Subject: [Others 其他] 香港觀鳥日賽籌款 2016 HK Bird Watching Day Donation [Print This Page] Author: HKBWS Bonnie Time: 26/04/2016 21:43 Subject: 香港觀鳥日賽籌款 2016 HK Bird Watching Day Donation
香港觀鳥日2016 籌款
HK Bird Watching Day 2016 Donation
感謝各捐款者、參賽隊伍及支持者慷慨解囊,截止4月16日,香港觀鳥日暨觀鳥比賽籌款活動共籌得款項 $62,088-
Thanks to generosity of all donors, race teams & their supporters, HK Bird Watching Day 2016 has raised a total of $62,088- till April 16.
詳情如下 Breakdown of donation as below:
1. 公開挑戰組「綠綠無窮」及支持者 Team - Infinity Six & supporters:$500-
2. 林小姐Ms Lam: $1,000-
3. 王小姐Ms Wong: $500-
4. 謝先生Mr. Tse: $500-
5. 中學生組「中基探索隊」及支持者 Team - CFSS Explorer & supporters:$500-
6. 公開挑戰組「雁鳶隊」及支持者 Team - Eye Kite & supporters:$350-
7. 韓先生Mr. Han: $600-
8. 無名氏Anonymous:$5,000-
9. 公開挑戰組「四葉草」及支持者 Team - Lucky Clover & supporters:$250-
10. 公開挑戰組「上癮鳥」及支持者 Team - Happyhabit & supporters:$11,660-
11. 公開挑戰組「朦查查」及支持者 Team - OSM & supporters:$300-
12. 公開挑戰組「雷霆鵟鷹」及支持者 Team - Hero Buzzard & supporters:$1,000-
13. 陳先生Mr. Chan: $200-
14. 公開挑戰組「雙斑小逸雲雀」及支持者 Team - Win's Lark & supporters:$38,428-
15. 中學生組「翠鳥BB」及支持者 Team – Baby Kingfish & supporters:$1,300-
本年比賽所籌得的款項將用於製作鳥類單張(包括麻鷹、水鳥及林鳥等),作為向公眾推廣觀鳥活動及雀鳥保育的重要工具。你的支持會使我們現時的工作走得更遠 !
Donation to this bird race will be used for production of bird pamphlets, including Black Kite, Waterbird, Forest Bird, etc., which are powerful educational tool in promoting bird watching and bird conservation to the public. Your support serves as a green light for us to go further and work better.
多謝各位 !!
Many thanks to all of you !!
香港觀鳥會 辦事處
HKBWS Office
Author: HKBWS Bonnie Time: 14/06/2016 14:52
以是次籌款贊助製作費用的小冊子 Pamphlets sponsored by donations from HK Bird Watching Day 2016: