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Subject: 9/4 HK2030+Public Forum 香港2030+民間論壇 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 31/03/2017 09:21     Subject: 9/4 HK2030+Public Forum 香港2030+民間論壇

Feel free to join the following public forum on 9 April about Hong Kong 2030+ organized by Save Lantau Alliance and Land Justice League. If you are interested, please register as limited seats are available.

The Hong Kong 2030+ Public Forum
Organized by Save Lantau Alliance and Land Justice League

“Hong Kong 2030+: towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030” has sparked much public discussion. The document mentioned that there will be a shortage of 1,200 hectares of land due to rising commercial and living space demand and planned redevelopment. Therefore, it is necessary to provide short, medium and long-term land supply, including the development of the 1,000 hectares East Lantau Metropolis reclamation plan and the 720 hectares brownfield/ abandoned farmland redevelopment plan in the New Territories North (including Ping Che).

Save Lantau Alliance and Land Justice League would like to provide an open discussion platform. We will invite representatives from the Development Bureau and the Planning Department, scholars and local groups to participate in the Hong Kong 2030+ Public Forum to communicate with each other’s.

Date: 9 April 2017(Sunday)
Venue: City University of Hong Kong, Peter Ho Lecture Theatre (LT-10)
Time: 14:00-18:00pm

Government representatives
Mr. FUNG Ying Lun, Allen, Political Assistant to Secretary for Development
Miss LAU Bo Yee, Winnie, Chief Town Planner/Strategic PlanningMr. NG Kim Wai, Senior Town Planner/Strategic Planning 3

Dr Chow Sung Ming, Member of Land Justice League
Dr Tom Yam, Member of Save Lantau Alliance
Mr To Ka Lun, Member of Yuen Long DC
Mr TV Yuen, Member of Mapopo Community Farm
Miss Camille Lam Tsz Kwan, Member of Liber Research Community
Representative from Legislative Councilor Dr Hon YIU Chung-yim’s office
Dr Cheng Luk Ki, Division Head, Scientific Research & Conservation Department, Green Power

Contact: Save Lantau Alliance (
Facebook event page:

守護大嶼聯盟  土地正義聯盟 合辦



日期 : 2017 年4月9日(星期日)
地點 : 香港城巿大學何稼楠演講廳 (LT10)

發展局局長政治助理 馮英倫先生
總城市規劃師/策略規劃 劉寶儀女士
高級城市規劃師/策略規劃3 吳劍偉先生

土地正義聯盟成員 鄒祟銘博士
守護大嶼聯盟成員 任憲邦博士
元朗區議員 杜嘉倫先生
馬寶寶社區農場成員 袁易天先生
本土研究社成員 林芷筠女士
綠色力量 鄭睦奇博士

Facebook event page:

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Image Attachment: 0329ff30-0a63-4265-a71c-35b8278433b7.jpg (31/03/2017 09:21, 3.31 MB) / Download count 668

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