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Subject: Domestic cat prey a Yellow-breasted bunting [Print This Page]

Author: peter2014    Time: 1/11/2017 10:06     Subject: Domestic cat prey a Yellow-breasted bunting

LV, 30 Oct 2017, 4pm

This is sad that a Yellow-breasted bunting was caught by a domestic cat.

Image Attachment: 20171030-D5N_9980.JPG (1/11/2017 10:06, 813.6 KB) / Download count 1069

Author: lexusjohn    Time: 1/11/2017 10:36

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 1/11/2017 12:25

The project team noted this photo on facebook too. We have already put a collar with bell on this cat yesterday. Hopefully could alert birds from the cat. We will continue putting collars to cats which are approachable. However, there are cats that stay away from human and also there are cat lovers who think that collar will kill the cat and will take away the collar. We are still thinking how to solve these problems.

Author: sdavid    Time: 2/11/2017 10:34

Why not remove cats totally from LV?

Seems silly to be attracting Globally-threatened birds to a location where there are an abundance of predators?
Author: derekhon2    Time: 2/11/2017 10:52

I saw a lanceolated warbler chased by a little cat in LV.
Author: ajohn    Time: 2/11/2017 11:58

Original posted by sdavid at 2/11/2017 10:34
Why not remove cats totally from LV?

Seems silly to be attracting Globally-threatened birds to a location where there are an abundance of predators?
I agree. There are photographs of cats catching Yellow-breasted bunting (globally Endangered) this year, and catching a Rustic Buntingg (globally Vulnerable) last year. The HKBWS/CA Management agreement at Long Valley is doing great work to make sure that farmers are growing rice to attract these buntings, but when they arrive they are at risk of being caught and killed by cats.

Removal of cats from the site seems, to me, to be a much higher conservation priority than colour-ringing the buntings in the hope of finding out about movements if they survive.
Author: CWSO    Time: 2/11/2017 14:48

種禾稻去吸引雀鳥來餵猫, 完全不設防.
餵猫冇問題???? 批評人地餵蟲D人,去晒邊呀?
Author: ivantse    Time: 2/11/2017 17:15

Original posted by CWSO at 2/11/2017 14:48
種禾稻去吸引雀鳥來餵猫, 完全不設防.
餵猫冇問題???? 批評人地餵蟲D人,去晒邊呀?
Author: ivantse    Time: 2/11/2017 17:17

Original posted by ajohn at 2/11/2017 11:58

I agree. There are photographs of cats catching Yellow-breasted bunting (globally Endangered) this year, and catching a Rustic Buntingg (globally Vulnerable) last year. The HKBWS/CA Management agree ...
For Nature Conservation, cats are really problems which should be removed. But not all the people agree with that, especially the groups who fight for animal rights.
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 2/11/2017 17:33

Indeed most of the cats are kept by farmers who aimed to control rats. We cannot remove those cats since we are not owning/managing the whole site.
That's why we try to use other method to alert birds by putting collar with bell on cats.
Author: derekhon2    Time: 2/11/2017 19:14

I saw this cat three times in "attacking mode" today from 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Author: tgraham    Time: 3/11/2017 07:02

I saw this recently which shows how bad domestic cats are for the environment.Its estimated they kill 1 million birds everyday in Austrailia
In the US the estimates are much higher ... 9013960?pfmredir=sm

[ Last edited by tgraham at 3/11/2017 07:05 ]
Author: wcaptain    Time: 7/11/2017 14:05

Some habitat management suggestions in relation to the domestic cat problem

(1) ditch creation
Cats do not like water. A ditch (or deep water part) between pond bunds and paddy can be created so that the cat cannot jump from the pond bunds and catch birds. The ditch should be wide enough (3 to 4 m?) so that cats cannot jump across.

(2) Flooded the field when paddies are available
Same as above

(3) Planting of lemon grasses (or other irritated plants)
Cats do not like irritated smells. Plants with such smell can be planted along the edge. Their leaves can be cut to produce such smell during paddy harvesting. Lemon grasses are tough, cheap and easy to grow.

BTW, pest problem is usually associated with various aspects (food source, origin, hiding place etc) and so an integrated approach should be considered when tackling this kind of problem.
Author: Jackvader    Time: 7/11/2017 23:13

Saw this killer cat today patrolling in LV with bells on. Quite threatening still!

Image Attachment: JNM_2271.JPG (7/11/2017 23:13, 1.81 MB) / Download count 651

Author: 裝塵    Time: 9/11/2017 21:19

Below photos is taken by a birder who is from China this week FYR.
6,7 November 2017

[ Last edited by 裝塵 at 9/11/2017 23:47 ]

Image Attachment: [6 Nov] 20171106.jpg (9/11/2017 21:19, 218.05 KB) / Download count 564

Image Attachment: [7 Nov] 20171107-1.jpg (9/11/2017 21:19, 79.8 KB) / Download count 516

Image Attachment: [7 Nov] 20171107-2.jpg (9/11/2017 21:19, 144.5 KB) / Download count 497

Author: Jackvader    Time: 10/11/2017 10:23

The last photo shows that the collar bell is ineffective. I am an owner of two cats. Cat loves to hunt and kill, not necessarily for food. If LV is infested by these killer cats, we should consider removing them from the area, at least temporarily at time when rare birds passing or staying in LV.

[ Last edited by Jackvader at 11/11/2017 22:49 ]
Author: evafun2014    Time: 11/11/2017 09:44

I think birders really don't like to see cats killing rare birds. By the way, cats are owned by farmers, not wild cats, they have their functions on rats control. Let's think of some ways to do it in Harmony, hopefully not to finger pointing those cats too much. Just afraid too much finger pointing would result in negative actions by someone like poisoning or so. I would suggest doing it in a win-win way, hope not helping birds but hurting cats.
Author: lalan    Time: 11/11/2017 11:18

Author: evafun2014    Time: 11/11/2017 14:53

It might be a good suggestion for Hkbws to consider.  At least it will be less stressful for birds busy looking for food during this period.
Author: Jackvader    Time: 11/11/2017 23:10

Cats kill more than 1 million birds in Australia every day, new estimates show ... y-estimates/9013960
Author: JohnC    Time: 13/11/2017 14:20

Can we convince the farmers to use other methods to control the rats?

There are plenty of other ways to get rid of rats.

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