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Subject: Po Toi August/September 2015 [Print This Page]

Author: wgeoff    Time: 28/08/2015 17:55     Subject: Po Toi August/September 2015

Thursday 27 August was my first visit to the Island in autumn this year. Others have already been and Arctic Warbler, Asian Paradise Flycatcher and a very early Grey-streaked Flycaycher have already been recorded.

First new thing, the ferry price! Now set at HK$50 for the return journey, no single fares any more (no bad thing that). So a 25% increase in fares, still very cheap for a two-hour return journey but quite a shock!
Also, in case anyone is interested, a new ferry schedule from Aberdeen to Cheung Chau, see here. I think that will be very popular, no need to go to Central to get to Cheung Chau. Leaves from the Po Toi Ferry terminal.

Many terns still around Po Toi Rock (Castle Rock), certainly Bridled and Black-naped, possibly some Roseate also. Quite late to still be around the Rock, maybe a good breeding season there this year.

Not much to see on the Island - except for two Himalayan Swiftlets flying around the Sister's Cafe for about 30 minutes at mid-day. I'm not carrying my big camera these days, so only this distant shot

Apart from these, only Sea Eagle, White-throated Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail, White-rumped Munia and Tree Sparrow. No warblers or flycatchers seen.

Visitors to Po Toi, please post any sightings here as usual.
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 28/08/2015 19:06


Thanks for opening your account of patch watching for Po Toi now.

I'll follow suit sometime next week after the predicted rainy days.

S L Tai
Author: wgeoff    Time: 2/09/2015 09:43

Thanks Mr Tai, look forward to seeing your Shing Mun thread.

Not many birds around yesterday (Tuesday 1 September), still a little early for the start of the main passage.

50 Bridled Terns still around Po Toi Rock.

Two species of Kingfisher seen, White-throated and Common. Common is a regular early autumn migrant, White-throated is an occasional visitor and may stay longer.

Other species included Asian Koel, a juvenile male possibly bred on the island (say thank you to the Black Drongos), a White Wagtail, two Arctic Warblers, an Asia Brown Flycatcher, three Tree Sparrows left over from the summer breeding and a White-shouldered Starling plus a Brown Shrike seen by Lo Chun Fai from the Ferry as it was leaving.

But bird of the day was spotted near the Ferry by another Po Toi rarity, Beetle Cheng, on loan for the day from Wetland Park.

This is just the third Island record for this species, but it may be the same bird as the second, seen on 25 May this year by Alan Pong and stayed for the summer.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 2/09/2015 09:47 ]
Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 2/09/2015 12:52


You may be interested to know the following. Two Common Mynas were also seen at a remote island, where the Greater Crested Terns breed, along Zhejiang province in late May, this spring.

Author: wgeoff    Time: 3/09/2015 07:16

Thanks Tung, very interesting. I wonder if these coastal birds could be wild birds spreading north-east.

One day, when we can fit all trapped birds with tracking devices rather than inert metal rings, we will find the answers.
The technology will come, if it does not already exist within the secret services.

Author: wilsondring    Time: 3/09/2015 21:32

Original posted by wgeoff at 3/09/2015 07:16
Thanks Tung, very interesting. I wonder if these coastal birds could be wild birds spreading north-east.

One day, when we can fit all trapped birds with tracking devices rather than inert metal rings ...
when not used to spy on human, they can be quite useful for scientists and birders ..
Author: fai584    Time: 3/09/2015 22:10


Black Drongo
Asian Paradise Flycather
Grey-capped Greenfinch
Author: Bandrew    Time: 7/09/2015 20:05


Hot Sunny Day, No Wind or Cloud cover

Quite a lot of birds around but mainly local residents. Nothing much around the lagoon as the water level seems  low. Most of the side paths are overgrown so stayed on the main paths.

Birds seen:
Crested Myna (15-20)
Masked Laughing Thrush
Whiskered and Chinese Bulbul's
Black Drongo
Eurasian Sparrows (7+)
Oriental Magpie Robin (M&F)
Crow [Large Billed?] heard and seen vaguely
Black Kite (4+)
Little Egret
Greater Cougal [Heard]
Shrike [probably the Brown one seen earlier this week]
Asian Paradise Flycatcher [F]
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Dark Sided or Grey Streaked Flycatcher [see pic below]

[ Last edited by Bandrew at 7/09/2015 20:08 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_0847trim.jpg (7/09/2015 20:05, 83.88 KB) / Download count 593

Image Attachment: IMG_0914trimmed2.jpg (7/09/2015 20:05, 86.91 KB) / Download count 601

Author: lchunfai    Time: 8/09/2015 21:32

Dark-sided and Asian Brown.
Author: dallas    Time: 10/09/2015 03:46     Subject: 5/9/15

Author: wgeoff    Time: 11/09/2015 18:31     Subject: Second Week in September

Best bird this week was a Chinese Sparrowhawk on Thursday.

This bird was migrating coastally and I was lucky to see it as it passed quickly over headed towards Lamma.

Apart from this, a Pacific Swift, at least two Dollarbirds, a Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike photographed by Peter2014, Brown Shrike, Arctic and Pale-legged Leaf Warblers, Asia Brown Flycatcher, Black-naped Oriole (first winter), White-shouldered Starlings and Black Drongo. Still up to four Bridled Terns around Po Toi Rock.

Hope for more next week.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 11/09/2015 18:47 ]
Author: tgraham    Time: 13/09/2015 21:28

Po Toi Sunday 14th September 15

Himalayan Swiftlet 1
Arctic Warbler 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Dollarbird 1
Black-napped Oriole 3
Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Black-caped Kingfisher 1

Author: wgeoff    Time: 16/09/2015 18:52

One visit only this week - on Tuesday.

I always say the best time to see a good bird on Po Toi is five minutes before the Ferry leaves (actually I used to say five minutes after the Ferry leaves when I stayed on the Island). And it was on Tuesday. A chattering Red-throated Flycatcher near the Ferry pier, just time to see it before running for the Ferry.

Also there, Dollarbird, Brown Shrike, a calling Yellow-browed Warbler, three Arctic Warblers, five Asia Brown Flycatchers and two Black-naped Orioles.

Not too exciting, hope for more next week again.
Author: coconutcat    Time: 16/09/2015 20:56

Original posted by wgeoff at 16/09/2015 18:52
One visit only this week - on Tuesday.

I always say the best time to see a good bird on Po Toi is five minutes before the Ferry leaves (actually I used to say five minutes after the Ferry leaves when ...
Which part of the island you saw Dollarbird, Brown Shrike, and Black-naped Orioles?

I was in the island last Sunday (2015-9-13) but only found 2 Asian Brown Flycatchers...
Author: wgeoff    Time: 17/09/2015 06:31

The Dollarbird is in the central area near the Ferry Pier and can often be seen sitting near the top of the tall tree just below The School.

There are several Brown Shrikes but they are more difficult to find. One last Tuesday near the Sister's Cafe but they have also been seen in The School area.

Black-naped Orioles favour the very tall dark green trees to the right of the Ferry Pier as you come down the pier from the ferry.

Hope this helps.
Author: coconutcat    Time: 17/09/2015 10:42

Original posted by wgeoff at 17/09/2015 06:31
The Dollarbird is in the central area near the Ferry Pier and can often be seen sitting near the top of the tall tree just below The School.

There are several Brown Shrikes but they are more difficul ...
Thank you for your information.
Author: Kremer    Time: 18/09/2015 10:27

Po Toi 15-9-2015 Tuesday

Dollarbird 三寶鳥

Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲

Image Attachment: 579A3827-1-2.jpg (18/09/2015 10:27, 168.68 KB) / Download count 574

Image Attachment: 579A3945-1-2.jpg (18/09/2015 10:27, 146.56 KB) / Download count 568

Author: Kremer    Time: 18/09/2015 10:32

Yellow-browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯

Pacific Reef Egret 岩鷺

Image Attachment: 579A3882-1.jpg (18/09/2015 10:32, 167.4 KB) / Download count 515

Image Attachment: 579A3971-1-2.jpg (18/09/2015 10:32, 134.42 KB) / Download count 544

Author: leo2012    Time: 21/09/2015 19:50


juv. Blue and White Flycatcher

Dollar Bird (3)

Black-naped Orioles (2)

Asia Brown Flycatcher (6)
Grey Streaked Flycatcher
Arctic Warbler(4)
Author: irsychan    Time: 29/09/2015 08:19

28 September 2015 Po Toi

Ashy Drongo 灰卷尾

Yellow-fronted Canary 黃額絲雀
Two yellow-fronted canary were seen.

Dollar Bird 三寶鳥

Black-naped Oriole 黑枕黃鸝

Black Drongo 黑卷尾

White-shouldered Starling 灰背椋鳥

Dark-sided Flycatcher (first-winter juvenile) 烏鶲(幼鳥)

Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲

[ Last edited by irsychan at 8/10/2015 21:53 ]
Author: peter2014    Time: 29/09/2015 23:23     Subject: 29 Sep 2015

May I know which kinds of Falcon should it be?

Ashy Drongo

Dark sided flycatcher

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Author: lchunfai    Time: 30/09/2015 01:10

Original posted by peter2014 at 29/09/2015 23:23
May I know which kinds of Falcon should it be?

Ashy Drongo

Dark sided flycatcher
eurasian hobby

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