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Subject: [Hong Kong] Protect Po Toi 保護蒲台! [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 5/02/2016 12:51     Subject: Protect Po Toi 保護蒲台!

Concerns on the amendments of the draft Po Toi Islands Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-PTI/1

***網上意見書Online Petition:
提交意見的截止日期: 2015年2月12日〔星期五〕
Deadline for submitting comments to the Town Planning Board: 12 February 2015 (Fri)


The draft Po Toi Islands draft outline zoning plan (OZP) has been revised and has excluded most of the mature trees from the “Residential (Group D)” (R(D)) zone. However, the revised plan still failed to protect the largest tree in the area.

此大樹的樹冠與週邊大樹的樹冠交織在一起,為途經蒲台的候鳥提供重要的覓食及棲息生境。大樹的主幹直徑估計約有3米左右,符合編入古樹名木册的其中一個準則〔樹幹直徑超過 1 米或以上〕。但由於此樹有一部分位於私人土地上,或許不能列入該名冊之內。
The tree crown of this big mature tree interweaves with the canopy of the surrounding mature trees outside the revised R(D) zone, providing an important foraging and roosting habitat for migratory birds stopping over at Po Toi.
​The diameter of the main tree trunk is estimated to be around 3 metres, which meets one of the criteria for an Old and Valuable Tree (tree trunk diameter of 1 metre or more). But as this tree is partly on private land, it may not be eligible to be listed in the Register of Old and Valuable Trees.

Therefore, the Society have the following comments on the draft Plan:

我大致上支持由「住宅〔丁類〕」用地改劃為海岸保護區及綠化地帶〔修訂項目A1及A2〕,因為可以保護區內大部分的大樹;可是,草圖仍未能保護「住宅〔丁類〕」用地內最大、主幹直徑約3米的一棵樹木。此大樹的樹冠與週邊大樹的樹冠交織在一起,為途經蒲台的候鳥提供重要的覓食及棲息的生境。因此,我懇請城規會將保育用地延伸至 1) 「住宅〔丁類〕」用地內的政府土地,及2) 包括此成熟大樹及其樹冠。這樣能限制該區的土地用途及加強保護此大樹,並同時尊重村民的重建權利。
We generally support the rezoning from R(D) zone to Coastal Protection Area/Green Belt (amendment items A1 and A2) as it covers most of the mature trees in the area; however, the revised OZP still failed to protect the largest tree in the R(D) zone, which has a trunk diameter of about 3 metres. The tree crown of this big mature tree interweaves with the canopy of the surrounding mature trees, providing an important foraging and roosting habitat for migratory birds stopping over at Po Toi. Therefore, we urge the TPB to extend the conservation zoning(s) to 1) all the Government land within the revised R(D) zone, and 2) include this large mature tree and its canopy. This can limit the land use within this sensitive area and provide better protection to this important tree, while respecting the re-development right of the villagers.

Image Attachment: Revised Po Toi OZP(labelled)_new.jpg (5/02/2016 12:51, 1.04 MB) / Download count 660

Image Attachment: Large mature tree_chi.jpg (5/02/2016 12:51, 524.88 KB) / Download count 690

Image Attachment: DSC_0216br.jpg (5/02/2016 12:51, 1.37 MB) / Download count 670

Image Attachment: DSC_0204ar.jpg (5/02/2016 12:53, 1.37 MB) / Download count 686

Image Attachment: DSC_0250ar.jpg (5/02/2016 12:54, 1.47 MB) / Download count 655

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