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Subject: 2015 Homantin Winter [Print This Page]

Author: 星魚    Time: 11/11/2015 09:33     Subject: 2015 Homantin Winter

Radde's Warbler

Black-naped Monarch
Common Kestrel
Eastern Buzzard
Daurian Redstart  (female)
Hair-crested Drongo

Chinese Blackbird x2

Blue-and-White Flycatcher (female)

Eastern Buzzard
Long-tailed Shrike
White Wagtail

Eastern Buzzard
Red-throated Flycatcher
Blue-whistling Thrush
Blue-and-White Flycatcher (adult male)
Mugimaki Flycatcher  (1st Winter Male)
Dark-Sided Flycatcher
Black-Naped Monarch (female)

Chinese Blackbird   x3
White-rumped Munia

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 7/03/2016 11:19 ]
Author: 星魚    Time: 20/11/2015 15:58

Eastern Buzzard

Black-naped Monacrh (female)
Cinereous Tit
Black-collared Starling
Verditer Flycatcher
Greater Coucal
Chestnut Bulbul x6

Chestnut Bulbul
Japanese Thrush x4
Greater Coucal
Blue Whistling Thrush
Red-throated Flycatcher
Dark-Sided Flycatchre
Cinereous Tit
Yellow-browed Warbler
Large-billed Crow
White Wagtail
Olive-backed Pipit

Long-tailed Shrike
White-throated Rock Thrush (female)

Mugimaki Flycatcher   x5  male+female

Yellow-browed Warbler
Japanese Thrush

Eastern Buzzard

Black-naped Monarch
Olive-backed Pipit
Long-Tailed Shrike
Red-throated Flycatcher
Cinereous Tit
White Wagtail
Daurian Redstart    Female

Blue Whistling Thrush
Blue Magpie
Chestnut Bulbul
Author: zaku0328    Time: 24/11/2015 16:57

Red-Flanked Bluetail

Grey-Sided Thrush

Image Attachment: [Red-Flanked Bluetail] DSE_1794[1].jpg (24/11/2015 16:57, 73.73 KB) / Download count 541

Image Attachment: [Grey-Sided Thrush] DSE_1859c.jpg (24/11/2015 16:57, 79.46 KB) / Download count 521

Author: lpaul    Time: 24/11/2015 18:13

I would say the thrush is a Pale Thrush. Not the pale fringes to the outer primaries which is not shown by Grey-sided. Grey-sided would be a first for HK.
Author: 星魚    Time: 27/11/2015 11:04

Mugimaki Flycatcher
Chestnut Bulbul
Japanese Thrush (a flock of 6)
Eastern Buzzard
Olive-backed Pipit
Blue Whistling Thrush
Blue Magpie

Blue Magpie
Olive-backed Pipit
Chestnut Bulbul
Red-flanked bluetail  (female)
Daurian Redstart   (male+female)
Cinereous tit

Pale Thrush
Daurian Redstart  (MALE+FEMALE)

Olive-Backed Pipit
Red-flanked BlueTail  (female)

Blue Whistling Thrush

Chestnut Bulbul
Red-Throated Flycatcher
Masked Laughingthrush
Blue Magpie
Dusky Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Long-tailed Shrike

Grey-backed Thrush  (female)

Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Red-Flanked BlueTail  (female)
Black-naped Monarch
Red-throated flycatcher
Long-tailed Shrike
Rufous-tailed Robin

Chestnut Bulbul

Daurian Redstart  (male+female)
Red-flanked BlueTail   (female)
Alexandrine Parakeet    x2
Black-naped Monarch  x2
Blue Whistling Thrush
Red-Throated Flycatcher
Chestnut Bulbul
Long-tailed Shrike

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 4/12/2015 10:43 ]
Author: 星魚    Time: 4/12/2015 13:53

Red-throated Flycatcher
Olive-backed Pipit   x7
Yellow-browed Warbler
Red-flanked BlueTail    (female)

Pale Thrush    x2

Spotted Dove
Blue Whistling Thrush
Chestnut Bulbul
Grey Wagtail

Long-tailed Shrike

Red-throated Flycatcher
Olive-backed Pipit  x4
Blue Whistling Thrush
Black-naped Monarch
Great Commorant
Great Coucal
Daurian Redstart  (male)

Red-throated Flycatcher
Olive-backed Pipit
Japanese Thrush  x2 female

Large-billed Crow  x3
Scarlet-backed Flowerpacker
Fork-tailed Sunbird

Alexandrine Parakeet   x2
Red-throated Flycatcher
Japanese Thrush  Male
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas’s leaf Warbler
Olive-backed Pipit
Cinereous Tit
Black-naped Monarch
Blue Magpie
Large-billed Crow
White Wagtail
Red-breasted Flycatcher

White-rumped Munia

Red-flanked BlueTail
Chinese Blackbird

Grey-backed Thrush male

Dusky Warbler
Common Tailorbird
Long-tailed Shrike
Fork-tailed Sunbird  female
Daurian Redstart  2xMale

Fork-tailed Sunbird
Red-throated Flycatcher
Daurian Redstart   female
Olive-backed Pipit
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas’s leaf Warbler
Radde's Warbler

Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-flanked Bluetail
White-rumped Munia
Asian Brown Flycatcher

During watching the Radde's Warbler,,,,somebody even have more interest than me,,,,,,I guess how many treasured Migrants eatem by them,,,,,,,!!here is the video,,,,,

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 7/03/2016 11:23 ]
Author: Dawnleaf    Time: 11/12/2015 21:50     Subject: Warbler for ID

Date: 11/12/2015
Venue: Ho Man Tin Service Reservoir

To me, it looks like an Arctic Warbler. But I am puzzled by the white colour of its upper beak.

Image Attachment: Warbler for ID (2).jpg (11/12/2015 21:50, 65.5 KB) / Download count 502

Image Attachment: Warbler for ID (1).jpg (11/12/2015 21:50, 73.55 KB) / Download count 480

Author: Dawnleaf    Time: 11/12/2015 21:53     Subject: Pale Thrush

Date: 11/12/2015
Venue: Ho Man Tin Service Reservoir

Image Attachment: Pale Thrush.jpg (11/12/2015 21:53, 89.76 KB) / Download count 501

Author: Dawnleaf    Time: 11/12/2015 21:56     Subject: Abnormal Tree Sparrow

Date: 11/12/2015
Venue: Ho Man Tin

Image Attachment: Abnormal Tree Sparrow (2).jpg (11/12/2015 21:56, 59.29 KB) / Download count 488

Image Attachment: Abnormal Tree Sparrow.jpg (11/12/2015 21:56, 55.71 KB) / Download count 488

Author: Dawnleaf    Time: 11/12/2015 22:03     Subject: Yellow-browed Warbler

Date: 11/12/2015
Venue: Ho Man Tin Service Reservoir

Image Attachment: Yellow-browed Warbler.jpg (11/12/2015 22:03, 52.8 KB) / Download count 469

Author: ajohn    Time: 12/12/2015 16:55

Original posted by Dawnleaf at 11/12/2015 21:50
Date: 11/12/2015
Venue: Ho Man Tin Service Reservoir

To me, it looks like an Arctic Warbler. But I am puzzled by the white colour of its upper beak.
This bird is a Yellow-browed Warbler. The tertials have pale fringes and the secondaries are dark at the base.
Author: Dawnleaf    Time: 14/12/2015 22:18     Subject: Ho Man Tin Winter

Date : 14/12/2015

Black-naped Monarch x 3
Brown-headed Thrush
Pale Thrush
Black-naped Oriole juvenile
Crested Myna x 5
Masked Laughing Thrush x 6
Fork-tailed Sunbird, male & female
White-rumped Munia

[ Last edited by Dawnleaf at 14/12/2015 22:20 ]

Image Attachment: Black-naped Monarch.jpg (14/12/2015 22:18, 56.71 KB) / Download count 448

Image Attachment: Brown-headed Thrush.jpg (14/12/2015 22:18, 79.43 KB) / Download count 436

Image Attachment: Pale Thrush.jpg (14/12/2015 22:18, 96.35 KB) / Download count 506

Image Attachment: Black-naped Oriole.jpg (14/12/2015 22:18, 61.82 KB) / Download count 481

Image Attachment: Crested Myna.jpg (14/12/2015 22:18, 117.31 KB) / Download count 456

Image Attachment: Female Fork-tailed Sunbird.jpg (14/12/2015 22:18, 86.57 KB) / Download count 502

Image Attachment: White-rumped Munia.jpg (14/12/2015 22:18, 86.57 KB) / Download count 446

Image Attachment: White-rumped Munia.jpg (14/12/2015 22:20, 84.23 KB) / Download count 491

Author: wgeoff    Time: 15/12/2015 06:14

Congratulations, some good records again from this location.

Black-naped Oriole is unusual this late.
Author: Dawnleaf    Time: 15/12/2015 07:32

Thanks Geoff!
Author: irsychan    Time: 15/12/2015 08:36

Original posted by Dawnleaf at 14/12/2015 22:18
Date : 14/12/2015

Black-naped Monarch x 3
Brown-headed Thrush
Pale Thrush
Black-naped Oriole juvenile
Crested Myna x 5
Masked Laughing Thrush x 6
Fork-tailed Sunbird, male & female
White-rumped Munia ...
嘩! 大豐收!
Author: talkgirlelena    Time: 15/12/2015 15:35

My Homantin Winter records

Blue Magpie
Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Arctic Warbler
Daurian Redstart female

Image Attachment: Daurian Redstart female.JPG (15/12/2015 15:35, 118.44 KB) / Download count 465

Author: talkgirlelena    Time: 15/12/2015 15:40

My Homantin Winter Records

Fork-tailed Sunbird female
Asia Brown Flycatcher
Black-naped Monarch female

[ Last edited by talkgirlelena at 15/12/2015 15:42 ]

Image Attachment: Fork_tailed Sunbird female.JPG (15/12/2015 15:40, 47.23 KB) / Download count 450

Image Attachment: Asia Brown Flycatcher.JPG (15/12/2015 15:40, 59.43 KB) / Download count 458

Image Attachment: Black_naped Monarch.jpg (15/12/2015 15:40, 17.58 KB) / Download count 425

Author: 星魚    Time: 18/12/2015 14:51

Fork-tailed Sunbird  Female
Black Kite
Large-billed Crow
Red-flanked BlueTail  female
Mugimaki Flycatcher  1st Winter male

Olive-backed Pipit
White Wagtail
Rock Dove
Tree Sparrow
Blue Whistling Thrush
Red-breasted Flycatcher

Black-naped Monarch  female

Dusky Warbler

Pale Thrush

Red-flanked BlueTail   female
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Cinereous Tit
Black-naped Monarch  x2 female
Daurian Redstart  Male
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Blue Whistling Thrush

Red-Breasted Flycatcher
Chinese Blackbird
Grey-backed Thrush  Male
Blue Whistling Thrush

Black-naped Monarch  female
Daurian Redstart  Male

Olive-backed Pipit  x3
Red-flanked BlueTail  female

Japanese Thrush  Female+male
Red-Breasted Flycatcher
Red-throated Flycatcher
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Dusky Warbler

Black-naped Monarch  x2 female
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-throated Flycatcher
Fork-tailed Sunbird  (female)

Black-naped Oriole

Brown-headed thrush  
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Red-flanked Bluetail   Female

Red-throated Flycatcher
Mugimaki Flycatcher  Male

Olive-backed Pipit
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Cinereous Tit
Long-tailed Shrike
Masked Laughingthrush

Brown-headed Thrush
Red-flanked Bluetail  (female)
Black-naped Oriole
Olive-backed Pipit
Grey-backed Thrush  (female)
Red-throated Flycatcher

Red-flanked Bluetail  (female)
Chinese Blackbird

Black-naped Monarch
Radde's Warbler

Asian Koel  (male)
Cinereous Tit
Red-throated Flycatcher

Olive-backed Pipit
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Common Tailorbird
White-rumped Munia
Daurian Redstart   (Male+Female)

Black-naped Monarch
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Red-throated Flycatcher
Brown-headed Thrush

Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-flanked BlueTail Female
Asian Koel male
Olive-backed Pipit
Dusky Warbler
Cinereous Tit
Black Kite
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Grey-Backed Thrush (female)

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 7/03/2016 11:26 ]
Author: Dawnleaf    Time: 21/12/2015 20:49     Subject: Ho Man Tin Winter

Date: 21/12/2015

Black-naped Monarch x 1
Brown-headed Thrush x 1
Daurian Redstart female x 1
Red-flanked Bluetail female x 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher x 1

Image Attachment: Black-naped Monarch (1).jpg (21/12/2015 20:49, 82.73 KB) / Download count 457

Image Attachment: Black-naped Monarch (2).jpg (21/12/2015 20:49, 58.34 KB) / Download count 473

Image Attachment: Black-naped Monarch (3).jpg (21/12/2015 20:49, 107.75 KB) / Download count 460

Image Attachment: Black-naped Monarch (4).jpg (21/12/2015 20:49, 103.12 KB) / Download count 466

Image Attachment: Brown-headed Thrush.jpg (21/12/2015 20:49, 135.41 KB) / Download count 455

Author: 星魚    Time: 18/01/2016 13:54

Red-throated Flycatcher
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Brown-headed Thrush

Olive-backed Pipit
Red-flanked Bluetail  femalex2

Cinereous Tit     
Common Kestrel
Daurian Redstart   Male&female
Large-billed Crow
Black-naped Monarch (female)

Black-naped Monarch  female
Japanese White-eye
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Brown-headed Thrush

Black-naped Monarch
Japanese White-eye
Red-throated Flycatcher
Red-breasted Flycatcjer
Cinereous Tit
Daurian Redstart  (Male+Female)
Red-flanked Bluetail  (female+male)

Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Olive-Backed Pipit
White-rumped Munia
Rock Dove

Japanese Thrush  female
Eastern Buzzard

Daurian Redstart  (male+female)
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-throated Flycatcher
Red-flanked Bluetail  (male+female)

Olive-backed Pipit
Cinereous Tit
Large-billed Crow

Eastern Buzzard

Black-naped Monarch
Grey Bushchat (female)

Red-throated Flycatcher
Olive-backed Pipit
Large-billed Crow
Alexandrine Parakeet x2

Black-naped Monarch
Blue Whistling Thrush
Red-throated Flycatcher
Yellow-browed Warbler
Blue Magpie  x10
Daurian Redstart  Male
Red-flanked BlueTail  female
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Black Kite
Grey-backed Thrush (male)

Daurian Redstart  Male
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Cinereous Tit
Alexandrine Parakeet   x2
Blue Magpie

Red-throated Flycatcher
Dusky Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Chinese Blackbird

Grey Bushchat (female)

Blue Magpie
Daurian Redstart (male+female)

Red-flanked Bluetail (female)
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-throated Flycatcher
Black-naped Monarch (female)

Asian Koel  (female)

Grey Bushchat (female)

Red-flanked Bluetail (male+female)

White-rumped Munia
Cinereous Tit
Blue Whistling Thrush
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-throated Flycatcher
Tristram’s Bunting (MALE)

Radde's Warbler
Black-naped Monarch

Black-naped Monarch
Radde's Warbler
Red-flanked Bluetail (female)
Red-throated Flycatcher
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Grey-backed Thrush (male)

Large-billed Crow
White-rumped Munia
Tristram’s Bunting
Daurian Redstart (male)

Blue Rock Thrush (male)

Cattle Egret

Black-naped Monarch
Radde's Warbler
Red-flanked bluetail  (male+female)

Red-breasted Flycatcher

Red-throated Flycatcher
Daurian Redstart (male)
Long-tailed Shrike

Cattle Egret
Black-naped Monarch

Black-naped Monarch
Red-flanked bluetail  (female)
Grey-backed Thrush  (female)

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 7/03/2016 11:30 ]
Author: SamYui    Time: 3/02/2016 22:23

30/1/2016 pm

Image Attachment: [Daurian Redstart (Male)] 0M8A8921.JPG (3/02/2016 22:23, 102.83 KB) / Download count 394

Image Attachment: [Red-throated Flycatcher / Red-breasted Flycatcher?] 0M8A9052.JPG (3/02/2016 22:23, 104.77 KB) / Download count 375

Image Attachment: [Japanese Thrush(Female)] 0M8A9192.JPG (3/02/2016 22:23, 129.88 KB) / Download count 432

Author: 星魚    Time: 16/02/2016 08:40

Grey-backed Thrush  (male+female)
Red-flanked Bluetail (female)
Daurian Redstart  (male+female)

Olive-backed Pipit
White-rumped Munia 100+
Scaly-breasted Munia
Black-naped Monarch (female)
Radde's Warbler
Cinereous Tit
Cattle Egret

White Wagtail
Red-throated Flycatcher
Large-billed Crow
Asian Brown Flycatcher

Long-tailed Shrike

Blue Whistling Thrush

Red-flanked bluetail (Male+female)

Red-throated Flycatcher
White-rumped Munia
Black-naped Monarch (female)

Red-Throated Flycatcher
Black-naped Monarch  (female)
Radde's Warbler
White-rumped Munia
Red-flanked bluetail

Black-naped Monarch  (female)
Red-flanked Bluetail   (male+female)

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-throated Flycatcher
Black-naped Monarch (female)
Red-flanked Bluetail  (female)
Grey-backed Thrush  

Fork-tailed sunbird
Olive-backed Pipit

Radde's Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler

Grey-backed Thrush x2

Japanese Thrush

Red-breasted Flycatcher

Daurian Redstart  (male+female)

Little Bunting  x3

Red-flanked Bluetail (female)
Radde's Warbler

Daurian Redstart  (male+female)
Grey-backed Thrush  (male)
White-rumped Munia
Masked Laughingthrush
Long-tailed Shrike
Blue-Whistling Thrush
Olive-backed Pipit   x3

Olive-backed Pipit  x3
Long-tailed Shrike
Blue Whistling Thrush
Red-flanked Bluetail (female x2)
Daurian Redstart  (female)

Olive-backed Pipit
Red-flanked Bluetail  (female)
Daurian Redstart    (male+female)
Radde's Warbler   x2

Red-throated Flycatcher
Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike

Daurian Redstart
Red-flanked Bluetail
Olive-backed Pipit
Grey-backed Thrush  x2
Red-throated Flycatcher
Japanese Thrush
Blue Magpie
White-rumped Munia

Red-flanked Bluetail (male)

Eastern Buzzard

Black-winged Cuckooshrike

Long-tailed shrike

Japanese Thrush

Red-flanked Bluetail

As I had record the call of the Warbler, finally the Radde's Warbler is ,,,,,!!

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 15/11/2016 10:44 ]

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