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Subject: [Oversea] South Australia <Updated> [Print This Page]

Author: wilsondring    Time: 31/10/2015 22:09     Subject: South Australia <Updated>

Visited my parents in Adelaide last week and spent 5.5 days birding, hiring a guide on only one of those days .. visited 12 locations and came back with 61 lifers .. (end Oct 2015)

St Kilda Tidal Flats
-Masked Lapwing*
-European Goldfinch*
-Pacific Gull*
-Pied Cormorant*
-Australian Pied Oystercatcher*
-Australian Pelican*
-Black Swan*
-Banded Stilt*
-Caspian Tern
-Royal Spoonbill*
(11 Species - 10 Lifers)

Port Adelaide
-Australian White Ibis*
-Welcome Swallow*
(2 Species - 2 Lifers)

Adelaide University Football Club
-Magpie Lark*
-Willie Wagtail*
-Common Starling*
(3 Species - 3 Lifers)

Riverglads Wetlands
-Superb Fairy-Wren*
(1 Species - 1 Lifer)

Browns Road, Monaro
-White-Winged Chough*
-Rainbow Bee-Eater*
(2 Species - 2 Lifers)

Laratinga Wetlands
-Hoary-Headed Grebe*
-Chestnut Teal*
-Grey Teal*
-Eurasian Coot*
-Australasian Shoveler*
-Red-Kneed Dotterel*
-Black-Fronted Dotterel*
-Australasian Shoveler*
-Freckled Duck*
-Masked Lapwing
-Common Starling
-Australian Wood Duck*
-Australasian Swamphen*
-Yellow-Plumed Honeyeater*
-Superb Fairy-Wren
-Pacific Black Duck*
-Australian White Ibis
-Crested Shrike-Tit*
-Common Bronzewing*
-Crimson Rosella (Adelaide)*
-Yellow Billed Spoonbill*
(22 Species, 17 Lifers)

Belair National Park
-Australian Magpie*
-Grey Fantail*
-Laughing Kookaburra*
-White-Browed Scrub Wren*
-New Holland Honeyeater*
-Australian Raven*
-Musk Lorikeet*
-Australian Magpie*
-Eastern Rosella*
-Musk Lorikeet*
-Dusky Moorhen*
-Northern Mallard*
(14 Species, 13 Lifers)

Torrens River Bridge
-Rainbow Lorikeet*
-Black Swan
-Pacific Black Ducks
-White-Faced Heron*
-Dusky Moorhen
-Northern Mallard
-Australian Wood Duck
(7 Species, 2 Lifers)

Paiwalla Wetlands
-Red-Necked Avocet*
-Little Cormorant
-Australian Shelduck*
-Musk Duck*
-Pink-Eared Duck*
-Black-Tailed Nativehen*
-Singing Honeyeater*
(7 Species, 6 Lifers)

North Glenelg
-Australian Pelican
-Australasian Swamphen
-Australian Grebe*
-Little Cormorant
-Australian Pelican
-Australian Raven
-Eurasian Coot
-White-Faced Heron
-Crested Pigeon*
(10 Species, 2 Lifers)

Adelaide Botanic Garden
-Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo*
-Nosy Miner*
-Rainbow Lorikeet
(4 Species, 3 Lifers)

**61 Lifers**

[ Last edited by wilsondring at 3/11/2015 21:59 ]
Author: wilsondring    Time: 31/10/2015 22:11

Adelaide Botanic Gardens

Image Attachment: [Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo] WD1D7335.jpg (31/10/2015 22:11, 113.41 KB) / Download count 502

Image Attachment: [Noisy Miner] WD1D6868.jpg (31/10/2015 22:11, 108.77 KB) / Download count 502

Image Attachment: [Rainbow Lorikeet] WD1D7047.jpg (31/10/2015 22:11, 104.75 KB) / Download count 481

Image Attachment: [Magpie-Lark (Murray Magpie)] WD1D7680.jpg (31/10/2015 22:11, 91.58 KB) / Download count 493

Author: wilsondring    Time: 3/11/2015 21:49

North Glenleg

[ Last edited by wilsondring at 3/11/2015 21:50 ]

Image Attachment: [Australian Pelican] WD1D8675.jpg (3/11/2015 21:49, 72.01 KB) / Download count 474

Image Attachment: [White-Faced Heron] 5O5A4108.jpg (3/11/2015 21:49, 65.41 KB) / Download count 519

Image Attachment: [Little Pied Cormorant] WD1D8093.jpg (3/11/2015 21:49, 58.17 KB) / Download count 500

Image Attachment: [Eurasian Coots] 5O5A4148.jpg (3/11/2015 21:49, 45.46 KB) / Download count 516

Image Attachment: [Crested Pigeon] WD1D8357.jpg (3/11/2015 21:49, 41.94 KB) / Download count 485

Image Attachment: [Hoary-Headed Grebe] WD1D0570.jpg (3/11/2015 21:49, 39.84 KB) / Download count 479

Image Attachment: [Pacific Black Duck] WD1D0708.jpg (3/11/2015 21:49, 37.98 KB) / Download count 453

Image Attachment: [Little Cormorant] WD1D0921.jpg (3/11/2015 21:49, 37.46 KB) / Download count 500

Image Attachment: [Australian Raven] WD1D8603.jpg (3/11/2015 21:49, 36.23 KB) / Download count 512

Image Attachment: [Hardhead] WD1D0609.jpg (3/11/2015 21:50, 32.94 KB) / Download count 497

Image Attachment: [Australian Grebe] WD1D0820.jpg (3/11/2015 21:50, 32.56 KB) / Download count 478

Image Attachment: [Australisian Swamphen] WD1D1108.jpg (3/11/2015 21:50, 31.73 KB) / Download count 475

Image Attachment: [Silver Gull] WD1D8286.jpg (3/11/2015 21:50, 28.24 KB) / Download count 496

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