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Subject: [China] 上海鳥類圖鑑徵求五種鳥的照片 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 23/05/2007 15:13     Subject: 上海鳥類圖鑑徵求五種鳥的照片

上海鳥友黑皮目前正在撰寫"上海的水鳥"一書, 但欠缺以下五種鳥的照片, 您們能幫忙嗎? 照片採用後能獲得稿酬和圖鑑一本. 現在需要的照片有:

1) 斑胁田鸡 Band-bellied Crake (Porzana paykullii)
2) 斑嘴鹈鹕 Spot-billed philippensis (Pelecanus philippe)
3) 黑叉尾海燕 Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma monorhis)
4) 姬鹬 Jack Snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus)
5) 小军舰鸟  Great Frigatebird (Fregata minor)

基本上只要照片清晰到可以辨認便可. 如果您們有這些照片的話, 請跟黑皮聯絡, 他的電郵地址是,  又或把照片貼在這裡. 如果不肯定您的照片是否合用的話, 可以先讓黑皮看看, 再作決定.  :wink:

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 5/05/2008 10:21

還記得之前有一位上海鳥友向大家徵求鳥類照片嗎? 時光飛逝, 那本書 (204頁)已經出版了~~  ops:

香港觀鳥會打算購買一批回來, 方便各位香港鳥友購買, 非會員的售價為港幣88元 (正價), 而會員的售價為港幣80元 (正價9折), 另外再加一點點的郵費 (暫未知道郵費), 有興趣購買的鳥友可以在這裡跟貼, 或電郵致hkbw s@hkb 我們會在估計需求量後, 一次過訂購書本.

" 本书介绍了上海市湿地和以湿地为主要生活环境的水鸟资源,共涉及8目24科164种,其中夏候鸟21种,旅鸟64种,冬候鸟73种,留鸟4种,迷鸟2种。基本上包涵了我国东部地区较为常见水鸟资源。




A birder in Shanghai has recently published a waterbird book called "Shanghai Waterbirds". HKBWS would like to make an order but now we need to estimate how many birdwatchers in Hong Kong are interested in buying this book. If you want to buy one, please post your message here or send an email to info@chinab by 10th May. The price for non-members is HKD88 (original price) while that for members is HKD80 (10% off).

Image Attachment: scan01_s.JPG (5/05/2008 10:21, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2001

Image Attachment: scan02_s.JPG (5/05/2008 10:21, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1419

Image Attachment: scan03_s.JPG (5/05/2008 10:21, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1414

Author: Tony    Time: 5/05/2008 11:50

Author: lrichard    Time: 5/05/2008 13:49     Subject: Shanghai photo book

This looks worth getting. Please order a copy for me.


Author: Carmen    Time: 5/05/2008 13:56

i would like to have one please.
Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 5/05/2008 14:18


對了, 現在訂購的書, 還會有作者的親筆簽名的~~  ops:

Author: Beetle    Time: 5/05/2008 15:27

I would like to have one too.
Thank you very much.
Author: chonki    Time: 5/05/2008 15:41

One for me~
thank you
Author: pchunchiu    Time: 5/05/2008 15:55

I'd like to have one too. Thanks very much.

Author: lkimming    Time: 5/05/2008 17:07

I would like to buy one please.  
Author: Ken    Time: 5/05/2008 17:44

I would like to buy one.

Author: ywaihung    Time: 5/05/2008 20:12

I would like to order a copy,  Thanks
Author: tsheila    Time: 5/05/2008 21:50

I would like to order one copy. Thanks!
Author: tfion    Time: 5/05/2008 22:50

I would like to have one, many thanks!
Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 6/05/2008 11:20

呵呵~~ 很多人支持呵! 再感謝!!  ops:
Author: wdickson    Time: 6/05/2008 16:35

reserve one copy for me please.
Author: Sze    Time: 6/05/2008 18:58

one for me please!  
Author: lngayee    Time: 7/05/2008 00:05

i also want one copy, thanks!
Author: gary    Time: 7/05/2008 23:56

I want to order one please.

Author: msiutze    Time: 8/05/2008 00:28

i would like to have 2~ thanks a lot!
Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 8/05/2008 11:21

連同給我們發電郵的order, 現在已有大概30本的訂購, 我們將於明天下午訂書, 如果還有鳥友想訂, 請於明天中午12:00 前在這裡跟帖或發電郵到 謝謝!  ops:

Up to now, about 30 copies are requested and we're going to make the order tomorrow afternoon. If there is anyone who wants to buy the book, please post a message here or send us email ( by noon tomorrow. Thank you very much!  ops:

Author: ckinwah    Time: 8/05/2008 13:56

I would like to have a copy.
Author: tsheila    Time: 8/05/2008 14:12

I want to have 2 more copies.
Thanks a lot!
Author: hooooon    Time: 8/05/2008 14:18

I want to have a copy.
Thank you.
Author: dick    Time: 8/05/2008 16:54

I want a copy
Author: oLDcaR    Time: 8/05/2008 17:24

I want to order one!

Author: ckn    Time: 8/05/2008 18:52

I would like to order 3 copies, please.  Thanks.
Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 9/05/2008 17:30

各位鳥友, 我們最終訂購了60本書, 待收到書後我們會在這裡通知大家來到鳥會辦公室付款取書, 要注意論壇消息呵~ 再次感謝各位的支持!  ops:

Dear birders, we've already ordered 60 copies and we'll announce HERE when the books arrive. Thank you again for your support!  ops:

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