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Subject: 聖誕及新年大減價 Special sale for Christmas and Lunar New Year [Print This Page]

Author: Walkman    Time: 15/12/2015 18:01     Subject: 聖誕及新年大減價 Special sale for Christmas and Lunar New Year


價目表: 2015聖誕及農曆新年禮品_價目表.pdf (436.88 KB)
郵購表: 2015聖誕及農曆新年禮品_郵購表格.pdf (511.71 KB)

HKBWS is offering a special sale for Christmas and Lunar New Year. You will be able to enjoy special discount on selected items including books, T-shirts, Fishpond ceramic cup mat, bird pins and many other items, until 29th Feb 2016. Come to our office or use our mail order service to enjoy this special offer. Don’t miss this chance to buy your festival presents and support bird conservation at the same time. (For more details, please refer to the promotion price list)

Price List: Price_list_all_Promotion.pdf (327.11 KB)
Mail Order Service Form: Mail_order_form_Promotion_Price.pdf (421.6 KB)

Image Attachment: Xmas_forum_advertisment_cover_forum.jpg (17/12/2015 16:00, 712.51 KB) / Download count 786

Attachment: 2015聖誕及農曆新年禮品_價目表.pdf (22/02/2016 18:16, 436.88 KB) / Download count 895

Attachment: 2015聖誕及農曆新年禮品_郵購表格.pdf (22/02/2016 18:16, 511.71 KB) / Download count 780

Attachment: Price_list_all_Promotion.pdf (22/02/2016 18:16, 327.11 KB) / Download count 664

Attachment: Mail_order_form_Promotion_Price.pdf (22/02/2016 18:16, 421.6 KB) / Download count 667
Author: Walkman    Time: 23/02/2016 11:50

最後召集!! 聖誕及新年大減價在2016年2月29日完結, 大家要把握最後機會購買禮品!

Final Call! The special sale period ends until 29th Feb 2016.Don't miss the last chance to purchase books and souvenirs.

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