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Subject: Asian Brown or Dark-sided? [Print This Page]

Author: handrew    Time: 13/11/2017 15:40     Subject: Asian Brown or Dark-sided?

Found on Old Peak Road, HK Island, 13.11.17 around 9-10am. Perched high above my head, regularly returning to same perch. Taken against the light with Fuji X-T2 and 100-400mm IS lens, handheld. I originally went for Asian Brown as the lower mandible is clearly bi-coloured but there are good arguments for this being Dark-sided.

[ Last edited by handrew at 13/11/2017 15:43 ]

Image Attachment: Muscicapa dauurica.jpg (13/11/2017 15:40, 161.77 KB) / Download count 534

Image Attachment: Muscicapa dauurica2.jpg (13/11/2017 15:40, 189.89 KB) / Download count 481

Image Attachment: DSCF9709-IridientEdit-Edit.jpg (13/11/2017 15:43, 196.29 KB) / Download count 605

Author: derekhon2    Time: 13/11/2017 20:35

How about Grey-Streaked Flycatcher?
Author: lpaul    Time: 14/11/2017 11:56

This is a first-winter Dark-sided Flycatcher.  It lacks pale lores and has a poorly-defined moustachial stripe and hence has the classic plain-faced and hooded appearance of Dark-sided.  The streaking below is too well defined for Asian Brown and the bill is too narrow.  There appear to be dark marks on the under-tail coverts which only Dark-sided shows.  The retained juvenile greater coverts are tipped pale buff which neither Asian Brown nor Grey-streaked show (first-winter Dark-sided does not always show this, but if present it is diagnostic of Dark-sided).  Primary projection seems long for Asian Brown.
Grey-streaked can further be eliminated as the wings/primary projection are too short, the streaks below are too diffuse and it lacks a well-defined sub-moustachial and malar stripe (which gives Grey-streaked its’ more marked head pattern).
Author: handrew    Time: 14/11/2017 19:17

Paul, amazing lesson in diagnostics! Many thanks. Andrew

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