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Subject: Shing Mun and Lead Mine Pass -- Autumn of 2016 [Print This Page]

Author: tsheunglai    Time: 30/08/2016 22:17     Subject: Shing Mun and Lead Mine Pass -- Autumn of 2016

29th August, 2016 (Mon)

Morning breeze from the north/north-easterly brings hotness down to 24 Celsius and about thirty towards noon.

Return to the site with pleasure
Migrants seen further enhance the trip's delights

Business seemed as usual until the steps were being climabed from the minibus stop. Some noisy chattering of a great bird was heard among the thickets and short trees on the slope side of the dam. Some quiet observation revealed it to be a Greater coucal - common in Mai Po but nevertheless the first personal encounter at this site - later confirmed to be an immature.

Walking above the water collection duct alongside the AFCD quarters, some Blue-winged minlas met the eyes and patience paid when my first Asian paradise flycatcher of the autumn was seen.

Birds seen or heard came slowly with the tenth species recorded at eight forty from a start at seven thirty-five.  A birdwave of minor significance was encountered with a brief view of an Eastern crown leaf warbler. Walking up to the top of Lead Mine Pass, besides confirmring my physique being in proper order, was poorly rewarded with birds.

Totally nineteen species wrapped up the morning's work when the trip ended at twelve fifteen.

S L Tai

On returning to Ma Wan two Common sandpipers and a White wagtail were seen on the shoals near the pier on low tide, the latter was a migrant and the waterbirds need to be determined later as regards status.

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 3/09/2016 16:58 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 3/09/2016 17:25

31st, August, 2016 (Wed)

Warmer than two days ago Monday, with wind blowing from southwest

A sequel to Monday's to check the remnants of latest coldfront from the north
No surprise but local bird scene keeps changing

The water level stretching the catchment outlet up to the road barrier remained too high for wagtails to wade and feed. Along the reservoir walk an old acquaintance appeared in the form of Collared crow was seen. Lots of Blue-winged minlas and Velvet-fronted nuthatches appeared in larger than average flocks with few varieties of other birds. A Mountain bulbul was heard at the easiest place, above the stream that runs across the roadbridge at Picnic site no. seven.

In returning from Picnic site eight on Lead Mine Pass, a glimpse of an Asian paradise flycatcher gave me reason to check the rest of birds with it. Some ten minutes of search help find the flycatcher again with like last Monday Blue-winged minlas before the pavillion on Picnic site twelve.

Though the number of species recorded was again nineteen, Scarlet-backed flowerpeckers were heard as new arrivals to the site.

S L Tai

Off the Ma Wan pier, a routine check of the shallow shoal area of Tung Wan Beach got a single Common sandpiper other than common residents.
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 9/09/2016 19:45

9th September, 2016 (Friday)

Moderately hot with temperature ranging from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, wind blowing form southwest, local heavy rain starting towards eleven

Rather quiet a morning it was
Comfort found in single species of flycatcher but good in number

The catchment area was rather quiet, with a single Grey wagtail flying over but nowhere to land and feed, being the sixth species recorded before the road barrier was passed.

On the first kilometre distance, a Collared crow was seen, perhaps the same seen last time.

The twelve species was an Asian paradise flycatcher, my third of the autumn.

All rather quiet and remained so on return from Picnic site number 8 on the Pass. It was then that two more Asian paradise flycatchers were seen, confirmed two as the second was spotted when the binoculars moved just some inches to the right.

It was thought that some other flycatchers should be present but depth of woods prevented sighting of them when birds moved away from the observer. It proved to be the morning's common situation.

The morning's total species was down to a rather low of fifteen, given that only Chestnut bulbuls among the four local species were heard.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 9/09/2016 19:51 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 18/09/2016 18:46

12th - 14th September, 2016 (Mon - Thu) Fairly good weather for all days; mainly easterly wind for first two mornings, but north/northwesterly for Thursday; hot from 24 to 33 degrees Celsius

Total species recorded experienced a big jump
Migrant species on the increase too

Babbler species surged upwards in number, catching attention most of the time during the morning trip. Two species of leaf warblers were seen, being a total of four Eastern crowned and two Arctic. Two Asian paradise flycatchers were seen, though a bit frustrated not seeing any Japanese so far; not much compensated by seeing a single Asian brown flycatcher.

Minivets were notably poor in number, just one male Grey-throated seen; they were important to bring bigger forest birds into view, like Black-winged cuckoo shrikes and Ashy drongos.

The morning species count ended in twenty-six, up from fifteen of last time.

Last two days (Tuesday and Wednesday)

Summarily, both mornings ended in disappointment

For Tuesday, only twelve species heard or seen; no migrants. For Wednesday, better a bit with shorter time spent; ten in total species. Only one Grey wagtail which lingered on the high-water-levelled catchment by perching on a dead tree lying across the top, and a White elsewhere.

On reaching Picnic site number five on the return leg, distinct Crested serpent eagle calls were heard. Wow, two of them soaring together and later parted from eight Black kites; a record number for the area.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 18/09/2016 18:52 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 19/09/2016 19:25

19th September, 2016 (Mon)
Fairly hot though cool from the start at 24 but ended at 31 degrees Celsius; light wind from the north; sunny

Continuous hot sunny weather push local condition to be summer like
Same situation made migrants early leave

Migration dates are just like built in clocks within birds, modified by direction of wind and conditions of breeding grounds. Stay-on periods depend on food supply and degree of favouable local weather condition. For Shing Mun/ Lead Mine Pass area the reliability of the above conjectures seem hold reasonable truth. At least it held true for today's findings.

Local birds seemed to be in no hurry to forage for food, resulting in absence of mixed flocks the whole morning. The result was obvious, big drop from last Monday's count. Interestingly, the fourth species is a flock of Greater necklaced laughing thrushes which stopped me to listen to their soft and variable calls until I could see and count them. Two Asian brown flycatchers were all I could claim as migrants. It was with some satisfaction when I found I could hear a bird call, traced the caller's position and proved its identification as guessed; in this case an Orange-bellied leafbird, a female.

The morning ended in a total of twelve species seen or heard, all counted.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 19/09/2016 19:34 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 25/09/2016 21:07

22nd September, 2016 (Thursday)
Sunny with wind from N/NE with temperature from 24 to 31 degrees Celsius

Continuous good weather renders passing on of migrants smooth
Still few migrants lingering on

The catchment area before the road barrier was still few in birds; just five species heard or seen. All morning no flycatchers were found, only two Eastern crowned and one Arctic leaf warblers were seen among babblers. It was on the early part of the Lead Mine pass that both kinds of calls of a Bay woodpecker were distinctively heard; possibly two, but positions too close to be certain.

Small flocks of mixed local babblers were frequently seen, but there was just one Grey throated minivet seen, a female.

Total species recorded improved to twenty.

S L Tai

Reef egrets returned to visit the shoaled area of Tung Wan beach of Ma Wan island, after an absence of more a year. This time one was seen.

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 25/09/2016 21:08 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 20/10/2016 22:10

20th October, 2016 (Thursday)
A morning with sunny intervals, wind from N/NE and temperature from a cool 23 to hot thirty-one Celsius

A turn of fortunes
Nice migrants with species more than doubling

An absence of writing here only means that the past four weeks in five morning trips had been all too boring to be worth reporting.

The catchment had swelled considerably in water level after the previous day's heavy rain, Grey wagtails all absent along. What else was like as usual until a flycatcher of the Muscicapa family was sighted in the distance on top of the iron fence above the Visitors' Centre. On cautious approach the bird remained long enough to be identified as a Dark-sided, later confirmed as a first-winter.

The whole part of the Reservoir walk before it turned right was rather quiet, but with ample time the top of the Lead Mine Pass was attempted. The top was all no birds and back down to the level part where a side road branched off to the Aboretum, the only species worth mentioning here was two Yellow-browed leaf warblers heard. Trying luck with the first two hundred metres towards the plantation, Grey-throated minivets were heard. It was here that my morning's total species doubled. Among lots of Velvet-fronted nuthatches, some Yellow-cheeked tits and babblers, an Asian paradise flycatcher was well seen. A large warbler, foraging on some large tree branches was found to be a Goodson's with another of the same kind also seen some distance away.

The total species recorded swelled to twenty-eight, indeed more than doubling all previous five and by far the best of the season up to the presnt.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 20/10/2016 22:18 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 28/10/2016 12:26

26th October, 2106 (Wednesday)
Cloudy with periods of sunlight; temperature from 25 to 29 degrees Celsius and weak wind from NE

Things changing for the better
Minivets-lead bird wave met again on Lead Mine Pass

Straightly uneventful for the first ten species recorded at eight fifteen after about forty-five minutes of search. It was just some two hundred metres beyond Picnic Site 8 that a mild surprise was felt. Around twenty Striated (Chestnut-necked) Yuhinas, usually winter visitors from mid-November and beyond, was heard and seen. The noisy lot mixed with a bird wave led by local minivets and parted soon in their own direction. Among local birds, a first winter probably a male Verditer flycatcher was seen. Hope it would stay and meet again. Also nice to see my first White-bellied erponis of the season. Experience told that this time was right for finding a Black-winged cuckoo shrike among sizeable flock of minivets. Attention was paid to heavy flying dark-looking bird bit bigger than minivets. Heart-felt satisfcation was met when one appeared which afforded good sighting.

The day was well rounded up when an Asian paradise flycatcher was seen with Blue-winged minlas and other local birds. Nearby, an late-season Easter crowned leaf warbler was also seen.

A total of thirty species were recorded, two up from last time of twenty-eight.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 28/10/2016 12:27 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 31/10/2016 22:35

31st October, 2016 (Monday)
Weather cool in early morning but hot towards noon; temperature from 21 to 27 degrees Celsius; wind from N/NE

A quiet morning
Single migrant probably having just arrived

Two new Grey wagtails were seen on the catchment before the road barrier, feeding on the wet concrete slope but not the canal itself as the latter being still too high with water. A large but slender bird with long tail was seen on the tip of the tallest fir-like tree around the barrier, typically as on Po Toi for having just made a landfall. With quickened pace, the bird was found to be an Ashy drongo, obviously having not decided what to do next. Being sharp-eyed as all birds do, it must had noticed some human threat approaching and dropped down to some hidden low-lying trees. Soon it was seen flying with some twenty Grey-throated and about two Scarlet minivets which flew up from the lower slope. It was likely to be seen again with the same company as it wintered in their neighbourhood.

Strangely and to some disappointment, no interesting birdwave was met all the rest of the way, resulting in the total species recorded being just twenty, a big drop from last time's thirty.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 31/10/2016 22:40 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 3/11/2016 20:53

03 October, 2016 (Thursday)
A cool day with temperature ranging from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius; overcast becoming sunny from about eleven; wind from N/NE

More migrants passing
Some status questionable bird(s) met

With my friend Ray from Canada we started birding at seven thirty. A Little egret was first seen flying by, following by finding a Stejneger's stonechat, either a female or immature, on top of the dam, soon disappearing among the seed-bearing grass on the dam's urban-facing side.

Along the catchement Ray saw a feeding Ashy drongo in flight, with no company nearby, uncertain if it would stay for winter. It then became unproductive until we started returning from the road that branched off to the Arboretum. Just beyond Picnic site 8 we met the best birdwave of the morning. Among local birds including some Grey-throated minivets and Velvet-fronted nuthatches, we met an Asian (Amur) and Japnaese paradise flycatchers, the latter either a female or a first-winter male, just dark brown undertail, darker breast patch and some most shallow kind of purple tinge seen on the back. A single Grey wagtail was seen at the mouth of the stream leading up to Tai Shing Fall.

Warblers were hard to find, just several Yellow-browed leaf heard on the trip.

A total of twenty-eight species were recorded, neither good nor bad, earning us just a satisfactory grade.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 3/11/2016 20:59 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 11/11/2016 20:31

11th November, 2016 (Friday)
With a new coldfront prevailing, morning's temperatures ranging from 15 to 22; wind blowing from the north

Expectant of good sightings in view of sharp cold-front
Overcast situation disfavours formation of good birdwave

The morning seemed to start well when an Ashy drongo was heard as soon as the catchment over the Visitor's Centre was reached. No doubt when the bird was seen foraging for food in aerial short flights above some tall dead trees. Some height below another bird was also sallying around for flying insects, behaviour revealing it to be a large flycatcher. Soon it was acertained to be a Verditer's when it perched. However, the larger bird wasn't happy with the smaller's presence. While attempting to chase the flycatcher away, they both left the dead trees and disappeared.

Near the AFCD quarters' entrance gate a Dark-sided flycatcher was seen perching prominently, sallying around for flying insects and perching on the bare parts of the same tree repeatedly, facilitating enjoyment and identification. On the Reservoir Walk near Picnic Site 5 one more of its kind was seen perching and making short, round aerial flights. The bird was seen maintaining the same kind of feeding and perching activities some three hours later on the return trip of the morning, though less quick in succession with perching for rest the longer.

The Lead Mine Pass part up to the first two-hundred-metre section of the road leading to the Arboretum was quite disappointing. Lack of local leaders like Grey-throated minivets, resident birds were seen progressively in ones or twos in turns of species. While following the flight path of some Velvet-fronted nuthatches, a single Hair-crested drongo was seen, reasonably supposed to be either a migrant or wintering bird from the north.

Though common elsewhere, it was quite unexpected when at least one Pacific swift and one House swift were seen on the early part of the Walk.

Robins possibly Red-flanked or Red-tailed, Asian stubtails and Yellow-browed leaf warblers were heard but out of sight, and one good candidate for being a Pallas's when a small leaf warbler was seen in a flash, revealing its yellow-rump.

Discounting the robins and the Pallas's, the morning's tally totalled twenty-eight, fulfilling the local general rule that without meeting a sizeable birdwave, a morning's sum will seldom exceed thirty or more.

S L Tai
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 17/11/2016 12:43

15th November. 2016 (Tuesday)
Warm with easterly wind and temperature from twenty-one to twenty-nine Celsius: largely sunny

All insignificant on the Shing Muun front
Few wintering or migrating birds met

Before the road-barrier was passed, only two wintering species in the body of one Grey wagtail seen and one Long-tailed shrike heard, latter species was usual in such time of the year but not long staying.

Local birds in single-species flocks were seen or heard; Lesser shortwings were or had been heard from the start of Reservoir Walk till the top end of Lead Mine Pass. It was interesting to witness three Red-billed blue magpies feeding on the walk on some near-death worms.

It was admist a down-sized birdwave led by some minivets that an Ashy drongo was seen.

Upon checking the water-level of the wet patch beyond Picnic site 12, two White wagtails were seen but before concluding that're all, a standing still juvenile/first-winter Striated heron was detected and well seen before it flew to the other side of the patch.

One Arctic warbler was seen on the return leg on the walk.

The trip ended with a total of twenty-eight species recorded.

S L Tai
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 27/11/2016 21:20

24th November, 2016 (Thursday)
Very cool and bit cloudy with sunny patches; temperature from 12 to 17 degrees Celsius

Some wintering additions and few migrants
Patience calling in for completion of wintering scene

Above Pineapple Dam three raptors were flying with one chasing two Black-eared kites; on closer look the former was a buzzard, dark against a pale blue sky but pale-hand base plus size, shape and flying pattern all pointing towards it being an Eastern Buzzard (Common), a first personal record of the area.

Single Grey wagtail fed on the water-several inch-deep catchment with effort and also single Olive-backed pipit above the Dam, finally of the species found wintering on recent arrival. Above the catchment the wintering Ashy drongo habitually perched and called and sallied into the air for food, an easy target when one walks past the place at the right time and looks in the direction of a small patch of dead trees upon catching its calls.

Small-sized birdwaves were encountered thrice, all local birds, with one good sign that the number of Grey-chinned minivets were on the increase.

One lone Dark-sided flycatcher was seen and two Yellow-browed leaf warblers were seen with their key features.

On the return leg of the trip, the wet patch beyond Picnic site 12 was again visited. This time only one White wagtail was seen.

Not a bad morning with a total of twenty-seven species tallied.

Patience pays on regular visits, a must-be-kept principle for a proper seasonal survey.

S L Tai
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 30/11/2016 12:58

28th February, 2016 (Monday)
Cool with N/E wind; sunny with temperature from fifteen to twenty degrees Celsius

Common but undull
Last moment of sightings saving the morning from almost empty-handedness

Ashy drongo no more on the catchment area save fifteen Greater-necklaced laughing thrushes that flew up the slope above the watercourse.

A single Collared crow was heard and found while it perched on a high tree.

Yellow browed leaf warblers and Asian stubtails were commonly heard all the way and Pallas's leaf warblers were twice heard, their presence obviously on the increase.

Somewhat disappointed of the morning's findings when I turned back to the first Butterfly Garden and found a bird photographer standing by on the alert, signalling some birds of interest were there. Soon I saw a female- probably a first winter one- Mugimaki flycatcher. But surprise was there when I saw another bird perching with a near-horizontal stance on a tree nearby, upperparts consisting of blue and grey distribution. Just all these limited features when it flew away without reappearnce.

The morning total tallied twenty-four in species, including the bird with blue and grey upperparts.

S L Tai

On seeing Guy's photos of the blue flycatcher taken on Lamma, it hit upon me that I saw the same kind on the same day, though with less features in memory.
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 7/12/2016 19:22

28th November, 2016 (Monday)
Cool with N/E wind; sunny with temperature from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius

No migrants most of the trip
Record salvaged by sightings at the Butterfly Garden

To and fro from Pineapple Dam up to Picnic Site 8 on Lead Mine Pass rendered no migrants until the first Butterfly Garden was revisited.

Interesting local birds included some fifteen Greater laughing thrushes which again found flying up the slope on the opposite side of the catchment; nice to hear their soft mostly two-note calls and perched and flew behaviour. A single Collared crow was heard and seen.

Wintering Asian stubtails were heard at least half a dozen times, Yellow-browed outnumbered Pallas's leaf warblers in being heard or seen at at least five to two.

On returning to the first Butterfly Garden, it was a routine to check the red-berry bearing small tree before taking the long stair-case down.

A bird photographer was there who was reluctant to reveal what're there. I stopped and soon found a probably first winter female Mugimaki flycatcher. Nearby, I found a flycatcher in rarely-seen upperbody coloration; shiny light blue lesser coverts and upper tail feathers; the rest being dull greyish blue.

The morning's count stopped at twenty-four, including the blue flycatcher.

S L Tai

After seeing Guy's photos taken on Lamma Island  and consulting the local bird book, it was supposed to be a Zappey first-winter male, good enough for self-convincement but not for Records Committee's favourable consideration.
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 7/12/2016 19:36

29th November, 2016 (Tuesday)
An aftermath of Monday's visit

A short exchange of information with a friend revealed there were more Mugimaki flycatchers found on the red-berry bearing tree on yesterday's afternoon.

Taking a late-morning visit of the same place, three female Mugimaki and two Grey-streaked flycatchers were found. I did not take the long stair-case down but finished the walk on the road to reach the road barrier. Surprisingly, on the lower slope a calling Rufous-tailed robin was found and on seeing and hearing thrushes also flying up, two Eye-browed thrushes were identified when they stopped at a fruiting trees to feed before flying away.

S L Tai
Author: ddavid    Time: 7/12/2016 21:19


I think this is a new late date for Grey-streaked Flycatcher - by five days!

Author: tsheunglai    Time: 8/12/2016 21:01


Thanks for your comment.

S L Tai
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 8/12/2016 21:38

2nd December, 2016 (Friday)
With wind blowing still from N/E, weather remained cool from 17 to 23 degrees Celsius and it was dry and sunny

Flycatcher sightings change for the better
First appearance of a wintering chat

It was felt that the area had been lagging behind other forest sites in receiving wintering birds in general, especially flycatchers and chats. The first Daurian redstart,was seen at Picnic site no. 7, a patch of flat land thinly scattered with grass and young trees. The bird had a Sooty flycatcher nearby.

As regards flycatchers, the first Butterfly Garden yielded a single female Mugimaki, and had  a Sooty nearby. In a large-sized birdwave of local birds, two Verditers were seen, also with interesting birds of some thirty Chestnut-collared yuhinas and and an Ashy drongo, the latter kind seen twice more, one calling and perching on a dead tree top and one among a birdwave of locals. On returning to the half-Km mark on Reservoir Walk, the first Grey-headed flycatcher of the season was seen with yet another birdwave.

The morning finished with thirty-three species recorded, not a bad morning as regards flycatchers.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 8/12/2016 22:04 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 9/12/2016 20:16

08th December, 2016 (Thursday)
Sunny morning but with wind from N/E bringing about cool temperature ranging from 14 to 23 degrees Celsius

A morning of busy birding
An enjoyable time finding flycatchers

The morning at seven thirty started business as usual, with the tenth species reached after about twenty minutes. The sixteenth was my favourite in winter. A sweet calling Grey-headed flycatcher was spotted in a medium-sized mixed flock of birds, another being heard nearby. An Ashy drongo was also present. Before going down to the first Butterfly Garden, a second birdwave appeared, with two Verditer flycatchers being the most eye-catching pair, foraging and feeding around a red fruit bearing tree, an adult male with a young one of the same gender, everything there about plumage except clear dark loral patch of the former. The morning's second Ashy drongo was also nearby.

On reaching the Butterfly Garden, half a dozen bird photographers were already there, equipment ready for action. Within the place, there were only a female Mugimaki and a Dark-sided flycatchers. Within the scrubs franking one side of the down-going steps to the garden, a Rufous-tailed robin, possibly the same one previously found, was briefly seen.

On the way towards Picnic Site 6, a Little egret on migration was found wading on a shallow narrow streamlet. An Asian brown flycatcher was seen flying about the trees fringing the site. At Picnic Site 7, another Dark-sided flycatcher was seen perching on a round wooden pole, in good position to watch and swop down on its preys on the ground.

Picnic Site 12 had nothing on its grassy ground so the next right thing to do was to walk down some stony steps to reach the wet patch beyond fringing the reservoir. Nearly on the same spot as a Striated heron was found before, another similar bird was there, keeping still in an effort to ward off its potential predator's attention, neck keeping staright with long and pointed pale bill pointing vertically towards the sky. Being intrigued about its true identity, walking around a nearby thick-trunk tree was the sensible strategy, for both shortening observation distance as well as turning the direction of strong sunlight in favour of observing its back. No sooner had its back found being chestnut kind of brown than the bird took flight past the whole length of the wet patch, its stretched wings revealing it to be a Cinnamon bittern. With strong dark steaks on its breast, it was surely an adult female. Only one more bird worth mentioning was a male Daurian redstart, probably seen before at adjacent Picnic site 7.

On the return leg, one more Asian brown flycatcher was seen. A leaf warbler was found feeding on a tree trunk and its main boughs helped solving the effort of identification, it being a Goodson's.

With thirty-nine kinds sure of their identity, the morning was found enjoyable, pleasure greatly enhanced by seeing five kinds totalling nine birds of flycatchers.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 14/12/2016 21:28 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 14/12/2016 21:52

09th December, 2016 (Friday)
A sunny morning with N/E wind keeping the temperature range cool from 13 to 22 degrees Celsius

A sequel attempting to see what've been missed
More wintering species found

Feeling that some wintering species must have been missed on yesterday morning, the same route was attempted.

An Olive-backed pipit was seen on one scrubby slope and two Grey-headed flycatchers were heard, one of them also seen.

A Red-flanked bluetail, a first of the season, was found on the catchment before the road barrier, a female.

An Asian brown flycatcher was again seen and it was at the wet patch beyond Picnic Site 12 that the male Daurian redstart had remained that greeted me with its calls and prominence of presence.

With mild surprise a male Grey-backed thrush was seen flying up and feeding on one tree, confriming once again that the wet patch was attractive to wintering thrushes.

With the presence of at last one wintering thrush seen, the autumn part of SM/LMP report was brought to a close, pending the beginning of  the winter one.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 14/12/2016 21:54 ]
Author: ac130    Time: 28/12/2016 22:24

2016-Dec-28, Morning
Sunny and Strong Wind, 有陽光, 強風.

Bird wave 1 near Pineapple Dam :  
Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher 1
Blue-winged Minla 1
Cinereous Tit 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Japanese White-eye 1
Grey-chinned Minivet 1

Near "Pun Hang Ting" Pavilion  
Grey-backed Thrush 4
Eyebrowed Thrush 1
White Wagtail 2
Grey Wagtail 1
Daurian Redstart 1 male

Bird wave 2 near Lead Mine Pass :  
Huet's Fulvetta 2
Japanese White-eye 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Goodson's Leaf Warbler 2
Pallas's Leaf Warbler 1
Chestnut-crowned Warbler 1
Rufous-capped Babbler 1
Grey-chinned Minivet 1
Scarlet Minivet 1
Blue-winged Minla 1
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch 1
Chestnut Bulbul 1
Yellow-cheeked Tit 1
Mountain Tailorbird 1 heard only

Others :  
Orange-bellied Leafbird 2 one male and one female
Asian Stubtail 2
Ashy Drongo 1
Black Kite 1
Eastern Buzzard 1
Spotted Dove 1
Chinese Bulbul 1
Red-whiskered Bulbul 1
Fork-tailed Sunbird 1
Olive-backed Pipit 1 heard only

栗頭鶲鶯 (Chestnut-crowned Warbler)

Happy New Year!

Image Attachment: DSC03633_Chestnut-crowned_Warbler.jpg (28/12/2016 22:24, 59.93 KB) / Download count 533

Author: tsheunglai    Time: 2/01/2017 19:00

Nice to see your finds of the area.

S L Tai

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