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Subject: [Oversea] 阿根廷-南極 Argentina + antarctica [Print This Page]

Author: wcaptain    Time: 6/01/2016 21:42     Subject: 阿根廷-南極 Argentina + antarctica

阿根廷-南極 (34 days)


第一部 -布宜諾斯艾利斯 (Buenos Aires)
Reserva ecologica costanera sur: 首都內的濕地公園。超好雀 (就算關門,沿鄰近大路行1.5小時內仍可看到35種雀)。逢週一關門。地鐵+步行15分鐘或的士

Reserva ecologica costanera norte: 首都內的另一濕地公園。面積細。治安一般。可請的士先到Ciudad Universitaria de Buenos Aires,再向海邊方向行5-10分鐘

第二部 - 伊瓜蘇 Iguazu
伊瓜蘇瀑布 Iguazu falls: 亞熱帶樹林。阿根廷-巴西-巴拉圭: 一河三地及一小時生活圈。交通: 如搭內陸機,機場搭的士時司機會提議全包接送套餐 (酒店-瀑布;來回阿根廷-巴西)。

伊瓜蘇蜂鳥公園 (Hummingbird Garden) 。位於阿根廷伊瓜蘇港 (Puerto Iguazu)市區內一平房的後花園,屋主自設糖水及生果招引雀鳥。收費便宜 - 40 peso。不合奉行原教旨主義的鳥友。

酒店 La Cantera Jungle Lodge。此酒店被樹林包圍。另附近有一小池塘 (15分鐘路程) 。

第三部 - Tierra del Fuego: 火地島
Tierra del Fuego: 火地島一天自駕遊 (Ushuaia – Tolhuin – Rio Grande) ,來回約400km左右。温帶樹林、草原、湖泊及泥灘。路况尚可

Tierra del Fuego National Park: 阿根廷最南端 - 温帶樹林。Tierra del Fuego火地島首府Ushuaia乘車 (12km)

Glacier Martial: Ushuaia乘車 (8km)

福克蘭群島+南喬治亞島+南極半島: 19天船程

失望之鳥: magellanic woodpecker揾咗三次都冇
最靚之鳥: 藍錐嘴鳥 Blue Dacnis
最驚喜之鳥: 露天茶座食食吓lunch見到大嘴鳥
最搞笑之鳥: 企鵝。原來企鵝真的很容易在路上仆到的
最血腥之鳥: 巨鸌: 貴為「南極禿鷹」非浪得虛名

估唔到上船前在Ushuaia的B&B撞到香港鳥友J and J,之後同船19天。上岸後又再同一酒店,簡直是神奇

Author: wcaptain    Time: 6/01/2016 21:43

Argentina – Antarctica (34 days)
Just a brief text about the trip. Pls PM me for details

Part A. Buenos Aires (4 visits, 2 hrs each)
Reserva ecologica costanera sur
A wetland park in the city. Metro + 15 mins walk, or by taxi. Close on every Monday. A very good birding site: 35 bird species within 90 mins (even the park is closed). Birders can walk along the main road to see birds even it is closed

Reserva ecologica costanera norte:
Another city wetland park but smaller. Local birders said the security is fair (because some people living in the park). Take a taxi to Ciudad Universitaria de Buenos Aires first and then walk towards the sea (5-10 mins).

Part B. Iguazu (4D3N)
Iguazu Falls: Sub-tropical Forest. Three countries (argentina – Brazil – Paraguay) along the same river. Taxi drivers of the airport usually provide reasonable day packages of visiting the falls when you get on a taxi from the airport to the hotel.

Hummingbird Garden: A backyard garden of someone’s house in Puerto Iguazu. The owner places some nectar feeders and fruits in order to attract hummingbirds and other forest birds. The admission fee is cheap (40 peso).

La Cantera Jungle Lodge: I stayed at this jungle lodge on the argentine side. It is enclosed by forest. A pond is about 10 mins walk from the lodge. Birding is easy.

Part C. Tierra del Fuego (about 4 days) - The southern tip of South America. Capital town – Ushuaia. Very close to Antarctica
Tierra del Fuego National Park: Temperate Forest. 12km away from Ushuaia. Visited twice.

Ushuaia – Tolhuin – Rio Grande
A self-driving day trip (round trip - 400 km). Habitats include temperate forest, lake, upland areas and coastal mudflats.

Glacier Martial. Temperate Forest and upland open areas. 8 km away from Ushuaia

Part D. Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands/Antarctic Peninsula
19 days on a vessel

Dip of the trip: Magellanic Woodpecker. Tried three times without success
Amazing bird of the trip: Toco Toucon. Suddenly showed up when I was having my lunch in al fresco café in Iguazu Falls (other trip reports said it is very common)
Beautiful bird of the trip: Blue Dacnis. Indeed very beautiful, esp when close up
Funny bird of the trip: penguins. Easy to slide down when walking …. Very funny
Bloody bird of the trip: southern giant petrel. Really a polar vulture

I met HK birders, J and J, at a B&B in Ushuaia. We were not only on the same vessel, but also stayed at the same hotel in Ushuaia after the voyage. Very amazing.

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