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Subject: ID PLEASE(1.Little Bunting.2.Olive-backed Pipit.3.Common Sandpiper.) [Print This Page]

Author: DCW    Time: 8/11/2017 11:46     Subject: ID PLEASE(1.Little Bunting.2.Olive-backed Pipit.3.Common Sandpiper.)

舊相.2016.12. 東涌. 要請師兄幫忙辨認. 多謝!!!
1.Little Bunting. 小鵐?
2.Richard's Pipit. 理氏鷚?
3.Common Sandpiper. 磯鷸?

[ 本帖最後由 DCW 於 8/11/2017 20:55 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: 照片 426_副本.jpg (8/11/2017 11:46, 201.88 KB) / Download count 372

Image Attachment: 照片 1370_副本.jpg (8/11/2017 11:46, 511.67 KB) / Download count 377

Image Attachment: 照片 597_副本.jpg (8/11/2017 11:46, 166.99 KB) / Download count 382

Author: kmike    Time: 8/11/2017 19:50

The first and third are correct, but the second is an Olive-backed Pipit, which is greener, shorter tailed and shorter-legged than Richard's Pipit.

Mike K

[ Last edited by kmike at 8/11/2017 19:52 ]
Author: DCW    Time: 8/11/2017 20:53

多謝 kmike 師兄!!!

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