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Subject: Black-naped Tern - Lamma [Print This Page]

Author: mguy    Time: 19/07/2015 16:27     Subject: Black-naped Tern - Lamma

3 have been hanging out in YSW harbour the last 4-5 days... is not a common spectacle for us islanders

[ Last edited by mguy at 13/05/2016 07:27 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 20/07/2015 06:11

Good to see you back in action Guy.
Hope to see more of your Lamma bird photos in future.

I'm not sure why Black-naped Terns should be unusual in YSO - they are in surrounding waters.
Author: mguy    Time: 24/07/2015 14:19

HI Geoff.. yes good to be back taking pics... have also started a Lamma Island Bird Group on FB which you might find interesting as is different from the normal FB groups.. you should check out the "ALBUMS"... have also built a 3km trail on a previously uncharted hill (for about 20yrs) for walkers & with a view to birding... together with a new Bird photography area on an unused plot thru the Lands Dept... so going a little "bigger" this time around

We very very occasionally get Seabirds in the harbour where I generally hang out... although we got an out of season Whiskered Tern for 4 days from June 10th

[ Last edited by mguy at 24/07/2015 14:25 ]
Author: BWA    Time: 25/07/2015 20:58

A flock of Black-naped and Roseate Terns are around the waters outside Cheung Chau.  They can be seen trailing the wake of ships to fish.

[ Last edited by BWA at 25/07/2015 21:56 ]

Image Attachment: 150725 DSCF9721_edited-1.jpg (25/07/2015 21:56, 112.48 KB) / Download count 426

Author: mguy    Time: 12/05/2016 10:01

11th May 2016
8 were seen in the harbour yesterday evening at a low tide having first being spotted the previous day at roughly the same time (18:00)
Seems several were seen feeding their young on the rocks in the harbour a few years ago..
D7100 300 F/4

Author: mguy    Time: 13/05/2016 07:21

12th May 2016
D7100 300 F/4
15 seen yesterday afternoon & evening on & around the rocks in the middle of YSW harbour..

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