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Subject: (已過期) 香港鳥類名錄 List of HK Birds - 2015-11-30 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 11/01/2016 17:03     Subject: (已過期) 香港鳥類名錄 List of HK Birds - 2015-11-30

The next update List of HK Birds is available at:



亞洲短趾百靈 (2014年11月24日落馬洲)
栗耳短腳鵯 (2015年3月9日柴灣)





以下為IOC V5.4新近的改變。

壽帶Asian Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphoneparadisi 改為 Amur Paradise Flycatcher T. incei (中文名稱暫時不變)
短尾鸌及楔尾鸌由Puffinus 轉為 Ardenna

RC Meeting 30 Nov 2015

At its most recent meeting, the RC agreed the following.

Additions to Cat. I
Asian Short-toed Lark (24 Nov 2014 at Lok Ma Chau)
Brown-eared Bulbul (9 Mar 2015 at Chai Wan)
Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher (7 May 2015 at Tai Po Kau)

The HK List now stands at 538 species in Categories I & II.

A review of category for White-capped Redstart resulted in a vote split between Cat. I and Cat. III. In accordance with previous practice, the status quo was retained, and the species remains in Cat. III.

A harrier seen at Long Valley on 5 Apr 2014 remains unidentified, though further attempts will be made to obtain opinions from experts.

Rosy Minivet: the decision was made not to publish an account of the first record of this species, pending examination of skins due to the possibility it was a hybrid. It is hoped such an examination can be carried out in summer 2016. In the meantime, however, it remains on the HK List.

The following changes to the List are required as a result ofIOC changes in V5.4:

Asian Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphoneparadisi becomes Amur ParadiseFlycatcher T. incei
Short-tailed and Wedge-tailed Shearwater changed from Puffinusto Ardenna.

HK_List_2015-11-30.xls (136 KB)
HK_List_2015-11-30.pdf (241.98 KB)
Unusual_Record_Form_罕有雀鳥紀錄表格.doc (42 KB)

Attachment: HK_List_2015-11-30.xls (11/01/2016 17:03, 136 KB) / Download count 1468

Attachment: HK_List_2015-11-30.pdf (11/01/2016 17:03, 241.98 KB) / Download count 1492

Attachment: Unusual_Record_Form_罕有雀鳥紀錄表格.doc (11/01/2016 17:03, 42 KB) / Download count 1128
Author: garykctse    Time: 15/01/2016 12:00

Hello Ivan,

In the XLS worksheet row #523 the column "Chinese Name" seems erroneously reading "處理中". I think it should
be "白頭鵐", isn't it?


[ Last edited by garykctse at 15/01/2016 17:28 ]
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 15/01/2016 20:04

Original posted by garykctse at 15/01/2016 12:00
Hello Ivan,

In the XLS worksheet row #523 the column "Chinese Name" seems erroneously reading "處理中". I think it should
be "白頭鵐", isn't it?

中國鳥類名錄中Pine Bunting 的確是譯為白頭鵐
Author: lalan    Time: 16/01/2016 00:27

綬帶 OR 壽帶?

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