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Subject: Po Toi Autumn 2016 [Print This Page]

Author: wgeoff    Time: 26/08/2016 10:08     Subject: Po Toi Autumn 2016

The first unusual record of autumn 2016 yesterday on Po Toi, a Paradise Flycatcher, photo thanks to James Lau

The dark brown wings and tail without any rufous suggests this is a Japanese Paradise Flycatcher.
Behind the Toilet Block.

Thank you James, nothing else of interest apparently (I was not there)

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 26/08/2016 10:34 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 30/08/2016 18:43     Subject: 30th August

A good day on Po Toi today, maybe with the recent change in weather to N/NE winds, and the following species were recorded

Fairy Pitta - one near to the upper reservoir in the regular valley for Fairy Pittas up from the Sister's Cafe
Himalayan Swiftlet - at least one flying around the Ferry Pier area with some House Swifts
Yellow Bittern
Arctic Warbler
Asia Brown Flycatcher - 2
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher - 1 female type behind the restaurant

Unfortunately the only photo I have is the Yellow Bittern photo thanks to James Yau

All the dirt paths are now covered with vegetation and I had to fight my way up to the Fairy Pitta - but it was worth it!
Author: lrichard    Time: 10/09/2016 21:30

Heavy rain - best birds seen on Pom Toi island were a Dollabird and a Red Turtle Dove.

Seen at sea Aberdeen-Waglan-Po Toi-Aberdeen:

Great Crested Tern 16
Aleutian Tern 28 (minimum)
Common Tern 1
tern sp 30+
Red-necked Phalarope 6

Big thanks to Carrie Ma for organising this
Author: lrichard    Time: 10/09/2016 21:31

Po Toi island, that is
Author: kkchang168    Time: 12/09/2016 08:01

2016-09-06 Po Toi

Fairy Pitta - one near to the upper reservoir in the regular valley for Fairy Pittas up from the Sister's Cafe
Dollarbird - 3
Arctic Warbler
Asia Brown Flycatcher - 2
Common Sandpiper
Grey Heron
Little Egret
Pacific Reef Heron - 2
White-bellied Sea Eagle
Common Kingfisher
Black Drongo
Eastern Yellow Wagtail - 2
Author: leo2012    Time: 12/09/2016 21:08

10-09-2016 Po Toi

Dark-sided Flycatcher

Image Attachment: I06_7989cr.jpg (12/09/2016 21:08, 90.67 KB) / Download count 591

Author: Tom_Li    Time: 16/09/2016 14:59

16/9/2016 Po Toi
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher female
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Dark-sided Flycatcher
Long-tailed Shrike
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Arctic Warbler
Eastern-crowned Warbler
Yellow Bittern
White-bellied Sea Eagle
Common Kingfisher
Author: peter2014    Time: 19/09/2016 22:54

1 Sep 2016  Po Toi

Red Turtle Dove

Image Attachment: 20160901-D5N_0080.jpg (19/09/2016 22:54, 96.33 KB) / Download count 567

Author: wgeoff    Time: 23/09/2016 18:50     Subject: Thursday 22 September

A good day with a good variety of species. Most of the photographs here are from Peter Ho and K K Chang, with thanks.

From the Ferry, at least 20 Red-necked Phalarope as we approached Po Toi.
As we got off the Ferry, a Grey Nightjar flew overhead and gave good views.

A Dollarbird and at least seven Black-naped Orioles were in the tall trees at the Lower School.

and an Ashy Minivet was flying around calling looking for company

In the harbour, a Black-winged Stilt

and several saw this juvenile Chinese Sparrowhawk close-up

Peter Ho managed to find a Cyornis Flycatcher, presumably Hainan Blue although the throat was white

Also seen or heard, two Siberian Blue Robins (no photos) and a Forest Wagtail

Thanks to Peter Ho and KK Chang for the photos.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 24/09/2016 08:54 ]
Author: sdavid    Time: 7/10/2016 09:22

Any updates anyone from this week?

Some good birds have been about - just wondering how Po Toi is getting on as planning a trip there next week
Author: wgeoff    Time: 8/10/2016 09:00

I didn't visit last week, not many did and I think birds are probably being missed.

Best bird I heard about was a Mugimaki Flycatcher plus the regulars at this time of year.
Author: ac130    Time: 8/10/2016 20:38


Pacific Reef Heron 3
Great Egret 1
White Wagtail 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Black Kite 1
Crested Myna 1
White-shouldered Starling 20
Black-naped Oriole 1
Oriental Dollarbird 1
Black Drongo 5
Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Dark-sided Flycatcher 1
Arctic Warbler 1
Red-whiskered Bulbul 1 heard only
Common Kingfisher 1
Masked Laughingthrush 1 heard only
Common Tailorbird 1 heard only
Yellow-bellied Prinia 1 heard only
Blue Whistling Thrush 1 heard only
Pheasant-tailed Jacana 1
Blue Rock Thrush 1
Common Kestrel 1
Dusky Warbler 1 heard only
Barn Swallow 2


Image Attachment: four_birds.jpg (8/10/2016 20:38, 150.66 KB) / Download count 521

Author: edyip1999    Time: 11/10/2016 20:37

Oct 11
Fine weather

Some 30 egrets (too far to tell their species) were heading south from Po Toi

My list today:
White Wagtail 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Oriental Dollarbird 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Grey-streaked Flycatchers several
Blue Rock Thrush 1
Long-tailed shrike 1
Verditer Flycatcher (F) 1
Red turtle dove (F) 1
Peregrine Falcon (?) 1
1472a: pls help to identify

Image Attachment: 1517a.jpg (11/10/2016 20:37, 11.62 KB) / Download count 428

Image Attachment: Blue Rock Thrush (f) 4a.jpg (11/10/2016 20:37, 105.9 KB) / Download count 454

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Image Attachment: IMG_1559a.jpg (11/10/2016 20:37, 149.81 KB) / Download count 471

Image Attachment: Red Turtle Dove (f)a.jpg (11/10/2016 20:37, 118.6 KB) / Download count 446

Author: badesc    Time: 11/10/2016 22:13

1472a: Black-winged Cuckooshrike

1517a: looks like an adult Hobby to me

[ Last edited by badesc at 11/10/2016 22:18 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 12/10/2016 13:34

I agree with Bart.

The egrets are a mixed bag of Great and Little Egrets, possibly others, normal in October.

I've also had a photo of a Grey Nightjar sent me from Monday.
Author: ac130    Time: 15/10/2016 21:36


Pacific Reef Heron 1
White Wagtail 2
Oriental Dollarbird 1
Black Drongo 3
Hair-crested Drongo 1
Barn Swallow 1
Black Kite 1
Eastern Cattle Egret 1
Chinese Pond Heron 1
Blue Rock Thrush 2
Red-whiskered Bulbul 1
Arctic Warbler 1
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 3
Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
White-shouldered Starling 5
Common Tailorbird 1 heard only
Oriental Magpie Robin 1 heard only
Verditer Flycatcher 1 male
Chinese Bulbul 1
Crested Myna 10
Blue Whistling Thrush 1 heard only
Dusky Warbler 1 heard only

Dollarbird, Black Drongo and Hair-crested Drongo:

Blue Rock Thrush:

I saw a pale grey bird flew over the river at the helipad.  I immediately thought about the Grey Nightjar reported on Monday.  

Hope you good luck to take the photo of this.

Happy weekend!

Image Attachment: Dollarbird_Black_Drongo_and_Hair-crested_Drongo.jpg (15/10/2016 21:36, 104.19 KB) / Download count 535

Image Attachment: Blue_Rock_Thrush.jpg (15/10/2016 21:36, 42.32 KB) / Download count 571

Author: leo2012    Time: 21/10/2016 21:46


Oriental Dollarbird 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher 2
Grey-streaked Flycatchers 7+
Brown Shrike 1
Long-tailed shrike 2
Crested Goshawk 1
Dusky Warbler 1
Arctic Warbler 1
White-shouldered Starling several
Black Drongo several
Asian Koel 1
Pacific Reef Heron 1
Eastern Cattle Egret 1
Blue Rock Thrush (F) 1
White Wagtail 1
Verditer Flycatcher (M) 1

unknown Cuckoo, pls help to identify

Author: leo2012    Time: 1/11/2016 20:18


one Caspian Tern was seen on the way to Po Toi.

Image Attachment: I07_2858jcr.jpg (1/11/2016 20:18, 53.93 KB) / Download count 524

Image Attachment: I07_2861jcr.jpg (1/11/2016 20:18, 65.54 KB) / Download count 634

Author: wgeoff    Time: 11/11/2016 13:06     Subject: Thursday 10 November

Two weeks ago on 27 October, a pair of Mandarin Duck were seen flying around the harbour at Po Toi - great photos thanks to Kenneth Lam

I assumed just passing through.

Much to my amazement, yesterday I saw what was presumably the same male Mandarin flying down the harbour from the direction of the lagoon and out towards the Temple. I did not see the female but may have missed it. These birds have not been seen over the last two weeks, to my knowledge, but they may be staying there somewhere.

Whatever, this species is a great and surprising addition to the Po Toi list, joining the only other duck species Common Teal, Garganey and Red-breasted Merganser. The List is now at 334 species.

Also seen yesterday - Common Buzzard, Oriental Turtle Dove (many), Chestnut Bulbul, Siberian Rubythroat (heard), Red-flanked Bluetail, Daurian Redstart, Blue Rock Thrush, Chinese Blackbird (many), Brown-flanked Bush Warbler, Dusky and Yellow-browed Warblers (many), Dark-sided, Red-breasted and Red-throated Flycatchers and many Hair-crested Drongo.

Unfortunately not the Brambling seen on Tuesday.
Author: kennethchiu    Time: 11/11/2016 14:17

Thanks Geoff. It was my pleasure to meet them on Po Toi.
Such a gorgeous species!

Author: wgeoff    Time: 11/11/2016 14:47

And thank you Kenneth, for your excellent photos.
Author: peter2014    Time: 11/11/2016 20:28

Hi Geoff,

This is the brambling I saw it on this Tuesday(8 Nov 2016)

In addition, I saw a Black-naped Oriole and a Black-winged cuckoo-shrike

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Author: nipwk    Time: 17/11/2016 17:45     Subject: Po Tai

12/11/2016 Po Tai

Daurian Redstart
Hair-Crested Drongo
Dark-sided Flycatcher
Rustic Bunting ?

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Author: wgeoff    Time: 18/11/2016 17:36

Good photos.

The bunting is a Little Bunting.

Almost as rare as Rustic these days.
Author: edyip1999    Time: 22/11/2016 21:33

Nov 22, 2016

Not many found under wind and rain

Oriental Turtle Dove
Pacific Reef Egret
White Wagtail
Crested Myna
Daurian Redstart (m)
Brown Shrike
Verditer Flycatcher
Mugimaki flycatcher (f)(4441a & 4448a?)

[ Last edited by edyip1999 at 23/11/2016 22:40 ]

Image Attachment: Blue & White Flycatcher 1a.jpg (22/11/2016 21:33, 109.17 KB) / Download count 386

Image Attachment: Oriental Turtle Dove 2a.jpg (22/11/2016 21:33, 153.1 KB) / Download count 392

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Author: kmatthew    Time: 22/11/2016 22:38

The Blue & White should be a Verditer.
Author: edyip1999    Time: 23/11/2016 22:40

Thanks for your correction, Matthew!!
Author: peter2014    Time: 10/12/2016 14:13

24 Nov 2016

Eyebrowed Thrush

Tristram's Bunting

8 Dec 2016

Pale Thrush

Red-flanked Bluetail

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