片1.png (15/07/2015 16:09, 42.29 KB) / Download count 577

Author: tjamin    Time: 16/09/2015 09:18

15 persons took part in this outing.  The weather was hot. Two flycatcher were found.

有15人參加活動,天氣炎熱,鳥況慘淡,共記錄21種雀鳥。感謝 小儀 帶領活動。

88  Crested Serpent Eagle    蛇鵰    Spilornis cheela
94  Crested Goshawk    鳳頭鷹    Accipiter trivirgatus
102 Black Kite    黑鳶    Milvus migrans
221 Spotted Dove    珠頸斑鳩    Spilopelia chinensis
231 Asian Koel    噪鵑    Eudynamys scolopaceus
293 Scarlet Minivet    赤紅山椒鳥    Pericrocotus speciosus
323 Cinereous Tit    蒼背山雀    Parus cinereus
329 Red-whiskered Bulbul    紅耳鵯    Pycnonotus jocosus
330 Chinese Bulbul    白頭鵯    Pycnonotus sinensis
333 Chestnut Bulbul    栗背短腳鵯    Hemixos castanonotus
343 Mountain Tailorbird    金頭縫葉鶯    Phyllergates cuculatus
393 Common Tailorbird    長尾縫葉鶯    Orthotomus sutorius
395 Rufous-capped Babbler    紅頭穗鶥    Stachyridopsis ruficeps
411 Japanese White-eye    暗綠繡眼鳥    Zosterops japonicus
412 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch    絨額鳾    Sitta frontalis
437 Oriental Magpie Robin    鵲鴝    Copsychus saularis
438 Grey-streaked Flycatcher    灰紋鶲    Muscicapa griseisticta
440 Asian Brown Flycatcher    北灰鶲    Muscicapa latirostris
461 Blue Whistling Thrush    紫嘯鶇    Myophonus caeruleus
487 Eurasian Tree Sparrow    樹麻雀    Passer montanus
496 White Wagtail    白鶺鴒    Motacilla alba
Author: kennethchiu    Time: 16/09/2015 23:11

Chestnut Bulbul_栗背短腳鵯

Asian Brown Flycatcher_北灰鶲

Dark-sided Flycatcher_烏鶲

[ Last edited by kennethchiu at 20/09/2015 23:43 ]
Author: lchunfai    Time: 17/09/2015 00:51

last one is dark-sided flycatcher
Author: kennethchiu    Time: 20/09/2015 23:43

Original posted by lchunfai at 17/09/2015 00:51
last one is dark-sided flycatcher
Thanks for the correction!
May i know how to distinguish between these two species?

[ Last edited by kennethchiu at 20/09/2015 23:45 ]

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