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Subject: possible Red-tailed Shrike in Yunnan? [Print This Page]

Author: HFCheung    Time: 24/11/2016 09:38     Subject: possible Red-tailed Shrike in Yunnan?

Red-tailed Shrike 棕尾伯劳 Lanius phoenicuroides
I saw on a website that Red-tailed Shrike has been ringed in HK. Is that true?
This photo was taken in Dali, Yunnan on 2012-9-18, please comment on its id. Thank you.

Photo taken by 张炜.

Image Attachment: 99. xxx, 幼鸟, 12年9月18日, 张炜.jpg (24/11/2016 09:38, 94.54 KB) / Download count 399

Author: lpaul    Time: 24/11/2016 10:54

This is a Red-backed Shrike.  And yes, it is true that an Isabelline or Red-tailed Shrike was trapped in HK this autumn.
Author: ajohn    Time: 24/11/2016 16:21

Red-backed is a very good record for Yunnan. Is this the first record?
Author: HFCheung    Time: 24/11/2016 19:40

Another Red-backed was photoed in Yunnan this year, a first for Yunnan.
My problem was: the primary projection of the bird in this photo is a bit short. I estimate it is about 1/3 of the tail length. However, Collins guide mentioned that it should be about 1/2 for Red-backed. Also the pale edge of the side of tail was not apparent enough, and the tail end appears a bit darker than what I would expect for Red-backed. Thank you for comment.
Author: lpaul    Time: 25/11/2016 13:17

Are there any more photos?
Author: HFCheung    Time: 25/11/2016 20:43

Image Attachment: _A0K9689.jpg (25/11/2016 20:43, 83.03 KB) / Download count 392

Image Attachment: _A0K9709.jpg (25/11/2016 20:43, 72.87 KB) / Download count 393

Image Attachment: _A0K9715.jpg (25/11/2016 20:43, 72.69 KB) / Download count 426

Image Attachment: _A0K9716.jpg (25/11/2016 20:43, 73.04 KB) / Download count 374

Image Attachment: _A0K9719 (2).jpg (25/11/2016 20:43, 68.1 KB) / Download count 465

Author: lpaul    Time: 29/11/2016 13:23

A very interesting bird and helpful to see additional photos.

It's clearly a first-winter bird and one with lots of retained juvenile body feathers.  It's clearly not a Red-tailed or Isabelline Shrike as the mantle is not grey enough, the plumage not pale enough, there is insufficient contrast between the tail and the mantle and the primaries are blackish (seemingly never so in juv/first-winter plumage).

So that leaves either Red-backed or Brown Shrikes.

Features that favour Brown are the blackish mask (seemingly never shown in juv/1st W Red-backed), short primary project, lack of white on the outer tail feathers, buffish wash to the breast and flanks.

Features which favour Red-backed are the rather reddish plumage tones (although these could be overstated in the photos), the extent of the retained juvenile plumage and the small bill.

It's difficult to be sure of the pattern on the outer tail feathers, and none of the photos show the tail structure, which is also helpful

On balance, I think this is probably a Brown Shrike, but accept it's not exactly a typical individual.
Author: HFCheung    Time: 30/11/2016 20:05

I found a similar photo taken by 天涯游侠 in Thailand on 2007-10-6. One can get a better view of the outer tail from above.

The overall color and the size of the bill are very intriguing.

[ Last edited by HFCheung at 30/11/2016 20:08 ]

Image Attachment: 泰国, 2007-10-6, 天涯游侠.jpg (30/11/2016 20:05, 77.77 KB) / Download count 392

Author: lpaul    Time: 1/12/2016 11:38

This last photo is a Brown Shrike

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