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Subject: Bird Hide #1 [Print This Page]

Author: hkwongkit    Time: 2/06/2016 19:10     Subject: Bird Hide #1

Let's hope Bird Hide #1 will be ready before this August when birding season starts again ...

[ Last edited by hkwongkit at 2/06/2016 19:31 ]
Author: cthomas    Time: 9/06/2016 23:17

  Hide 1 remain few poles...

[ Last edited by cthomas at 10/06/2016 08:49 ]

Image Attachment: jun_9_16_2.JPG (9/06/2016 23:17, 191.5 KB) / Download count 533

Author: hkwongkit    Time: 10/06/2016 08:04

Thanks, Thomas!
Hope the re-build will be in time ...
Author: ajohn    Time: 10/06/2016 08:58

WWF have previously stated that the work on the hide will be completed in September. This was mentioned in an earlier thread, but an update before the recent work started would have been useful in this case I think: ... &extra=page%3D1
I don't know whether this means early September or late September, but I would guess that it is more likely to be later. Unfortunately that means that work will be ongoing throughout much of the migration period for shorebirds. Hopefully work will take into account the use of the scrape by shorebirds. And hopefully the birds will be visible from Hide 3 or Hide 7 during that period, although I suspect there is a chance that many will instead use GW#21 and be rather distant.
Author: siulanl    Time: 15/08/2016 17:14

Bird Hide #1 13 Aug 2016

Image Attachment: [Bird Hide #1_13 Aug 2016] 20160813.jpg (15/08/2016 17:14, 89.24 KB) / Download count 502

Author: hkwongkit    Time: 16/08/2016 07:49

Thanks for update photo!
Looks like it's way behind the schedule which is supposed to be end Sep 2016 for completion!!!
Author: hkwongkit    Time: 29/08/2016 19:31

Any progress on Hide #1?

[ Last edited by hkwongkit at 29/08/2016 19:37 ]
Author: siulanl    Time: 31/08/2016 13:31

I had been there on last Saturday; not much different from my photo taken on 13 August.
Author: lexusjohn    Time: 5/09/2016 09:57

Any progress on hide 1? Please
Author: ajohn    Time: 5/09/2016 13:24

I was at the reserve yesterday and there seems to be little or no progress compared to the photo from 13 August. Based on current rates of work it is looking very unlikely that the hide will be completed before the wintering waterbirds return to the reserve (especially as there are already lots of returning waders and even the first ducks).
It would be great if WWF could provide an update on the current status of the work on this hide, and when work is expected to be finished.

Image Attachment: 20160904_131726(2).jpg (5/09/2016 13:24, 170.32 KB) / Download count 464

Author: irsychan    Time: 5/09/2016 13:32

Not only that bird hide no. 1 is left with only a few wooden poles right now, all mudflats in Gei Wai no. 16/17 are covered with tall grass!  
I trust everyone understands the ecological importance of Mai Po, particularly Gei Wai no. 16/17, as a core feeding and resting ground for migratory birds.  The tall grass now covering the mudflats in Gei Wai no. 16/17 will probably discourage waders, ducks and raptors from using this Gei Wai.
Can WWF Hong Kong tell us what is going on?

[ Last edited by irsychan at 6/09/2016 08:51 ]
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 8/09/2016 12:21

Dear Bird watchers,

Apology for late reply, I am not aware of the discussion under this thread until now.

Hide #1 is expected to complete at the end of September as per we originally anticipated.

For vegetation at GW#16/17, we have been maintaining the vegetation at the seaward half of the gei wai from time to time over the past 3 months so that waders can still use the area in front of Hide #5, #6 and #7. Area around Hide #1 and Hide #3 have been purposely left tall to discourage birds using this area during the work period (Hide #1 and habitat works at GW#14). Vegetation will be cut once Hide #1 is completed. Also, GW#21 is an alternative high-tide roosting area for waders when works need to be carried out around GW#16/17.

We are sorry for any inconvenience these might have caused and please feel free to contact me directly via email kleung @ (remove the spacing) or phone the Mai Po Office 2471 6212.

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Manager
Mai Po Nature Reserve
Author: ajohn    Time: 6/10/2016 14:39

The work at Hide 1 is still not completed. On my visit to Mai Po today, there seems to have been little or no progress from the photos on this thread - just a few vertical poles, no walls, no floor and no roof. Grasses on the seaward island have been cut, but not yet at the landward end of the scrape (this maybe waiting until the hide is completed, as suggested in WWF's response).

Is there an update and a revised schedule for completion of the rebuilding work? I guess it will be reopened before the winter season, is that still the plan?
Author: hkwongkit    Time: 2/11/2016 16:50

Any update on Hide #1?
Author: cwchan    Time: 2/11/2016 18:21

On my visit last Saturday, the roof top and floor are completed. The walls are still missing.
Author: hkwongkit    Time: 2/11/2016 19:01

Noted and thanks, CW!
It's really coming on slowly. Well, so much for project management at WWF HK!
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 4/11/2016 15:35

Dear birdwatchers,

The hide is anticipated to be back into service not later than 18-Nov (Fri). There were much delay due to bad weather and breakdown of machinery. Most of the exterior of the hide is completed and we still need some more time to finish the interior. We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.

From observations these 2 weeks most of the birds on GW#16/17 are concentrated in front of Hide #7. We hope when Hide #1 is finished the birds will start using the area in front again.

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Manager
Mai Po Nature Reserve
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 17/11/2016 11:12




Revamp of Birdwatching Hide #1 is completed and the hide is now reopened. The revamp was made possible through funding from HSBC’s “Nature with No Barriers” project to provide a good standard of bird watching facility to visitors with special needs, especially wheelchair user

The new structure includes some features to suit the needs of wheelchair user, including a widened and gentled access ramp, doors replaced with wooden screens, windows with lowered height and extended legroom. Besides, ventilation and heat insulation were improved; and lighter material was used for making the window to improve safety.

Revamp of the access ramp and the installation of pillars of the Hide needed to be carried out in good weather. The amount of rain in this summer has been comparatively high and therefore the project has been considerably delayed. We apologise for any inconvenience or disruption this has caused.

擴闊了的斜坡 Widened access ramp

屋頂的隔熱及通風措施 Ventilation and heat insulation improved

代替木門的屏風 Wooden screen to replace door

[ Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 21/11/2016 12:37 ]

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