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Subject: [Oversea] Galapagos April 2014 [Print This Page]

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 6/05/2016 20:27     Subject: Galapagos April 2014

In April 2014 i visited the Galapagos Islands for a photography trip ( if anyone is interested, i can PM the tour company details which specialises in wildlife photography trips around the world). We visited almost 10 different islands in the archipelago. From a Birdlife perspective the islands have about 70+ bird species, with over half  of them endemics. Will post the bird list shortly that we spotted on the trip.

Attached pics from the trip.

Equipment used Canon 5D Mk3, 100-400mm lens, and sometimes the 2x extender (with manual focus). Further in the Galapagos the birds and wildlife are unperturbed by humans, as it as been a protected national park for a while, hence they readily approach the camera and people as sometimes they are quite inquisitive.

First few pics are of the Blue Footed Booby

Image Attachment: GP - BFB 1.jpg (6/05/2016 20:27, 97.5 KB) / Download count 601

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 6/05/2016 20:28

Blue footed booby with Kicker Rock in the background at sunset

Image Attachment: GP - BFB 3.jpg (6/05/2016 20:28, 118.3 KB) / Download count 561

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 6/05/2016 20:29

Image Attachment: GP - BFB 4.jpg (6/05/2016 20:29, 106.19 KB) / Download count 563

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 6/05/2016 20:30

The Galapagos Hawk

Juvenile molt

Image Attachment: GP - G Hawk 1.jpg (6/05/2016 20:30, 105.73 KB) / Download count 555

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 6/05/2016 20:32

Would have been a better pic, if i had got the manual focus right ....

Image Attachment: GP - G Hawk 3.jpg (6/05/2016 20:32, 103.22 KB) / Download count 607

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 6/05/2016 20:33

Image Attachment: GP - G Hawk 2.jpg (6/05/2016 20:33, 110.27 KB) / Download count 539

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 6/05/2016 20:36

The Waved Albatross - courting dance

Image Attachment: GP - W Albatross 4.jpg (6/05/2016 20:36, 115.76 KB) / Download count 533

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 7/05/2016 20:46

Image Attachment: GP - W Albatross 1.jpg (7/05/2016 20:46, 109.93 KB) / Download count 548

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 7/05/2016 20:55

Image Attachment: GP - W Albatross 6.jpg (7/05/2016 20:55, 118.35 KB) / Download count 649

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 7/05/2016 20:56

Image Attachment: GP - W Albatross 3.jpg (7/05/2016 20:56, 97.18 KB) / Download count 557

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 7/05/2016 20:57

Great Frigatebird

Image Attachment: GP -Greater Frigate Bird 1.jpg (7/05/2016 20:57, 121.97 KB) / Download count 586

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 7/05/2016 20:58

Image Attachment: GP -Greater Frigate Bird 2.jpg (7/05/2016 20:58, 114.21 KB) / Download count 545

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 7/05/2016 20:59

Image Attachment: GP -Greater Frigate Bird 4.jpg (7/05/2016 20:59, 99.98 KB) / Download count 553

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 7/05/2016 21:01

Image Attachment: GP - Greater Frigatebird 5.jpg (7/05/2016 21:01, 107.59 KB) / Download count 563

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 7/05/2016 21:29

精彩記錄, 謝謝分享
Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 9/05/2016 12:58

List of birds spotted in Galapagos during the trip:

1.        American Oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus
2.        Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
3.        Flightless cormorant (Phalacrocorax harrisi),
4.        Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus)
5.        Waved albatross (Phoebastria irrorata)
6.        Galápagos shearwater (Puffinus subalaris)
7.        Wedge-rumped storm petrel (Oceanodroma tethys)
8.        Elliot's storm petrel (Oceanites gracilis)
9.        Magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens)
10.        Great frigatebird (Fregata minor)
11.        Swallow-tailed gull (Creagrus furcatus)
12.        Lava gull (Leucophaeus fuliginosus)
13.        Red-billed tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus)
14.        Common noddy (Anous stolidus)
15.        Sooty tern (Onychoprion fuscatus)
16.        White-cheeked pintail (Anas bahamensis)
17.        Greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)
18.        Great blue heron (Ardea herodias)
19.        Yellow-crowned night-heron (Nyctanassa violacea)
20.        Striated heron (Butorides striata)
21.        Lava heron (Butorides sundevalli)
22.        Ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
23.        Semipalmated plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)
24.        Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica)
25.        Galapagos hawk (Buteo galapagoensis)
26.        Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus)
27.        Galápagos flycatcher (Myiarchus magnirostris)
28.        Vermilion flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus)
29.        American yellow warbler (Setophaga petechia)
30.        Galápagos mockingbird (Mimus parvulus)
31.        Chatham mockingbird (Mimus melanotis)
32.        Hood mockingbird (Mimus macdonaldi)
33.        Medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis)
34.        Small ground finch (Geospiza fuliginosa)
35.        Sharp-beaked ground finch (Geospiza difficilis)
36.        Large cactus finch (Geospiza conirostris)
37.        Green warbler-finch (Certhidea olivacea)
38.        Blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii)
39.        Red-footed booby (Sula sula)
40.        Nazca booby (Sula granti)
41.        Brown booby (Sula leucogaster)
Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 9/05/2016 20:40

Flightless or Galapagos Cormorant

Image Attachment: GP - Flightless C 1.jpg (9/05/2016 20:40, 113.86 KB) / Download count 517

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 9/05/2016 20:41

Image Attachment: GP - Flightless C 2.jpg (9/05/2016 20:41, 95.79 KB) / Download count 572

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 9/05/2016 20:43

American Oystercatchers

Image Attachment: GP - Oystercatchers.jpg (9/05/2016 20:43, 109.22 KB) / Download count 560

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 9/05/2016 20:44

Galapagos Penguins watching sunset

Image Attachment: GP - Penguin Sunset.jpg (9/05/2016 20:44, 99.41 KB) / Download count 552

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 9/05/2016 20:45

Short Eared Owl

Image Attachment: GP - Short Eared Owl 2.jpg (9/05/2016 20:45, 103.99 KB) / Download count 574

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 9/05/2016 20:46

Image Attachment: GP - Short Eared Owl 3.jpg (9/05/2016 20:46, 107.96 KB) / Download count 561

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 9/05/2016 21:16

Lava Herons - courting dance by the beach

Image Attachment: GP - L Heron 2.jpg (9/05/2016 21:16, 106.68 KB) / Download count 558

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 10/05/2016 20:53

Nazca Booby

Red Footed Booby cooling off in the mid-day heat

Image Attachment: GP - Nazca Booby.jpg (10/05/2016 20:53, 85.76 KB) / Download count 562

Image Attachment: GP - Red Footed B 3.jpg (10/05/2016 20:53, 112.98 KB) / Download count 482

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 10/05/2016 20:55

Image Attachment: GP -Red Footed Booby 1.jpg (10/05/2016 20:55, 98.95 KB) / Download count 569

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 10/05/2016 20:56

The iconic Marine Iguana

Image Attachment: GP - Marine Iguana 2.jpg (10/05/2016 20:56, 175.94 KB) / Download count 550

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 10/05/2016 20:56

Image Attachment: GP - Marine Iguana 3.jpg (10/05/2016 20:56, 124.92 KB) / Download count 584

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 11/05/2016 22:47

Sally light foot crabs, which are literally found on every coastline along the archipelago...

Image Attachment: GP - Sally Light Foot.jpg (11/05/2016 22:47, 104.9 KB) / Download count 568

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 11/05/2016 22:49

The Galapagos Sea lion - pic captured just as a wave crashed on the rock it was resting on.

Image Attachment: GP - Sea Lion.jpg (11/05/2016 22:49, 134.2 KB) / Download count 521

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 11/05/2016 22:51

The Galapagos Mockingbird ( i think)...

Image Attachment: GP -Mockingbird 1.jpg (11/05/2016 22:51, 105.36 KB) / Download count 587

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 11/05/2016 22:52

Image Attachment: GP -Mockingbird 2.jpg (11/05/2016 22:52, 101.47 KB) / Download count 558

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 11/05/2016 22:54

The Galapagos Tortoise

Image Attachment: GP - Tortoise.jpg (11/05/2016 22:54, 123.58 KB) / Download count 551

Author: Mr.Cyan    Time: 11/05/2016 22:56

Lava Heron

Image Attachment: GP - Lava Heron 1.jpg (11/05/2016 22:56, 104.56 KB) / Download count 574

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