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Subject: [China] 香港觀鳥會徵求單筒望遠鏡 Call for telescope [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 12/01/2016 18:35     Subject: 香港觀鳥會徵求單筒望遠鏡 Call for telescope

華南地區陸續有新鳥會成立, 他們是當地監測和保護鳥類的前線力量, 但由於成立初期經費有限, 不能負擔昂貴的單筒望遠鏡。大家如有擱在家中不用、且性能良好的單筒望遠鏡, 歡迎慷慨捐贈, 以幫助內地鳥會的發展。收到的望遠鏡會首先送予廣東湛江及廣西北海的鳥會, 這兩個地方同時也是香港觀鳥會針對非法鳥捕的問題而開展保育項目的地方。

有興趣捐贈的會員,請發電郵(或PM聯絡, 或直接把鏡送到本會會址。


香港觀鳥會  謹啟

New bird watching societies are emerging in southern China. They also serve as the local frontline guardian of birds. Yet because they are newly established, they cannot afford buying telescopes. If you have any unwanted but usable telescope(s) and are happy to donate, we would be thankful for you generosity. Zhanjiang, Guangdong and Beihai, Guangxi would be the top priorities to be allocating the donated telescopes, as these two places are where we are working to address the illegal bird trapping problem.
Please contact HKBWS China Programme at e-mail ( or PM, or bring it to our office.

Thank you so much for your support!

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 22/01/2016 15:52

感謝Francis Chu的慷慨! 收到第一支捐贈的單筒^^ Thanks a lot to Francis Chu for his generosity to donate a telescope for China's developing bird watching societies!!  

Image Attachment: Francis Chu.jpg (22/01/2016 15:52, 176.14 KB) / Download count 541

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 12/02/2016 12:52

感謝沒有留下姓名的會員! 收到第二支捐贈的單筒^^ Thanks a lot to donor of the second telescope who did not leave his name for his generosity for China's developing bird watching societies!!

Image Attachment: donor.jpg (12/02/2016 12:53, 292.21 KB) / Download count 555

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