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Subject: [China] Golden Eagle & other raptors from a Xijnjiang sight-seeing trip [Print This Page]

Author: Paux    Time: 24/09/2015 18:43     Subject: Golden Eagle & other raptors from a Xijnjiang sight-seeing trip

Time : Aug to Sept 2015 (about 4 weeks)
Areas visited : mainly scenic areas at N. Xinjiang on a self-driving sight-seeing trip
Golden Eagle (adult & sub-adult)金鵰 @ Sayram Lake 賽里木湖

Image Attachment: IMG_4977ra-compressed.jpg (24/09/2015 18:43, 134.71 KB) / Download count 512

Image Attachment: IMG_4986bw-compressed.jpg (24/09/2015 18:43, 57.39 KB) / Download count 526

Author: Paux    Time: 24/09/2015 18:45

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Image Attachment: IMG_5008ra-compressed.jpg (24/09/2015 18:45, 62.01 KB) / Download count 527

Author: Paux    Time: 24/09/2015 19:08

The place where these 2 eagles appeared in the sky :

A view of Sayram Lake

Image Attachment: DSCF2040-compressed.jpg (24/09/2015 19:08, 116.66 KB) / Download count 555

Image Attachment: DSCF2013r-compressed.jpg (24/09/2015 19:08, 71.9 KB) / Download count 528

Author: Paux    Time: 24/09/2015 19:25

Himalayan Griffon 高山兀鷲 @ a canyon at Ili 伊黎

(to be cont'd)

[ Last edited by Paux at 25/09/2015 20:45 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_4687ra.jpg (24/09/2015 19:25, 103.41 KB) / Download count 491

Image Attachment: IMG_4605ra.jpg (24/09/2015 19:25, 93.12 KB) / Download count 536

Author: Paux    Time: 25/09/2015 21:03

The canyon at where the griffon flew over our car

Image Attachment: DSCF2028r-compressed.jpg (25/09/2015 21:03, 173.98 KB) / Download count 478

Author: Paux    Time: 25/09/2015 21:07

Long-legged Buzzard 棕尾鵟

Image Attachment: IMG_5249ra-compressed.jpg (25/09/2015 21:07, 62.05 KB) / Download count 524

Image Attachment: IMG_5250ra-compressed.jpg (25/09/2015 21:07, 91.05 KB) / Download count 506

Image Attachment: IMG_5161ra-compressed.jpg (25/09/2015 21:07, 53.01 KB) / Download count 532

Author: Paux    Time: 25/09/2015 21:10

A different LLB

Upland Buzzard 大鵟

Image Attachment: IMG_5081bw-compressed.jpg (25/09/2015 21:10, 142.43 KB) / Download count 479

Image Attachment: IMG_4715ra-compressed.jpg (25/09/2015 21:10, 53.42 KB) / Download count 531

Author: Paux    Time: 25/09/2015 21:21

Eurasian Sparrowhawk 雀鷹

End. Thanks for viewing. More photos of birds other than raptors will be posted in a new thread.

Image Attachment: IMG_4448ra-compressed.jpg (25/09/2015 21:21, 115.26 KB) / Download count 519

Image Attachment: IMG_4453bwa-compressed.jpg (25/09/2015 21:21, 75.77 KB) / Download count 543

Author: HFCheung    Time: 2/10/2015 11:54

The second eagle is an adult Steppe Eagle, not Golden Eagle. Not the lightly-barred flight feathers.
HF Cheung
Author: Paux    Time: 3/10/2015 17:25

Fai Gor, thanks for your correction.
Initially, when I spotted these 2 eagles above the mountain, they clashed in the sky for a short while.

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