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Subject: 塱原雀鳥環誌工作 Bird Ringing at Long Valley [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 16/10/2017 17:20     Subject: 塱原雀鳥環誌工作 Bird Ringing at Long Valley


環誌工作將於以下日子進行 (若天氣不佳,環誌工作將會改期):



In order to study the migration route and pattern of Yellow-breasted Bunting and other bunting species, HKBWS will conduct bird ringing at Long Valley during Oct-Dec 2017 with the permission from AFCD. Bird ringing will start from early morning until around 11am. Some of the farmlands and paths will be blocked for the bird ringing work (see the map below). Bird watchers and photographers please use other paths.

Bird ringing will be conducted in the following dates (re-schedule will be made when weather is unfavorable)
October: 18, 25, 30
November: 6、15、22、27
December: 6、11、18、27

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.


Image Attachment: lv_road_block.jpg (16/10/2017 17:20, 316.73 KB) / Download count 716

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 27/10/2017 12:23

我們在10月25日成功環誌了三隻栗耳鵐(腳環編號A02, A03, A07) 和兩隻黃胸鵐 (腳環編號A05, A06)。若果鳥友在野外見到已環誌的鵐,請將有關資料及相片(如有) 電郵至 。提供已環誌的鵐的照片者可獲得小禮物一份。


We have successfully ringed 3 Chestnut-eared Bunting (ring no. A02, A03, A07) and 2 Yellow-breasted Bunting (ring no. A05, A06) on 25th Oct. If bird watchers/photographers see these birds in the wild, please report the sightings with photos (if any) to . A small gift will be awarded to those who have submitted photos with ringed bunting.

During the bird ringing works, we have encountered bird lovers who worried about birds will be harmed by the net set by bird ringing team. We would like to clarify that the whole bird ringing process is carried out by accredited professionals and the nets are under close monitoring throughout the process.
We will hang up the notice below at the locations with road block. Bird watchers/photographers please stay away from the nets. DO NOT touch the birds on nets and DO NOT try to disentangle the birds.

Image Attachment: notice.jpg (27/10/2017 12:24, 114.91 KB) / Download count 665

Author: peter2014    Time: 1/11/2017 09:54

This photo of a ringed Chestnut-eared bunting was taken in LV at 4:30pm on 30 Oct, is it a bird under this plan?

Image Attachment: 20171030-D5N_0010.JPG (1/11/2017 09:54, 295.55 KB) / Download count 784

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 1/11/2017 12:14

Yes, this Chestnut-eared Bunting was ringed on 30 Oct morning.
Thank you so much for your photo record!
Author: sdavid    Time: 13/11/2017 13:44

What species was the bird (A41) in post number 15 in this thread ... p;highlight=bunting ?

These cats do seem to be a serious issue - collars and bells don't work.
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 13/11/2017 17:06

Original posted by sdavid at 13/11/2017 13:44
What species was the bird (A41) in post number 15 in this thread ... p;highlight=bunting ?

These cats do seem to be a serious issue - collars and bells  ...
The bird with engraved colour ring A41 is a Chestnut-eared Bunting, ringed on 6 Nov 2017
Author: esther03166    Time: 13/11/2017 18:07

13Nov17 LV
Black-headed Bunting 黑頭鵐

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 14/11/2017 17:12

Original posted by esther03166 at 13/11/2017 18:07
13Nov17 LV
Black-headed Bunting 黑頭鵐


https://sc ...
Nice photo!
This one is a first winter male individual of Black-headed Bunting. The bird was ringed on 7 Nov 2017. Thank you for the record.
Author: edyip1999    Time: 18/11/2017 23:37     Subject: Yellow-breasted Bunting @ LV

A23, taken in the morning of Nov 8

Image Attachment: YBB(A23)2.JPG (18/11/2017 23:37, 558.69 KB) / Download count 563

Author: esther03166    Time: 24/11/2017 19:57

A67; 24Nov17 Morning LV

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