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Subject: 全港麻雀麻雀普查日 2016 Hong Kong Sparrow Census 2016 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Jessica    Time: 17/02/2016 18:11     Subject: 全港麻雀麻雀普查日 2016 Hong Kong Sparrow Census 2016


EurasianTree sparrow is commonly seen in Hong Kong Urban areas. That might be a reason that explain why there are so little scientific researches about this species. City Sparrow Census is an activity of ‘‘Citizen Science’’ which serves both scientific and educational purposes and let more people to try conducting a scientific survey.
The event is going to be held on 8thMay, 2016.

Date: 8 May, 2016 (Sun)

時間:上午9:00 至 10:00
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

地點:分佈全港十八區、長 1 公里的指定普查路線
location: 1-km Transect line in designated route within each habitat in every district

網上報名 Online Enrollment!blank/c3lho

報名表格 Registration Form
Census_Registration_form_2016_v2.pdf (854.02 KB)
Census_Registration_form_2016_eng_v2.pdf (655.63 KB)

Attachment: Census_Registration_form_2016_v2.pdf (17/03/2016 12:35, 854.02 KB) / Download count 831

Attachment: Census_Registration_form_2016_eng_v2.pdf (17/03/2016 12:35, 655.63 KB) / Download count 788
Author: sdavid    Time: 22/02/2016 12:32

Hi there

This is something myself and my children would be very interested in participating in.  Apologies but I am unable to read the application form - would you also have a version in English please?

Many thanks

Author: HKBWS Jessica    Time: 22/02/2016 17:55

Yes, sure. English version of registration form is uploaded.
Welcome to join the Sparrow Census!!
Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 25/04/2016 16:04

香港01:全港首次麻雀普查日 大人細路一齊數雀 2016年4月7日

香港01:麻雀普查不止是場科學實驗 還是生命教育 2016年4月23日

香港01:【城市觀鳥】認識麻雀 一群低調的鄰居 與人共享這城 2016年4月25日

Author: sdavid    Time: 8/11/2016 11:12

Any reporting/results on this yet?
Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 9/11/2016 09:44


Thank you for your interest to this project. All above can show you some results but in Chinese only. We are preparing a short article in the coming issue BirdLife magazine and we hope you can enjoy reading it later.

Yat-tung Yu
Author: sdavid    Time: 9/11/2016 13:16

Great thanks. This would be good as my son and I conducted surveys and he is keen to know the findings and report back to his school. Do we need to subscribe to the Birdlife magazine?
Author: sdavid    Time: 11/01/2017 14:19

Any updates on the Sparrow report?
Author: HKBWS Jessica    Time: 12/01/2017 16:21


Please see the link below for the news on sparrow census.
Hong Kong has higher sparrow density than UK, survey finds (ejisight) ... ow-density-than-uk/

Sparrows give trees a miss to perch among people (Standard)

Besides, here is a short article in the December issue of BirdLife magazine.

Thanks again for your support and hope you enjoy reading them!

PDF version: BirdLife_Decissue_HKSparrow.pdf (207.9 KB)


Attachment: BirdLife_Decissue_HKSparrow.pdf (12/01/2017 16:23, 207.9 KB) / Download count 729
Author: wcaptain    Time: 12/01/2017 17:01

Will there be any official report of this sparrow survey?
Author: sdavid    Time: 16/01/2017 08:48

Yes - I'd echo Captain's comment - will there be an official report?

These press releases are fine but it would be more interesting to see more detail on the survey effort, findings and any recommendations/conclusions.


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