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Subject: Po Toi Winter 2017 [Print This Page]

Author: peter2014    Time: 24/11/2017 22:45     Subject: Po Toi Winter 2017

23 Nov

Today only few birders come to the island, the weather is fine but looks like too sunny for birds, and the helipad area becomes a construction site, so I do not have much expectations at the beginning of my trip.

However, the facts were many good birds hidden in everywhere, what I can find were......

Many thrushes, one Brown-headed thrush seen but cannot get a picture, others are Japanese thrushes and Grey back thrushes.

Rufous-gorgeted flycatcher

Lanceolated warbler

Grey-headed flycatcher

Little bunting

Black-faced bunting
Red flanked blue tail x 2
Common blackbird x 7
Mountain tailor birds x 8
Blue rock thrush x 2
Common kingfisher
Fork-tailed sunbird x 2

[ Last edited by peter2014 at 24/11/2017 22:54 ]

Image Attachment: 20171123-IMG_3694.JPG (24/11/2017 22:45, 142.92 KB) / Download count 507

Image Attachment: 20171123-D5N_5656.JPG (24/11/2017 22:45, 267.13 KB) / Download count 535

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Image Attachment: 20171123-D5N_5707.JPG (24/11/2017 22:45, 365.21 KB) / Download count 539

Author: wgeoff    Time: 25/11/2017 06:43

Well done Peter, Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher is a rare species not seen every year. Good photo.
Keep the records coming.
Author: peter2014    Time: 1/12/2017 17:54

28 Nov

Grey-headed Canary flycatcher x 3

Verditer flycatcher

Brambling (By KK)
Black-faced bunting x 4
Asian subtail x 2
Yellow-browed warbler
Pallas leaf warbler
White's thrush
Eyebrowed thrush
Grey backed thrush
Pale thrush (Seen by KK)
Olive-backed pipit
Common black bird
Daurian Redstart (M & F)

Red-flanked blue tail (F)
Blue rock thrush
And there was a Pyython in the upper reservoir waiting for birds.

30 Nov
Similar birds as on Tuesday plus a Taiga flycatcher and a Red-flanked blue tail (m), less thrushes sound heard.

Image Attachment: IMG_3936.jpg (1/12/2017 17:54, 472.68 KB) / Download count 553

Image Attachment: 20171130-D5N_6662.JPG (1/12/2017 17:54, 335.69 KB) / Download count 546

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Image Attachment: 20171130-D5N_6750.JPG (1/12/2017 17:54, 269.61 KB) / Download count 562

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Image Attachment: 20171128-D5N_6558.JPG (1/12/2017 17:54, 270.01 KB) / Download count 544

Author: ac130    Time: 4/12/2017 21:50

It was a hot Sunday.  Main roads and even small paths were busy.  The helipad became restricted area.
Fortunately, I encountered two Northern Lapwings and was able to see some thrushs.

Black Kite 1
Eastern Buzzard 1
Crested Myna 1
Daurian Redstart 5 2 male and 3 female
Pacific Reef Heron 2
White Wagtail 2
Chinese Bulbul 1
Red-whiskered Bulbul 1
Northern Lapwing 2 landed near temple and then flew toward Stanley??
Cinereous Tit 2
Japanese Bush Warbler 1 heard and seen
Oriental Turtle Dove 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Pallas's Leaf Warbler 1
Pale Thrush 3
White's Thrush 1
Blue Rock Thrush 1 male;not on rock; seen four times on different trees
Hair-crested Drongo 1
Greater Coucal 1
Red-throated Flycatcher 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Verditer Flycatcher 1
Red-billed Starling 1
Common Tailorbird 1
Mountain Tailorbird 3 one seen, two heard
Dusky Warbler 1
Japanese White-eye 4
Brown Shrike 1
Blue Whistling Thrush 2 both were seen near the shore
Plain Prinia 1 heard only
Long-tailed Shrike 1
Fork-tailed Sunbird 2 female
Masked Laughingthrush 1 heard only
Oriental Magpie Robin 1

Northern Lapwing:

Two Pale Thrushs and one White's Thrush

Oriental Turtle Dove and Blue Rock Thrush


[ Last edited by ac130 at 4/12/2017 22:20 ]

Image Attachment: Two_Northern_Lapwings.jpg (4/12/2017 21:50, 155.45 KB) / Download count 498

Image Attachment: Two_Pale_Thrush_and_One_White's_Thrush.jpg (4/12/2017 21:50, 143.59 KB) / Download count 526

Image Attachment: Oriental_Turtle_Dove_and_Blue_Rock_Thrush.jpg (4/12/2017 21:50, 174.57 KB) / Download count 542

Author: wgeoff    Time: 7/12/2017 06:05

Northern Lapwing is a new species for the Po Toi List - now at 339 species.

Congratulations Alan
Author: peter2014    Time: 7/12/2017 22:20

5 Dec

Black-naped monarch (m)

Red breasted flycatcher

Common Starling

(photo by Kenneth Wong)
Rufous-tailed robin

Pale thrush
Grey back thrush
White's thrush
Asian substail warbler
Blue rock thrush
Daurian Redstart
Yellow-browed warbler
Pallas's leaf warbler
Hair-crested Drongo
Maintain tailor bird
Fork-tailed sunbird

[ Last edited by peter2014 at 7/12/2017 23:00 ]

Image Attachment: 20171205-D5N_7959.JPG (7/12/2017 22:20, 225.45 KB) / Download count 497

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Image Attachment: 20171205-D5N_8049.JPG (7/12/2017 22:20, 187.34 KB) / Download count 521

Image Attachment: purple bird.JPG (7/12/2017 22:20, 142.21 KB) / Download count 497

Image Attachment: 20171205-D5N_8067.JPG (7/12/2017 22:20, 189.58 KB) / Download count 521

Image Attachment: 20171207-D5N_8486.JPG (7/12/2017 22:20, 224.79 KB) / Download count 493

Author: kkchang168    Time: 9/12/2017 09:48


戴勝 Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops) - James Yau

白眉鵐 Tristram's Bunting (Emberiza tristrami) - other
小鵐 Little Bunting (Emberiza pusilla) - other
銅藍鶲 Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias thalassinus) - other
紫翅椋鳥 Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) - Kenneth Wong
灰背鶇 Grey-backed Thrush (Turdus hortulorum)

白腹鶇 Pale Thrush (Turdus pallidus)

烏灰鶇 Japanese Thrush (Turdus cardis) 1M 1F

方尾鶲 Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis) x2
北紅尾鴝 Daurian Redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus) M&F

日本樹鶯 Japanese Bush Warbler (Horornis diphone)

黃腰柳鶯 Pallas's Leaf Warbler (Phylloscopus proregulus)
黃眉柳鶯 Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus)
山斑鳩 Oriental Turtle Dove (Streptopelia orientalis)

[ Last edited by kkchang168 at 9/12/2017 09:51 ]

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Author: ac130    Time: 23/12/2017 18:56

2017-Dec-23, morning

After alighted from the ship, I saw a Brown-headed Thrush on a fruit tree, near the well,
but couldn't take a photo.  I was waiting for it for about two hours and finally my findings were:

Daurian Redstart 1 male
Blue Whistling Thrush 1
Common Blackbird 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Pallas's Leaf Warbler 1
Chinese Bulbul 2
Oriental Turtle Dove 4
Crested Myna 1


Merry xmas and happy new year!

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