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Subject: [Outing] 24/1/2016 百搭日-西貢蠔涌觀鳥活動 WCD-Ho Chung Outing [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 24/12/2015 11:59     Subject: 24/1/2016 百搭日-西貢蠔涌觀鳥活動 WCD-Ho Chung Outing

2016年1月24日舉行的《百搭日- 西貢蠔涌觀鳥活動》詳情如下:

行程時間:上午 8時00分至中午約 12時


公共交通公具及地圖 :見回覆#1


會員:免費 (需要出示會員證)
非會員:港幣$30 (19歲以下學生港幣$10)

** 不用報名 **

因參與由香港觀鳥會 (下稱“本會”) 主辦的一般活動、戶外觀鳥活動或訓練課程 (下稱“活動”) 所出現的個人或財產的損失、受傷、死亡或損壞,無論是在活動過程中發生或活動完結後出現,本會不會承擔任何財政或其他方面的責任或義務。所有參與上述活動的參加者,必須確保自己的身體狀況能夠適應活動的要求,如有疑問,應該在參與活動前諮詢合資格的醫務人員,本會建議參加者應自行購買相關保險以保障自己。報名參與上述活動的人士即表示同意即使在活動過程中或活動完結後出現的損失、受傷、死亡或損壞,本會的執行委員會委員、其他委員會委員、職員、僱員、義工、中介機構或人員及分判商均不會承擔任何責任。


Details of the  "Wild Card Day - Ho Chung Outing" to be held on Jan 24, 2016 as below:-

Date: 24/1/2016 Sunday

Activity time: 08:00 - 12:00

Gathering time : 08:00
Gathering place: Che Kung Temple at Ho Chung Road

Public transportation & Map : see reply #1

Target Species: Forest & farmland birds

Member : Free of Charge (by showing your membership card)
Non-member: HK$30 (HK$10 for age under 19 student)

**No registration is required **
The Activities Enquiry Hotline for contacting outing leaders at the event date only: 94573196

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (“the HKBWS”) assumes no responsibility, liability or obligations, whether financial or otherwise, for losses, injuries, death, damages, whether to the person or property, arising or occurring in the course or as a result from the activities, outings or training courses (“the Activities”)organized by the HKBWS. Persons who participate in the Activities must ensure that they are medically fit to do so. If in doubt, they should consult qualified medical practitioners before participating. Participants are recommended to purchase relevant insurance for their own protection. By participating in the Activities, the participants impliedly agree that they will not hold the HKBWS, its Executive Committee members, other committee members, its officers, employees, volunteers, agents or subcontractors responsible or liable for any losses, injuries, death damages arising or occurring in the course or as a result from the Activities.


24/1/2016 百搭日觀鳥活動 Wild Card Day Outing

Details of Wild Card Day outing will be announced on Discussion Forum on Nov 19.
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 21/01/2016 17:32





Public Transportation:

BUS ~ Alight at Ho Chung Road Stop
-        KMB #92 (Diamond Hill Railway Station → Sai Kung)
-        KMB #96R - Sunday & public holidays only (Diamond Hill Railway Station → Wong Shek Pier)
-        First Bus #792M (Tseung Kwan O Railway Station - Sai Kung)

GREEN MINIBUS ~ Alight at Ho Chung Road
-        1A (Choi Hung Bus Terminal - Sai Kung)
-        101M (Hang Hau Railway Station → Sai Kung)

RED MINIBUS ~ Alight at Ho Chung Road
-        Dundas Street, Mongkok → Sai Kung
-        Junction Road or Lung Kong Road, Kowloon Shing → Sai Kung
-        Yee On Street, Kwun Tong → Sai Kung

Image Attachment: HoChung.jpg (21/01/2016 17:32, 115.92 KB) / Download count 496

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 21/01/2016 17:47

跟據天文台的天氣預報,24/1 天氣嚴寒,氣溫攝氏6-8度, 吹北風5至6級。請參加者必須準備好禦寒物品。
According to HKO weather forecast, it will be very cold (6-8C)and windy (force 5-6) on 24/1.  Participants please be well prepared for the cold weather.

Image Attachment: 圖片1.png (21/01/2016 17:47, 982.94 KB) / Download count 524

Author: pitarhk    Time: 25/01/2016 23:18


2016/01/24 Ho Chung outing, Rain, 2.5c RH60%, N 28km/h
014        Grey Heron        蒼鷺        1
016        Great Egret        大白鷺        1
018        Little Egret        小白鷺        1
067        Black Kite        黑鳶        1
136        Common Sandpiper        磯鷸        1
191        Domestic Pigeon        原鴿        1
194        Spotted Dove        珠頸斑鳩        1
209        Greater Coucal        褐翅鴉鵑        1
229        Common Kingfisher        普通翠鳥        1
444        Eurasian Magpie        喜鵲        1
447        Large-billed Crow        大嘴烏鴉        1
389        Cinereous Tit        蒼背山雀        1
270        Red-whiskered Bulbul        紅耳鵯        1
271        Chinese Bulbul        白頭鵯        1
273        Chestnut Bulbul        栗背短腳鵯        1
309.5        Pygmy Wren-babbler        小鷦鶥        1
354        Yellow-browed Warbler        黃眉柳鶯        1
347        Common Tailorbird        長尾縫葉鶯        1
312        Masked Laughingthrush        黑臉噪鶥        1
397        Japanese White-eye        暗綠繡眼鳥        1
436        Crested Myna        八哥        1
433        Black-collared Starling        黑領椋鳥        1
303        Chinese Blackbird        處理中        1
287        Oriental Magpie Robin        鵲鴝        1
286        Red-flanked Bluetail        紅脇藍尾鴝        1
377        Red-throated Flycatcher        紅喉姬鶲        1
289        Daurian Redstart        北紅尾鴝        1
395        Fork-tailed Sunbird        叉尾太陽鳥        1
424        Eurasian Tree Sparrow        樹麻雀        1
421        Scaly-breasted Munia        斑文鳥        1
257        Grey Wagtail        灰鶺鴒        1
258        White Wagtail        白鶺鴒        1

Total 32 species

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