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Subject: 本會與長春社就鷺鳥林修樹事件的聯合聲明 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 10/06/2017 11:11     Subject: 本會與長春社就鷺鳥林修樹事件的聯合聲明

【鷺鳥林修樹事件疑點重重 有違推動城市森林及保護生物多樣性】




1. 署方沒有交代為何有市民提醒之下,工作人員仍然繼續樹木修剪工程,以致造成雀鳥傷亡。我們認為此舉已經嚴重違反香港法例第170章,並敦促漁農自然護理署立即展開調查,全力對違法行為提出起訴。

2. 根據我們所收到的市民來信,稱修樹冠是因為鳥糞的投訴,希望署方澄清接獲的市民投訴是否跟鳥糞有關。我們明白鳥糞的氣味可能會比較強烈,但處理方法可以是增加清理街道的次數、設置告示牌提醒市民撐傘或安裝臨時上蓋以免路過人士受鳥糞影響。

3. 過去兩年香港觀鳥會曾跟政府部門商討於大埔墟鷺鳥林修樹事宜,以確保行人安全,但都未曾遇過如此緊急需要於鷺鳥繁殖期進行大型修樹工程,希望署方能清楚交代。另外,觀鳥會亦於去年8月發佈了一份《在鷺鳥林規劃及實施工程指引》,希望有關部門參考或採納指引成為政府內部指引,避免修樹或其他工程影響繁殖雀鳥及鳥巢。

4. 我們謹此呼籲市民請勿在鷺鳥林下逗留、圍觀及拍照,此舉會對幼鳥造成驚慌,更有機會令鷺鳥受驚而放棄鳥巢及幼鳥,幼鳥因而有墮地的危機。現時直到八月仍為鷺鳥的繁殖期,雀鳥會對鳥巢附近的人為活動非常敏感。希望市民尊重鳥類生存的空間,並共同保障鷺鳥安全,以免鷺鳥林再受傷害。


1. 應把保護野生動物的元素加入於進行樹木工作前的評估程序當中: 樹木是動物的棲息所,在樹上出現雀鳥及鳥巢;甚至蜂巢、蛇類等野生動物是很常見。根據綠化、園境及樹木管理組於2012年12月編制的「樹藝工作的職業安全及健康指引」*(下稱「指引」)中,樹木工作監督於進行樹木工作前需評估及找出可能的潛在危險(指引內第4點)。由於法例第170章 《野生動物保護條例》已清楚表明任何人除按照特別許可證行事外,不得取去、移走、損害、銷毀或故意干擾任何受保護野生動物的巢或蛋,違例者最高刑罰是罰款十萬及監禁一年。因此我們強烈建議把保護野生動物的元素納入現行的指引當中,於進行樹木工作前的評估程序內,主動留意是否有野生動物及巢在樹上,並制定相關通報機制,如工作人員發現樹上有野生動物或巢時應立即停止有關樹木工作,並尋求漁農自然護理署的諮詢及協助,以免同類事件再次發生。

2. 差劣修剪: 就康文署於6月7日的新聞公告中指出,康文署人員發現該處樹木有部分枝條過長及過於茂密,於風季將構成危險,因此需進行適量的修剪。現場所見,樹木的修剪工作非常差劣,當中包括:獅尾式修剪(圖1)、過度提升樹冠(圖2)、不當的修剪位置並留下枝柄(圖3)、過大的剪切口(圖4)以及樹木的修剪幅度過大。此等差劣的修剪不但影響樹木的健康及結構,不能達至修剪的目標,更令樹上的鳥巢變得不穩定,出現墜落的風險。根據綠化、園境及樹木管理組的樹木修剪資料文件中^,亦已明確表示上述的修剪方法是錯誤及應避免。因此我們絕不能接受擁有樹藝專業資格如樹藝師及樹木風險評估師等工作人員也作出上述粗疏差劣的樹木修剪。當局必需檢討有關工作人員進行樹木修剪工作時的質素,避免不適當地修剪樹木,令樹木造成難以復原的損害。


^環境運輸及工務局 (2007年2月)「修剪樹木的一般指引」…/…/pdf/tree_care/guideline_c.pdf

(圖1)獅尾式修剪 相片鳴謝: Vicky Yeung

(圖2)過度提升樹冠 相片鳴謝: Kami Hui

(圖3)不當的修剪位置並留下枝柄 相片鳴謝: Kami Hui

(圖4)過大的剪切口 相片鳴謝: Kami Hui

Image Attachment: Joint_CA_HKBWS.jpg (10/06/2017 11:11, 279.55 KB) / Download count 784

Image Attachment: liontail_Vicky_Yeung.jpg (10/06/2017 11:11, 459.74 KB) / Download count 742

Image Attachment: DSC_1993_kami_hui.JPG (10/06/2017 11:11, 745.76 KB) / Download count 752

Image Attachment: IMG_0295_kami_hui.JPG (10/06/2017 11:11, 692.64 KB) / Download count 746

Image Attachment: IMG_0286_kami_hui.JPG (10/06/2017 11:11, 904.79 KB) / Download count 744

Image Attachment: IMG_0309_kami_hui.JPG (10/06/2017 11:11, 604.89 KB) / Download count 730

Author: wgeoff    Time: 11/06/2017 08:02

I have no faith that an internal investigation within LCSD will reveal the truth behind this incident, in particular what instructions the Tree Team were given before cutting started.
Photo 1 above does not indicate to me that the objective was to protect the public from falling trees and branches in the coming typhoon season, as they claim in their press release on 7 June.

I guess LCSD are now waiting for the incident to blow over and the public to move on to other things.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 11/06/2017 08:22 ]
Author: fkkc    Time: 11/06/2017 10:17

I agree with Geoff.   Internal investigation within LCSD is getting nowhere.  A better way is to file a complaint to the Obudsman and urge the Ombudsman to obtain a satisfaction investigation report from LCSD and a satisfaction explanation from AFCD if they opine a legal prosecution is not necessary.

[ Last edited by fkkc at 11/06/2017 10:19 ]
Author: subbuteo    Time: 11/06/2017 13:02

The response sent to me  (in Chinese so I've had to rely on Google translate) makes no mention of bird droppings as the initial complaint was widely reported.  Protecting public safety seems a good spin to put on what occurred.

先生 / 女士:

主旨:意見提交 - 強烈譴責康文署強行修樹摧毀鷺鳥林  (檔案編號:2-4095448062)








電話: 1823
傳真: 2760 1823


Google translate:

Ladies and gentlemen:

Subject: Submission of views - Strongly condemns LCSD forcibly repairs Heron Birds (file number: 2-4095448062)

Thank you for your email to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department on 07 June 2017. The inquiries and complaints relating to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department have been dealt with by the "1823".
The following are the same as the "
In the case mentioned above, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department replied as follows:
The following are the same as the "
"The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) expressed its regret and apologized for the valuable bird casualties caused by the work of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) in Tai Po on June 6,

According to the preliminary investigation, the LCSD received a referral from the relevant government departments on 23 May. Members of the public complained that the branches at the junction of Kwong Fuk Road and Yuen Wo Kok in Tai Po were growing too densely to require pruning of government departments. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) conducted follow-up procedures on June 2 to visit the site and found that the trees were too long and too dense and had a small amount of dead branches. Dangerous, after the assessment that the need for appropriate pruning to ensure public safety.

The staff of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (WFP) received a report from the public on the work of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) on the following day. The birds of the habitat, but at that time the LCSD staff had left.

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) is now conducting a serious investigation and follow-up on the incident and is in contact with the Greenwood, Landscape and Tree Management Section of the Development Bureau. At the same time, the LCSD has also informed the staff of the trees to remind them to stepping attention to matters to be taken when pruning trees, including the protection of wild animals. The LCSD has also been in close contact with the AFCD to seek professional advice and follow-up discussions and follow-up on the case and future follow-up actions as soon as possible.

The staff of the LCSD staff have received professional tree care training and have relevant knowledge and experience. Some of them also have professional qualifications such as tree craftsmen and tree risk assessors. According to the established mechanism, Relevant guidelines on "tree risk assessment and management arrangements", "general guidelines for tree pruning" and other guidelines for the care, maintenance and management of trees. The LCSD will further strengthen the training of tree care, covering the key points of protecting wild animals and enhancing the awareness and skills of the staff concerned. "

If you have any inquiries, please contact our staff.

Customer Service Officer
Li Jiajie would like to cover
June 10, 2017

Tel: 1823
Fax: 2760 1823

(In order to deal effectively with your case, all conversations between you and the staff of this center, whether your call or our reply call, may be recorded.)
Author: wgeoff    Time: 11/06/2017 14:48

The English version of this LCSD statement, which was released on 7 June, appears here

I agree that public safety appears to be their best defence, although whether this was part of the original reason for the incident can only be established by looking at their internal memos and instructions to the Tree Team. So I avoided this when replying to 1823 and said as follows

"Reference your Press Release on June 7 concerning "LCSD apologises for tree pruning incident in Tai Po".

You do not explain why your Inspectors did not identify the problem of Egrets nesting in their inspection of the area on 2 June and authorisation of tree pruning work.

Surely the presence of nesting egrets was clearly obvious to them and at least their instructions to the Tree Team should have included avoiding problems with nesting egrets. This issue should have been discussed with AFCD before going ahead with tree pruning.

Can you please explain this."

I have not received any reply.


[ Last edited by wgeoff at 11/06/2017 15:35 ]

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