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Subject: [Indoor] 10/6/2016 Indoor Meeting: Birdwatching in the 21st Century [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 5/05/2016 17:28     Subject: 10/6/2016 Indoor Meeting: Birdwatching in the 21st Century

Indoor Meeting: Birdwatching in the 21st Century

Automatic identification of photos on your smartphone. Tools to find birds anywhere in the world, at your fingertips, all for free. Technology is advancing so rapidly that it is possible to create tools for birdwatchers that weren’t even possible just a couple years ago. Sightings and photographs submitted by “citizen scientists” around the world provide a resource that is used to build these birdwatching tools, while also providing valuable information for researchers and conservationists—giving back to the birds that we all care so much about. Come learn about eBird and Merlin, two free projects that can help you find and learn about birds like never before. Join eBird Project Coordinator Ian Davies to find out how to take your birdwatching and photography to the next level.

Speaker: Mr. Ian Davies
Ian Davies works at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology with eBird (, a free global database of bird sightings that is used by birdwatchers, researchers, and conservationists worldwide. More than 320 million sightings of birds from every country on earth are available for free use, contributed by more than 310,000 birdwatchers like you. He got interested in birds at age 13 when he visited a bird ringing station, and has been lost to the feathered world ever since. He enjoys traveling to find birds, making sure to collect information on the birds seen through eBird. He has visited more than 25 countries in the pursuit of birds so far, noting more than 3,500 species. He can’t wait to visit Hong Kong and see the wonderful birds there!

Date: Friday 10 June, 2016

Time: 19:15 - 21:00

Venue: HKBWS LCK office
            7C, V Ga Building, 532 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon

Language: English with English powerpoint

Fee: Member $10, Non-member $30

** No registration required **

室內講座: 21世紀觀鳥新模式

智能手機上的自動識別照片功能,以及尋找世界各地的地圖,現今在手機上皆可免費使用,這些科技的快速發展是幾年前沒法想到的。世界各地的公民科學家(包括觀鳥者)有著各樣的目擊記錄及照片,提供了資源構建觀鳥工具,而這些工具又為科研人員及保育專家回饋了很多珍貴的資料,因為鳥類都是大家關心的一環。eBird和 Merlin是兩個免費的觀鳥軟件, eBird的項目統籌員Ian Davis先生會介紹這兩個軟件的使用, 以及如何把你的觀鳥和攝影帶到一個新的水平。

講者:Mr. Ian Davies

Ian Davis 先生是康奈爾鳥類學實驗室 eBird項目的統籌員, eBird是一個免費的全球鳥類數據庫, 包含的數據為很多世界各地觀鳥者, 研究人員及保育專家所使用,來自全球三十一萬的觀鳥者總共提供了三億多的鳥類記錄。Ian在13歲時到訪鳥類環誌站後對鳥類產生興趣,至此一直沉醉在這個羽毛的國度。他喜歡觀鳥旅遊, 並藉著使用eBird的信息來找尋鳥種。到目前為止,他已到訪超過25個國家,記錄超過3,500種鳥類,他迫不及待到香港看這裡的精彩鳥種。
日期:2016年6月10日 星期五

時間:1915 - 2100


語言:英語, 英文簡報


** 不需報名 **

Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 3/06/2016 16:19


今次是該項目的統籌員Ian Davis先生到訪香港, 並為香港觀鳥會的會員及朋友介紹eBird的使用.


下星期五(6月10日), 到時見!!
Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 9/06/2016 20:11


Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 10/06/2016 10:14

See you tonight !!!
Author: lalan    Time: 10/06/2016 15:43

Author: ajohn    Time: 11/06/2016 22:08

To help people relate more directly to the information in yesterday's talk, I have linked to the eBird lists of birds that Ian and I saw around Hong Kong today. Please check this link:
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 13/06/2016 14:55

Many thanks to Ian and Tung !!!

Image Attachment: IMG_0146.JPG (13/06/2016 14:55, 370.6 KB) / Download count 668

Image Attachment: IMG_0152.JPG (13/06/2016 14:55, 398.78 KB) / Download count 611

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