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Subject: [Hong Kong] 保育香港大自然,請即行動!Conserve Hong Kong’s nature, act NOW! [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 29/03/2016 11:03     Subject: 保育香港大自然,請即行動!Conserve Hong Kong’s nature, act NOW!

The consultation period for Hong Kong’s “Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan” (BSAP) will end on 7 April 2016, please send your comments to and treasure the ONLY chance you have to express your views on the BSAP. (*For details of the consultation document, please visit

The Government initiated the work on formulating a BSAP for Hong Kong back in 2013. Representatives from the Society together with other environmental NGOs and academics were invited to join the Steering Committee and other Working/Focus Groups, and actively participated and gave recommendations on BSAP during the two years. In the end, the Steering Committee summarized the 400 and more recommendations given by the Focus Groups ( into 33 key actions (

The HKBWS welcomes the formulation of BSAP for Hong Kong and supports the existing conservation and education efforts of the Government as outlined in the consultation document. However, these measures do not adequately address the imminent threats to our biodiversity and natural environment. Therefore, the Society urges the Government to incorporate the following actions into the BSAP for effective conservation of Hong Kong’s biodiversity.

Key recommendations:

1)        成立一個高層跨部門委員會,負責指導和統籌各部門的生物多樣性保育行動,以有效執行「行動計劃」。
          Establish a high level inter-departmental committee to steer and co-ordinate the biodiversity conservation actions of different departments for an effective implementation of the BSAP.

2)        通過以下措施加強對具有高生態價值的地點的保護及管理:
          Strengthen the protection and management of sites and habitats with high ecological value, which can be achieved through:
a.        納入郊野公園 designation of Country Parks
b.        實施「管理協議」implementation of Management Agreements,
c.        建立自然保育基金 establishment of a Nature Conservation Trust,
d.        非原址換地,以及 non-in-situ land exchange, and
e.        組織跨部門保育及執法專責小組
establish a cross-departmental conservation enforcement task force

3)        修改現時阻礙有效執法的法例漏洞(如城市規劃條例、環境影響評估條例,以及廢物處置條例等)。
          Revise loopholes in existing regulatory framework (e.g. Town Planning Ordinance, Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, and Waste Disposal Ordinance) that hinder effective enforcement.

Other recommendations:

4)        加強進口禽鳥牌照的監管,以減少鳥類貿易對本地鳥類種群及公共衛生所帶來的不良影響。
          Strengthen the licensing of imported birds to minimise the adverse impacts on bird populations and public health caused by this trade.

5)        促進本地可持續農業和漁業,保護農地和魚塘,並保持種植和養魚的傳統知識,以平衡糧食生產和棲息地管理之間的需要,達至保護鳥類和其他野生動物的目的。
          Promote local sustainable agriculture and fisheries, protect farmland and fishponds, and preserve traditional knowledge of cultivation and fish farming, in order to maintain a balance between local food production and habitat management for the protection of birds and other wildlife.  

6)        鼓勵及支持關於自然生態保育/管理的研究,以填補現時缺乏資料/數據的領域(如全港繁殖及非繁殖陸鳥的長期監察)。
          Encourage and support researches related to nature conservation/management to fill in existing information gaps (e.g. long-term territory-wide standardized monitoring of breeding and non-breeding land birds in Hong Kong).

7)        將生物多樣性保育主流化,可透過觀賞大自然(例如觀鳥)教育市民,或將其納入教育課程。
          Mainstream biodiversity conservation through admiring the nature (e.g. birdwatching) and incorporate it into the education curriculum.

8)        積極參與區域和全球保護計劃或合作,以強化香港的自然保育效果(尤其候鳥的保育)。
          Actively participate in regional and global conservation initiatives or collaborations to increase the conservation effectiveness (e.g. in respect of migratory birds) in Hong Kong.

9)        將四百多項專題小組建議納入「行動計劃」。
          Incorporate the 400 and more specific recommendations from various Focus Groups into the BSAP.

10)        政府應帶領全港市民及各行各業參與保育香港的生物多樣性,並讓香港發展成為一個真正生態可持續的城市。
           The Government should lead the public and different sectors to participate in biodiversity conservation, and develop Hong Kong into a truly ecologically sustainable city.

Apart from the suggestions above, you can also refer to the comments and recommendations given by other groups, or use their platform to submit your views:

•        世界自然基金會香港分會 WWF – Hong Kong
•        長春社Conservancy Association
•        香港自然生態論壇 HKWildlife
•        嘉道理農場暨植物園 Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden

Image Attachment: bsap banner.jpg (30/03/2016 12:30, 654.21 KB) / Download count 717

Author: John Holmes    Time: 29/03/2016 12:54

Should that be 7th APRIL 2016 ?
Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 29/03/2016 15:20

Thanks John. Yes, 7 April 2016.
Author: irsychan    Time: 29/03/2016 16:04

The photo shows that many Pied Avocets have only one leg.  Any one knows why?
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 8/04/2016 17:48

Please click the links below for the Society's submission for the BSAP public consultation (English version only).

Main text of the Society's BSAP submission

Attachment 1 - Hong Kong Headline Indicators for Biodiversity and Conservation 2013 & 2014 Report
Attachment 2 - Final Report of the Bird Sub-group of the Status and Trend and Red List Focus Group
Attachment 3 - The 400 and more specific actions recommended by experts and academics in different focus/working group during 2013 and 2014

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