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Subject: 保育勺嘴鹬--雷州清除互花米草的活动 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 31/03/2017 17:39     Subject: 保育勺嘴鹬--雷州清除互花米草的活动

入侵互花米草 (Spartina alterniflora) 已經令中國濕地受到嚴重威脅
這小草生長速度快, 可以在短短幾年間把大片灘塗覆蓋, 上海崇明東灘還花了很多億元治理, 而我們近年在華南地區也發現了!

3月26日, 我們與湛江市愛鳥協會及湛江紅樹林國家級保護區管理局在廣東雷州半島發現勺嘴鷸的附城濕地組織了一次清除互花米草的活動! 一次當然不可能清盡, 但起碼這已經引起了政府和保護區的關注了!!

The invasive cordgrass Spartina (Spartina alternifloraI) is threatening intertidal mudflat in China and elsewhere. It grows very fast and can cover a large piece of wetland within a few years. The government has spent huge amount of money to eradicate Spartina in Shanghai Chongming Dongtan.

On 26th March, we co-organized a spartina clearing activity with Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve and Zhanjaing Bird Watching Society in Fucheng, Leizhou, Guangdong. It is impossible to remove all the invasive Spartina at once, but at least this activity has raised awareness of local government and Nature Reserve.


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Image Attachment: ©湛江市爱鸟协会.jpg (31/03/2017 17:39, 265.91 KB) / Download count 689

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Image Attachment: remove spartina04.jpg (31/03/2017 17:39, 617.59 KB) / Download count 692

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