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Subject: [Bittern] Cinnamon Bittern (new pics added) [Print This Page]

Author: kc3018    Time: 4/10/2015 13:51     Subject: Cinnamon Bittern (new pics added)

Cinnamon Bittern 栗葦鳽

Mai Po

[ Last edited by kc3018 at 5/10/2015 23:51 ]

Image Attachment: _DSC9349b.jpg (4/10/2015 13:51, 81.86 KB) / Download count 629

Image Attachment: _DSC9361b.jpg (4/10/2015 13:51, 133.69 KB) / Download count 622

Image Attachment: _DSC9383b.jpg (4/10/2015 13:51, 128.65 KB) / Download count 631

Image Attachment: _DSC9388b.jpg (4/10/2015 13:51, 121.56 KB) / Download count 604

Author: lexusjohn    Time: 4/10/2015 20:59

Good find !
Author: kc3018    Time: 5/10/2015 23:50     Subject: is this the same species?

I found this bird around the Cinnamon Bittern that day, is this a juvenile or is it only a Chinese Pond Heron?

Image Attachment: _DSC9329b.jpg (5/10/2015 23:50, 152.98 KB) / Download count 555

Image Attachment: _DSC9333b.jpg (5/10/2015 23:50, 163.36 KB) / Download count 562

Author: kmatthew    Time: 6/10/2015 14:58

This one looks like a Yellow Bittern.
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 6/10/2015 19:33

原帖由 kmatthew 於 6/10/2015 14:58 發表
This one looks like a Yellow Bittern.
Yes! You can find different from their eyes.^^
Author: wgeoff    Time: 7/10/2015 09:06

Interesting observation.

Several Bittern species have a dark mark at the rear of the iris - Schrencks's and also Cinnamon it appears.
Here is an old Screnck's photo of mine

but it seems Yellow Bittern does not.

I still don't know what the function of this dark iris mark is.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 7/10/2015 09:34 ]
Author: kc3018    Time: 7/10/2015 10:41

Original posted by kmatthew at 6/10/2015 14:58
This one looks like a Yellow Bittern.
thanks to kmattew, 華仔 and wgeoff for identifying the bird.

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