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Subject: [Eagles] Crested Honey Buzzard [Print This Page]

Author: Jackvader    Time: 17/12/2016 20:17     Subject: Crested Honey Buzzard

@TPK 7/12/2016

[ Last edited by Jackvader at 17/12/2016 21:45 ]

Image Attachment: JNJ_6945.JPG (17/12/2016 20:17, 112.59 KB) / Download count 527

Author: thebirdguy    Time: 19/12/2016 17:49

I think it is more likely to be a crested serpent eagle, Spilornis cheela
Author: pitarhk    Time: 19/12/2016 20:54

Original posted by thebirdguy at 19/12/2016 17:49
I think it is more likely to be a crested serpent eagle, Spilornis cheela
How about Crested Honey Buzzard male?
Author: thebirdguy    Time: 19/12/2016 21:29

The facial pattern looks more like a serpent eagle, although it does look a bit like a honey buzzard. This one looks like a serpent eagle to me.
Author: ddavid    Time: 19/12/2016 22:02

Dark morph Crested Honey-Buzzard for me.

Although there are similarities between Crested Serpent Eagle & Crested Honey-Buzzard, the jizz (amongst other plumage features) looks wrong for Serpent Eagle. Compare photo at ... amp;Bird_Family_ID= with the image here.
Author: thebirdguy    Time: 19/12/2016 22:08

You're right it does kind of match the website. I'm not sure about this one, it looks like both. From first glance it did look like a serpent eagle, but now I see what you mean, the patterns are slightly different.
Author: kmatthew    Time: 19/12/2016 23:01

I saw the same individual at TPK a week ago with a friend from UK, the wings were much narrower compare to that of CSE, tail also looked longer especially when seen in the field, sometimes photos can be slightly distorted I think. A very dark individual indeed.
Author: Jackvader    Time: 22/12/2016 21:50

I am glad that this bird has attracted some attention. Here is one more picture of the same bird showing the upper plumage and insects around which may be the reason why the bird was there.

Image Attachment: JNJ_6918.JPG (22/12/2016 21:50, 87.82 KB) / Download count 514

Author: thebirdguy    Time: 23/12/2016 18:48

From this angle it seems like a honey buzzard. Thank you all for explaining the difference. I agree, it is probably a honey buzzard. Nice shot!

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