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Subject: [Others 其他] 「自然話語」相片展覽 “Language of Nature” Photo Exhibition [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 7/10/2015 11:33     Subject: 「自然話語」相片展覽 “Language of Nature” Photo Exhibition

香港國際攝影節文化藝墟 2015

Invitation to the Hong Kong International Photo Festival Flare 2015 -
Eco Institute “Language of Nature” Photo Exhibition

生態協會將於2015年10月3日至25日期間,假座賽馬會創意藝術中心舉辦香港國際攝影文化藝墟 2015—生態協會「自然話語」相片展覽。現誠邀大家出席展覽的開幕儀式及參觀,有關詳情如下:

展覽期:2015年10月3日至25日 (上午10時至晚上8時)
              *每個星期六 (下午3時至4時及5時至6時)及星期日(下午1時至2時及4時至5時)均設有相片導賞,歡迎參加)
開幕儀式:2015年10月10日 (星期六)下午3時正
地點:九龍石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心 L0藝廊

攝影集 (每本港幣100元) 義賣所得的款項,扣除成本後將會全數撥捐「苗圃行動」。

Eco Institute will be holding the Hong Kong International Photo Festival Flare 2015 – Eco Institute “Language of Nature” Photo Exhibition at the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) from 3 to 25 October 2015. You are cordially invited to the Opening Ceremony and the details are as follows:

Event name: Eco Institute “Language of Nature” Photo Exhibition
Exhibition period: 3 – 25 October 2015 (from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
Opening Ceremony: 10 October 2015 (Saturday) at 3 p.m.             *Guided section on every Saturday and Sunday afternoon will be provide.
Venue: L0 Gallery, JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon
Co-organized by: Eco Institute and the Hong Kong International Photo Festival

All funds generated from the photo albums (HK$100 per pc) will be donated to Sowers Action after cost deduction.

展覽詳情及請柬 Exhibition Details & Invitation card: LON_invitation_card.pdf (1.04 MB)

Image Attachment: LON_poster_24x34_1p.jpg (7/10/2015 11:33, 1.04 MB) / Download count 648

Attachment: LON_invitation_card.pdf (7/10/2015 11:33, 1.04 MB) / Download count 729

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