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Subject: [Hong Kong] 南生圍懷疑遭縱火 Nan Sang Wai Fire [Print This Page]

Author: K_Chan    Time: 24/12/2016 11:05     Subject: 南生圍懷疑遭縱火 Nan Sang Wai Fire

南生圍懷疑遭縱火 (明報 23/12/2016)
根據明報的報道,南生圍發展項目(恆基地產和傅老榕家族——興建28座樓宇2521個單位和140間獨立屋)的公衆咨詢,12月31號屆滿,明年2月24日城規會再次審議。不知BWS有沒有任何的house view? 若果有意見,應該往何處提出?

Fire damages area of Hong Kong wetland (SCMP 22 Dec 2016)
Application to the Town Planning Board to build over 2,500 flats and detached houses on the wetland's 177-hectare site was rejected earlier. The development company has made an appeal, and the deadline for public consultation is the end of December 2016. Wonder if there are any house views from BWS for member's reference.
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 19/01/2017 15:07

Sorry I missed your post earlier.
For all comments to the Town Planning Board, you can email to  on or before the deadline. Here is the Society's submission for your reference 20161230_NamSangWai_(s17)YL-NSW_242[2]_HKBWS.pdf (1.06 MB) .
Thank you.


Attachment: 20161230_NamSangWai_(s17)YL-NSW_242[2]_HKBWS.pdf (19/01/2017 15:07, 1.06 MB) / Download count 871

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