Awaken to the sound of the rooster. Hard work and good fortune are ahead. Celebrate the Chinese New Year by recognising the only bird in the Chinese zodiac.
中國傳統十二生肖中唯一的鳥類 紅雞報曉, 慶祝中國農曆新年!祝願大家雞年努力工作!事事如意!
It’s a “cock-a-doodle-do” in the USA, a “konkoliirikoo” in Ghana, “kuckelikuuu” in Sweden, “chicchi-ri-chììì” in Italy, “O-O” in China… as dawn breaks around the world, somewhere, everywhere, there is a rooster waking up a human.
There’s probably no other bird that is so much part of human life. For the world’s 7.5 billion people, there are over 12 billion chickens – making them the world’s most abundant bird. But they are much more than that biologically, culturally and spiritually, and today marks the start of the Year of the Rooster, which, according to the Chinese zodiac, will bring good luck, wisdom, bravery, and hard work.
And if you’re thinking “it’s just a chicken,” having being habituated to their ubiquity since childhood nursery rhymes, stop… and look again. Beyond the source of meat and eggs, beyond the clucks and cruelty of battery farms: do these extravagant-looking birds look out of place in farm or village, almost like a pheasant?
Imagine: some 7,000 years ago, one of our ancestors is treading lightly through a lushly-forested part of Asia. Suddenly, a rustle in the leaf litter… thick avian claws are scratching through the undergrowth for insects. If you’d seen Jurassic Park, you’d compare them to the agile and slashing legs of a velociraptor. But instead you look up and see feathers the colour of sunrise, a magnificent scarlet fleshy crown on the male, and large, strong breast muscles (used for sprint-flapping into the trees away from danger). The experience of seeing these wild junglefowl could have either been beautifully meaningful, or your lucky day for a wholesome meal – if you wanted and could catch it.
試想想,大約7千年前,我們的祖先正在穿越亞洲一片茂密的森林,突然聽到樹葉間傳來沙沙聲,一對粗壯的鳥爪正在灌木叢中尋找昆蟲,正如電影「侏羅紀公園」的速龍那對敏捷剛勁的腳。當你繼續往上看,顏色鮮艷且帶光澤的羽毛覆蓋在一隻雄鳥身上,頭上一頂如火焰般的大肉冠,還有大而強壯的胸肌(用於短距離飛奔入樹林以逃避危險)。假如你在野外遇到這美麗的野生原雞,這是一件美妙的事, 若你夠運能捕捉牠們, 就能享用一頓健康的大餐。
From this day forward, the Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus, which are closely related to pheasants in the family Phasianidae, was domesticated, hybridised and integrated into human culture as the chicken we know today. From Asia they have spread westwards (and eastwards) through time to be associated with every human community, apart from perhaps the Inuit. For better or for worse, the junglefowl was first appreciated for more than just its meat – originally for recreation (cockfighting) and for predicating the future, and its stunning plumage has also been used for ornamentation.
從此,與雉同屬雉科的紅原雞(Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus)開始被馴養、雜交並融入人類文化中成為我們今天熟悉的家禽。此後,牠們從亞洲向西(和向東)不斷擴散,並開始進入人類每個社會,除了因紐特人(Inuit)外。原雞最初受人歡迎的原因並不是只因為牠的肉,而是作為鬥雞等娛樂活動及占卜之用,令人目眩的羽毛也被用於裝飾用途。
It’s easy to see how this bird has come to be associated with goodness in life. One of twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac, the rooster (cockerel, or male chicken) has general characteristics of hard work, good luck and virtue. In Chinese, the world “luck” and “cock” have the same pronunciation: Ji. Vivian Fu, Assistant Manager of BirdLife's China Programme, says: "The rooster represents wisdom (because of its crown), bravery (their boldness in fights), kindness (owing to their social nature of sharing food), and faith (they call every morning)."
And without the call of the cockerel waking up humankind at dawn, maybe, our species would have been a lot less productive.
The Asian perspective on chickens is somewhat refreshing. In some “Western” cultures this common bird is a synonym of being “faint-hearted”, and to human carnivores its meat is perceived as somewhat “inferior” (even to some birders… they’re hardly a bird anymore). While the truth is that these birds are a reliable, precious source of “lean” protein for billions of people, and from a climate change perspective, they are a far less damaging species to breed than cattle.
Conservation of the most numerous bird on the planet?保護地球上最多的鳥?