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Subject: Ringed Collared Crow 白頸鴉 [Print This Page]

Author: cntlaw    Time: 27/11/2017 07:47     Subject: Ringed Collared Crow 白頸鴉

Ringed Collared Crow 白頸鴉
2017.10.31 Mai Po #23/24

Image Attachment: Collared Crow ringed 1_resize.jpg (27/11/2017 07:47, 186.52 KB) / Download count 559

Image Attachment: Collared Crow ringed 2_resize.jpg (27/11/2017 07:47, 190.8 KB) / Download count 485

Image Attachment: Collared Crow ringed 3_resize.jpg (27/11/2017 07:47, 182.38 KB) / Download count 503

Author: sdavid    Time: 29/11/2017 10:01

Interesting series of photos there - thanks for posting.

Wondering if this is perhaps the colour ringed bird released back in September and has managed to remove the colour ring - ... ght=collared%2Bcrow

I don't suppose you have any photos you could provide of the ring close up? or email me them separately at djs


Author: cntlaw    Time: 14/12/2017 09:34

Original posted by sdavid at 29/11/2017 10:01
Interesting series of photos there - thanks for posting.

Wondering if this is perhaps the colour ringed bird released back in September and has managed to remove the colour ring - http://www.hkbws.or ...
Pity no closer shot, just a magnified crop attached!

Image Attachment: MP02-D58-684E14_DSC9058c2_resize.jpg (14/12/2017 09:34, 104.56 KB) / Download count 520

Author: joyeechan    Time: 20/12/2017 10:35


This is Joyee from KFBG's Fauna Conservation Department.

It's great to see this photo! This collared crow could be the one that was rehabbed by our Wild Animal Rescue Centre and released into Mai Po. We would love to write something about it on our Facebook. Would you mind to send me the original high res pictures? We will credit your photos.

Thank you!

Joyee Chan

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