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Subject: 2016 Winter Homantin [Print This Page]

Author: 星魚    Time: 14/11/2016 08:47     Subject: 2016 Winter Homantin

Arctic Warbler
Radde’s Warbler
Eastern Buzzard

Chinese Blackbird
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Red-throated Flycatcher

Yellow-browed Warbler
Scarlet-backed Flowerpacker

Red-throated Flycatcher
Common Kestrel

Pale-legged Leaf Warbler

Dusky Warbler

Arctic Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler

Mugimaki Flycatcher  (male+female)

Orange-headed Thrush

Plaintive Cuckoo

Dark-sided Flycatcher  (seen by other birder)
Eastern Buzzard
Blue-and-White Flycatcher (female)

Eastern Buzzard
Orange-headed Thrush
Common Kestrel
Red-throated Flycatcher
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Radde’s Warbler
Hair-Crested Drongo

Blue-and-White Flycatcher female

Two Barred Warbler
Cattle Egret

White-throated Rock Thrush  female

Blue-and-White Flycatcher female
Red-throated Flycatcher
Dark-sided Flycatcher

Mugimaki Flycatcher (male+female)

Dusky Warbler
Radde’s Warbler
Daurian Redstart female

Yellow-browed Bunting
Common Kestrel
Rufous-tailed Robin (seen by birder kit)

Brambling  (seen by other birder)
Siberian Rubythroat  (seen by other birder)
Radde's Warbler

As mention before, birders come to Homantin to admire the birds, Pls don't harm the enviroment and have self-discipline, and let the birds have the most clam and beautiful stage as you meet her, As the birds are our best friends!!!!  

                                      Happy Birding

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 14/11/2016 10:24 ]
Author: zaku0328    Time: 15/11/2016 22:33

2X Hwamei
Bull-Header Shrike (M)

Image Attachment: DSC_2847 - 複製.jpg (15/11/2016 22:33, 87.89 KB) / Download count 650

Author: badesc    Time: 16/11/2016 06:37

As with still many areas in Hong Kong I am not really sure where the birding spot at Ho Man Tin exactly is. Can somebody point this out please? Thanks!
Author: 星魚    Time: 16/11/2016 11:26

Congrats Zaku,^^ Very Good Record of the Homantin,,,,,,
Hi badesc,
     ma tau wai service reservoir playground is exactly the place, but as my experience, any green area of Homantin will have a chance,,,,owning to my limited time,,,,So Ma Tau Wai Service Reservoir is my route daily, you can pay attention to every slope,,,,!!^^

                   Happy Birding
Author: badesc    Time: 16/11/2016 17:25

Thanks a lot!
Author: wcaptain    Time: 22/11/2016 10:04

20 Nov - late morning birding (0930-12:00)

Total 22 bird species, highlights are

Hair-crested drongo x 1
Mugimaki Flycatcher female x 1(bait feeding by photographers?)
Bull-headed Shrike x 1
Red-throated flycatcher (a lot)
Chestnut Bulbul (this "semi-forest" bird can colonize an urban site)
? Thrush (possibly eye-browed thrush)
? leaf warbler (possible Pale-legged leaf warbler)
Common Kestrel (far away......)
Author: 星魚    Time: 23/11/2016 10:49

Radde’s Warbler

Red-throated Flycatcher
Dusky Warbler
Yellow-browed warbler
Arctic Warbler
Mugimaki Flycatcher
Asian Brown Flycatcher

Orange-headed Thrush x2
Mugimaki Flycatcher
Bull-headed Shrike adult male

Arctic Warbler
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Red-throated Flycather
Dusky Warbler

Daurian Redstart female

Siberian Thrush  at least two, possibly three
Arctic Warbler
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Eastern Buzzard
Red-throated Flycather
Mugimaki Flycatcher
Chestnut Bulbul
Dusky Warbler
Radde’s Warbler

Dusky Warbler
Chestnut Bubul
Red-throated Flycatcher
Little Bunting  x4

Arctic Warbler
Eastern Buzzard

Common Kestrel

Large-billed Crow
Asian Brown flycatcher
Grey-backed Thrush
Mugimaki Flycather

Eastern Buzzard
Hair-crested Drongo
Chestnut Bulbul x9
Rufous-tailed Robin
Dusky Wabler
Bull-headed Shrike Male

Fork-tailed Sunbird female

Red-throated Flycather
Olive-backed Pipit
Daurian Redstart

Bull-headed Shrike   seen by another birder FAI

Grey-backed Thrush  female
Bull-headed Shrike Male
Dusky Warbler
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Mugimaki Flycatcher  (first winter male)
Siberian Stonechat  male
Chestnut Bulbul

Eastern Buzzard
Common Kestrel
Mugimaki Flycatcher
Chestnut Bulbul
Dusky Warbler
Red-throated Flycatcher
Grey-backed Thrush female

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 23/11/2016 15:23 ]
Author: 星魚    Time: 9/01/2017 11:14

Mugimaki Flycatcher  Male+female  x8

Dusky Warbler
Red-throated Flycatcher
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Grey-backed Thrush
Eyebrowed Thrush x2  (seen by birder Peter Ho)

Japanese Thrush  Male

Dusky Warbler
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Mugimaki Flycatcher

Red-throated Flycatcher
Rufous-tailed Robin

Bull-headed Shrike

Chestnut Bulbul
Red-flanked Bluetail male+female

Japanese Thrush
Dusky Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Mugimaki Flycatcher

Red-throated Flycatcher
Chestnut Bulbul
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Eyebrowed Thrush
Radde’s Warbler

Ashy Drongo (Hopwoodi) seen by birder Dawnleaf

Japanese Thrush Male

All recorded by birder Dawnleaf
Bull-headed Shrike (male)

Red-breasted Flycatcher

Red-throated Flycatcher

Red-flanked Bluetail (First Winter Male)

Daurian Redstart (male and female)

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Eyebrowed Thrush
Mugimaki Flycatcher adult male
Red-flanked Bluetail female
Grey-backed Thrush female
Blue Whistling Thrush
Arctic Warbler
Chestnut Bulbul

Pallas’s Leaf Wabler

Red-Breasted Flycatcher

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Chestnut Bulbul
Bull-headed Shrike x3

Blue Whistling Thrush
Japanese Thrush Male

Chestnut Bulbul
Radde’s Warbler
Red-Breasted Flycatcher

Eyebrowed Thrush

Radde's Warbler

Grey-backed Thrush

Bull-headed Shrike

Chestnut-winged Cuckoo (very late individual seen by birder kpokuen)

Chestnut-winged Cuckoo (seen by kpokuen)

Eastern Buzzard

Peregrine Falcon

Red-flanked Bluetail
Grey-backed Thrush

Scaly-breasted Munia

Red-throated Flycatcher

Red-flanked Bluetail (female)
Mugimaki Flycatcher

Arctic Warbler
Radde’s Warbler
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Eastern Buzzard
Red-flanked BlueTail(female)
Bull-headed Shrike
Red-throated Flycatcher
Daurian Redstart (female)
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Asian Koel (start singing the Song)

Daurian Redstart (female)
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Arctic Warbler
Ashy Drongo

Hair-crested Drongo   x3
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Arctic Warbler
Daurian Redstart (female x 2, Male x 1)
Eastern Buzzard
Blue Whistling Thrush

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 10/01/2017 08:58 ]
Author: ddavid    Time: 9/01/2017 13:16

Hi there. Do you have any photos of the Arctic Warbler? There are no previous January records of this species in Hong Kong as far as I know.
Author: 星魚    Time: 9/01/2017 20:16

Hi ddavid,
Here is the photo but bad Quality!

I just can say this individual have stayed Homantin since Autumn til now! You can still meet her everyday!;)

Here is a sound Recording! ... %9F%B3%208.m4a?dl=0
For your reference!
       Happy Birding
Author: ddavid    Time: 9/01/2017 23:49

Hi Starfish

Thanks for the information. I was a little skeptical but I spoke to John Allcock. He amplified your recording and confirmed that it is an Arctic Warbler.  

The 2014 Bird Report gives the extreme dates for Arctic Warbler as 18 August to 4 December. However, as John pointed out, the Avifauna does mention a record of Arctic Warbler at Victoria Barracks on 24-25 December 1987.

Whatever, your sighting is the first ever for January and the fact that it is a long-staying bird is of great interest.

Shows what  a regularly-watched local patch can turn up!!

Author: 星魚    Time: 10/01/2017 08:29

Hi David,
    It is happy to hear that the record is comfirmed, if you want to meet the bird, You can easily find the bird there everyday!
    I just waiting to hear when the bird turn the singing from Call to Song,,,,,enjoy!!^^

And he loves jump to and fro between the canopy of Chinese Banyan,

Here is sound clip recorded today ... %9F%B3%209.m4a?dl=0

      Happy Birding,

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 10/01/2017 09:01 ]
Author: 星魚    Time: 22/02/2017 14:37

Daurian Redstart

Bull-headed Shrike

Arctic Warbler
Ashy Drongo
Common Kestrel
Eastern Buzzard
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Blue Whistling Thrush
Dusky Warbler

Bull-headed Shrike
Arctic Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Radde’s Warbler

Daurian Redstart

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Arctic Warbler
Radde’s Warbler

Daurian Redstart female
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Red-flanked Bluetail female


Daurian Redstart male
Eastern Buzzard

Arctic Warbler
Radde’s Warbler
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Ashy Drongo

Common Kestrel

[ Last edited by 星魚 at 22/02/2017 16:48 ]

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