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Subject: 2015 Homantin Autumn [Print This Page]

Author: 星魚    Time: 27/08/2015 10:56     Subject: 2015 Homantin Autumn

Brown-Chested Jungle Flycatcher

Arctic Warbler

Asian Paradise-Flycatcher

White-throated Kingfisher

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 27/08/2015 11:00 ]
Author: 星魚    Time: 29/08/2015 12:00

Arctic Warbler

Asian Paradise-Flycatcher

White- Throated Kingfisher preying a Japanese White-eye

Author: 星魚    Time: 2/09/2015 18:25

Yellow Wagtail x10

Author: 星魚    Time: 13/09/2015 08:18

Arctic Warbler x2
Asian Brown Flycatcher

Blue Rock Thrush Female

White-Rumped Munia

Arctic Warbler

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 14/09/2015 15:21 ]
Author: 星魚    Time: 14/09/2015 15:28

Orange-Headed Thrush

Arctic Warbler
Brown Shrike

Author: 星魚    Time: 21/09/2015 11:18

Pale-legged Leaf Warbler

Arctic Warbler
Orange-Headed Thrush

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Orange-Headed Thrush
Asian Brown Flycatcher

Plaintive Cuckoo (female)

Arctic Warbler

Plaintive Cuckoo(female)
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Yellow-Rumped Flycatcher

Orange-Headed Thrush

Arctic Warbler
Author: 星魚    Time: 22/09/2015 10:42

Arctic Warbler
Yellow-Rumped Flycatcher
Blue-Winged Minla  (A Flock of 5)
Black-Winged Cuckooshrike x2
White-Rumped Munia
Author: 星魚    Time: 25/09/2015 08:29

Dark-sided Flycatcher

Large-billed Crow
Arctic Warbler
Yellow-Browed Warbler
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Blue Magpie

Dark-Sided Flycatcher x2
Arctic Warbler
Red-throated Flycatcher
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Blue Whistling Thrush

Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Arctic Warbler
Asian Brown Flycatcher

Blue Whistling Thrush
Dark-Sided Flycatcher
Little Swift
Orange-Headed Thrush

Yellow-Browed Warbler

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 25/09/2015 08:35 ]
Author: coconutcat    Time: 27/09/2015 15:38

Just wonder why you can find such number of birds.  Especially the Orange-headed thrush!!

I was there this morning but only found a female Black-naped Monarch.  No thrushes can be find.

Author: 星魚    Time: 27/09/2015 19:11

Wow! Congratulations Coconutcat! I just wait to see her this season! This is a very good news she come back again!
You can find all the slope over there! Maybe some great bird there! You can make it! Wait for your next surprise;)! Congrats again;)

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 27/09/2015 19:13 ]
Author: coconutcat    Time: 27/09/2015 23:01

Original posted by 星魚 at 27/09/2015 19:11
Wow! Congratulations Coconutcat! I just wait to see her this season! This is a very good news she come back again!
You can find all the slope over there! Maybe some great bird there! You can make it!  ...
I always pay attention to see whether there are birds on the slopes.  But most of the time seems nothing happened...@@

For the thrushes, is there any technique to help us easier to find them?
Author: 星魚    Time: 28/09/2015 10:42

The Thrushs Like the shaded area! Especially under the tree have a big leave! Recently, there always have a Blue Whistling thrush at there, and stay steadily, you can walk very close and he even ignore you! But Orange-Headed Thrush will be more alert, it's always hide behind the branches and sheltered by the leave, if he feels successful hide,  he will not move and have a long stay! the site it stays seen not very stable! But it's still there!
You can walk the slope face 何文田廣場/綺文樓! hope hearing the good news from you;)
Author: coconutcat    Time: 28/09/2015 13:38

Original posted by 星魚 at 28/09/2015 10:42
The Thrushs Like the shaded area! Especially under the tree have a big leave! Recently, there always have a Blue Whistling thrush at there, and stay steadily, you can walk very close and he even ignor ...
Thank you very much~!!

I will tried to find the thrush there.
Author: 星魚    Time: 5/10/2015 08:57

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Dark-Sided Flycatcher
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Arctic Warbler
Blue Whistling Thrush

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Blue Whistling Thrush

Yellow-Browed Warbler
Arctic Warbler

Pale-legged Warbler

Blue Rock Thrush  male

Long-Tailed Shrike

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Dark-sided Flycatcher
Orange-Headed Thrush

Arctic Warbler
Yellow-Browed Leaf Warbler
Cinereous Tit
Asian Koel
Black-Collared Starling
Spotted Dove
Crested Myna
White Wagtail
Long-tailed Shrike

Blue Magpie

Tree Sparrow

Arctic Warbler
Cinereous Tit
Blue Whistling Thrush
Common Tailorbird
Asian Brown Flycatcher x2

Yellow-Browed Warbler
Dark-sided Flycatcher

Pale-legged Leaf Warbler

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 5/10/2015 11:33 ]
Author: coconutcat    Time: 5/10/2015 11:03

You are very lucky!!  You found the thrushes again!!

I went to the slope face to 何文田廣場/綺文樓 last Thursday afternoon (10-1-2015) and tried to find the thrushes.  But there is very quiet and no birds at all...@@.  The same situation happened at the football field and the slope beside it.  May be I went there at wrong time...
Author: 星魚    Time: 5/10/2015 13:58

Hi Coconutcat, I think you may nearly to be success,,,,,,Next visit would be rewarded that I think,,,,,Wait for your next Amazing Bird or Birds,,,,,,,!!Cheers!!^^

                 Happy Birding,,,,,,,
Author: 星魚    Time: 12/10/2015 10:32

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Cinereous Tit
Arctic Warbler

Yellow-Browed Warbler
Spotted Dove

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Pale-Legged Leaf Warbler

Arctic Warbler
Grey Wagtail

Cattle Egret
Cinereous Tit
Brown Shrike
House Swift
Black Kite
Oriental Cuckoo

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Arctic Warbler
Pale-Legged Leaf Warbler

Spotted Dove
Oriental Cuckoo

Oriental Cuckoo
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Cinereous Tit
Yellow-Browed Warbler
Spotted Dove
Crested Goshawk
Blue Whistling Thrush
Blue Magpie

Cinereous Tit
Hair-Crested Drongo

Pechola Pipit x2

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Pale-Legged Leaf Warbler
Arctic Warbler
Yellow-Browed Warbler
Common Tailorbird
White Wagtail
Blue Whistling Thrush
Blue Rock Thrush

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 12/10/2015 10:43 ]
Author: SamYui    Time: 18/10/2015 00:40

Asian brown flycatcher x3
Blue rock thrush x2
Common tailorbird x4
Arctic warbler x2
Siberian stonechat x1 (male)
Blue magpie x 2

[ 本帖最後由 SamYui 於 18/10/2015 00:43 編輯 ]
Author: sdavid    Time: 18/10/2015 14:08

A great mix of birds here. What is your patch like with regards to habitats ?
Author: 星魚    Time: 19/10/2015 11:23

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Red-throated Flycatcher
Blue Magpie
Dusky Warbler
Pale-Legged Leaf Warbler
Yellow-Browed Warbler
Cinereous Tit
Grey-streaked Flycatcher
Arctic Warbler

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Pale-Legged Leaf Warbler
Hair-crested Drongo  x3
White-rumped Munia
Arctic Warbler
Orange-Headed Thrush
Dusky Warbler
Long-tailed Shrike
Red-Throated Flycatcher

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Pale-Legged Leaf Warbler
Arctic Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Orange-Headed Thrush

Dusky Warbler
Asian Koel (female)
Red-throated Flycatcher
Blue Magpie
Blue Rock Thrush

Blue Whistling Thrush
Long Tailed Shrike

Red-throated Flycatcher(Male)

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Grey-Streaked Flycatcher

Long Tailed Shrike
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Arctic Warbler
Hair-Crested Drongo

Dusky Warbler

Grey Bushchat (male)

Red-throated Flycatcher (male)

White’s Thrush
Blue Whistling Thrush
Yellow Browed Warbler
Long Tailed Shride
Grey-streaked Flycatcher
Black-naped Monarch x2

Arctic Warbler

Slaty-legged Crake (dead)

Yellow-Legged Buttonquail (dead)

Pale-Legged Leaf Warbler

Dusky Warbler
Hair-crested Drongo
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Yellow Browed Warbler
Rufous-tailed Robin

Hi David,
At the football playground, you can find some field Birds, egret, stonechat or etc,,,,and at the every hill slope,,,,,the flycatchers and thrush will be found,,,,,,enjoy,,,,!!^^

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 19/10/2015 18:15 ]
Author: zaku0328    Time: 26/10/2015 20:49

Daurian Redstart (male)x1
Black-Naped Oriole x1

[ Last edited by zaku0328 at 26/10/2015 20:51 ]

Image Attachment: DSD_8910a.jpg (26/10/2015 20:49, 78.82 KB) / Download count 495

Author: 星魚    Time: 26/10/2015 22:05

Congrats Zaku;)!Nice Find,Nice Photo!
Author: 星魚    Time: 27/10/2015 09:20

Gery-headed Canary-flycatcher

Red-throated Flycatcher
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Blue Whistling Thrush
Black-naped Monarch
Yellow-browed Warbler

Red-throated Flycatcher
Asian Paradise-flycatcher
Dusky Warbler
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler

Daurian Redstart (male)

Red-throated Flycatcher
Asian Brown Flycatcher
White Wagtail
White-rumped Munia
Dark-sided Flycatcher x2

Black-naped Monarch (female x 2)
White-throated Rock Thrush (Male)

Eastern Buzzard

Pale-Legged Leaf Warbler
Yellow-Browed Warbler
A interesting bunting appear in the morning,,it is calling at the truck of a tree,,,,I can't 100% comfirm this bird due to the dark dawn light and also ready to rain,,,,,,but I think 70% is a female Slaty Bunting,,,but please ignore this record,,,,I try hard to take a photo!!

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 27/10/2015 10:49 ]
Author: 星魚    Time: 30/10/2015 16:23

Red-throated Flycatcher
Black-naped Monarch (Female x2)

Masked Laughingthrush
Rock Dove
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Blue Whistling Thrush
Dusky Warbler
Eyebrowed Thrush

Fork-tailed Sunbird (female)
Blue-and-White Flycatcher

Red-throated Flycatcher
Blue Whistling thrush
Black-Naped Monarch
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Large-Billed Crow

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 30/10/2015 16:34 ]
Author: Dawnleaf    Time: 1/11/2015 19:00

Date: 01/11/2015

Taiga Flycatcher x 1
Black-naped Monarch (female) x 2
Black-collared Starling x 2

Image Attachment: Taiga Flycatcher.jpg (1/11/2015 19:00, 55.82 KB) / Download count 457

Image Attachment: Black-naped Monarch female.jpg (1/11/2015 19:00, 55.42 KB) / Download count 469

Image Attachment: Black-collared Starling.jpg (1/11/2015 19:00, 54.72 KB) / Download count 449

Author: 星魚    Time: 3/11/2015 09:29

Red-Throated Flycatcher
Blue Whistling Thrush
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Olive-backed Pipit x3

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Dark-Sided Flycatcher
Grey Wagtail

Blue-and-White Flycatcher (female)

Black-naped Monarch (female x2)

Fork-tailed Sunbird (female)
Scarlet-backed flowerpecker(male)

Cinereous Tit
Greater Coucal

Red-throated Flycatcher
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Dark-sided Flycatcher

Blue Magpie
Black-collared Starling
Dusky Warbler
Long-Tailed Shrike
Spotted Dove
Rock Dove

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 4/11/2015 11:30 ]
Author: louislee    Time: 3/11/2015 13:45

I have been there on 2015.10.31. I made a web blog entry.

http://babblerwarbler.blogspot.h ... w-birding-spot.html

Oriental Magpie Robin - 1
Red-throated Flycatcher - 1
Dark-sided Flycatcher - 1
Yellow-browed Warbler - many

Starfish, may I know which Service Reservoir you saw the Black-naped Mornach Flycatcher? The Ma Tau Wai? The High Level? or the East?
Author: 星魚    Time: 4/11/2015 09:44

HI Louis,
    I always find the birds at Ma Tau Wai service reservoir,,,,but the higher level and the East have so,,,,,,,if you have time, don't miss any possible site,,,,,,,!!^^
    Moreover, your blog indeed is very impressive,,,,,Hope our mutual friends 'Birds' will enhance the content more and more in future,,,,,Happy Birding,,,,!!^^


Black-naped Monarch

Red-throated Flycatcher
Blue Magpie

Black-collared Starling
Greater Coucal
Dusky Warbler
White Wagtail x2
Verditer Flycatcher

Blue-and-White Flycatcher (Juvenile Male)
Olive-backed Pipit

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Dark-sided Flycatcher
Fork-tailed Sunbird (many)

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 4/11/2015 13:48 ]
Author: Gelandrew    Time: 4/11/2015 09:51

Hi Louis & 星魚,  

I work at Ho Man Tin and always hear lots of birds around. I just saw few Red-billed Blue Magpie when I was having a fire drill yesterday .  Plan to go birding next week during lunch time near the reservoir.
Hope I could spot something and tell you all here

Hi 星魚,

I am the one who recorded a bird sound and asked you for ID on last Saturday at Mai Po Car Park. Not sure if you still remember
Hope to see you around at Ho Man Tin.

[ Last edited by Gelandrew at 4/11/2015 10:22 ]
Author: 星魚    Time: 4/11/2015 15:34

Hi Gelandrew,,,
    It is a good news you work besides Homantin,,,,,,,Hope you can explore it more and more,,We have a keen interest in what you discover,,,,don't forget to take photos and post here,,,and find how Homantin wonderful is,,,,,,!!^^

             HAPPY BIRDING,,,,,,,,

Author: 星魚    Time: 9/11/2015 10:20

Olive-backed Pipit x2
Chinese Blackbird

Cinerous Tit

Siberian Rubbythroat(female)

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Olive-backed Pipit
Mugimaki Flycatcher

Red-throated Flycatcher
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler

This is an End of the Autumn Record, next Thread will be Homantin Winter record!

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 9/11/2015 10:29 ]

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