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Subject: [China] 中華鳳頭燕鷗的保育工作 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 1/08/2015 21:55     Subject: 中華鳳頭燕鷗的保育工作



香港觀鳥會 余日東現場報導

1st August, 2015
The experts from China, Japan and United States arrived at Xiangshan County, Zhejiang and joined Simba Chan from Birdlife International for the tern ringing in the next three days. The Tern restoration started two years ago and got a very successful result. More than 1000 individuals of Greater Crested Tern and almost 50 individuals of Chinese Crested Tern bred last year. The population of Chinese Crested Tern was estimated less than 50 individuals in the past, the number increased in the last year study.

Except the conservation work in the breeding season, the experts would like to study the migration route and wintering site of Crested Terns. The first step was ringing juveniles of Greater Crested Tern and collecting the sighting record from Southeast Asia area.

HKBWS Mr. Yu Yat-tung
1st August 2015

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Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 2/08/2015 23:40


2nd August
All of the experts arrived Xiangshan County, Zhejiang and had a briefing session of the bird ringing. But we had a bad news from the briefing, the wind too strong for us to go to the tern breeding island and we will need to postpone 1 day.

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Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 4/08/2015 09:56

4th August, we all had a simple breakfast before sun rise and went to pier to go to the island.

Because of low tide, the big boat cannot come close to the island. So we need to change our boat and separated to two groups on two smaller boat and take more than 1 hours to the island.

We already postponed for 1 day because of the weather. But the weather is not ideal today. The wind force level 4 to 5 also strong for us.

The experts was setting up the ringing facilities at 0730h

The Greater Crested Tern was ringing by well-trained experts

The ringed Greater Crested Tern with identity rings

After the work, Lunch time for experts exchange of their views

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Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 4/08/2015 17:13



In the moring on 4/8/2015, Experts arrived at the Jiushan Archipelago National Nature Reserve to ring juveniles of terns, which is one part of The Tern restoration project. The ultimate goal of this project is providing a safe and good breeding place for Chinese Crested Terns (CR) and Greater Crested Terns
(As studies in recent years found that Chinese Crested Terns always stay with Greater Crested Terns, and they are actually using the same place for breeding, we have to protect both Chinese Crested Terns and Greater Crested Terns at the same time. Now we are only ringing Greater Crested Terns, but not Chinese Crested Terns.)
© Simba China

假如 閣下發現有大鳳頭燕鷗(或任何有環誌的燕鷗)腳上配有這些有彩環,請把有關資料(包括鳥種、觀察日期和地點、環的位置、編號及顏色的配搭)及照片(如有)轉交香港觀鳥會或電郵到legflags (請刪除中間的空位)。


If you see any Greater Crested Terns (or any ringed terns) having a coloured ring on their legs, please send us the information (Including bird species, date and location of the sighting, Ring location on the body, number and the combination of the coloured ring) and photos (if any) via  legflags

The Tern Breeding and Restoration project is held by the State Oceanic Administration of Xiangshan County, Zhejiang and Museum of Natural Science, Zhejiang.
Organizations taking part into this project include Nature Conservation Office of Jiushan Archipelago National Nature Reserve, Oregon State University, National Bird Banding Center, Fudan University, BirdLife International and the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society.

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Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 5/08/2015 10:42

進行還誌工作的中美日專家團隊 (相片由陳承彥先生提供)
The group photo of experts from China, Japan and United States involved in the bird ringing. © Simba China

野放完成環誌的大鳳頭燕鷗幼鳥 (相片由陳承彥先生提供)
Releasing the ringed juvenile of Greater Crested Tern © Simba China

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Author: lrichard    Time: 5/08/2015 11:04

Could you supply a short English summary please - the team, the place, the purpose, the birds. Thanks.
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 5/08/2015 16:40

OK! Translation has done!
Thank you for your suggestion!
Author: Paul_5466    Time: 22/08/2015 13:13

Thanks for the translation! Great program and effort!

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