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Subject: 帶字顏色腳環鷺鳥回報 Reporting of engraved color-ringed egrets [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 21/09/2017 18:17     Subject: 帶字顏色腳環鷺鳥回報 Reporting of engraved color-ringed egrets

本會現正開始進行鷺鳥環誌及追蹤工作,在進行魚塘生境管理工作的同時,我們期望能夠了解鷺鳥在內后海灣的移動範圍、分布及使用棲息地的情況。若大家於后海灣一帶魚塘、米埔自然保護區及香港濕地公園觀鳥時,看到如圖中左腳戴上黃底黑字彩環的鷺鳥,請利用此帖填寫報告或電郵至: resighting@,我們需要的資料包括日期、地點、鳥種、彩環於腳上的位置(例: 左腳脛骨)及彩環的編號!如果拍攝到相片,亦歡迎貼在此處。感謝你參與鷺鳥保育工作!

We are now carrying out an egret ringing and tracking programme in the Inner Deep Bay wetlands. As we are managing the fishpond habitats, we would also like to understand the movement pattern, distribution and the habitat utilization of the egrets in area. If you happen to find any egrets or herons wearing an engraved yellow coloured ring with black text (as seen in the photo) at fishponds in the Inner Deep Bay area, the Mai Po Nature Reserve or the Hong Kong Wetland Park, please report to us using the link below or email to: tivan@ . Let us know the species, location, date, location of the color on the leg(e.g Tibia of left leg) and ring number. If you get any photos of that, please post in here. Thank you very much for your participation in egret and heron conservation!

Image Attachment: 21768536_1448356371920397_2261366378036647976_o.jpg (21/09/2017 19:13, 49.2 KB) / Download count 676

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 22/09/2017 15:40

Date: 22 Sep 2017
Species: Chinese Pond Heron
Location Mai Po Education Centre Pond 15
Ring number : A01
Ring location: Tibia of Left Leg
Author: wcaptain    Time: 28/09/2017 09:13

btw ...... ... &highlight=ring

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