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Subject: [Others 其他] (滿額 Full) 60週年聚餐 60th Anniversary Dinner Celebration [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 29/11/2017 12:16     Subject: (滿額 Full) 60週年聚餐 60th Anniversary Dinner Celebration

香港觀鳥會  60週年聚餐
HKBWS 60th Anniversary Dinner Celebration

報名表 Registration form:
60th_Anniversary_Dinner_Registration.pdf (249.41 KB)
60th_Anniversary_Dinner_Registration.doc (1.39 MB)

1957年,一群熱愛觀鳥的外藉人士為了更方便觀鳥及進行記錄活動,成立了香港首個亦是唯一一個的觀鳥團體 ─ 香港觀鳥會。經過六十年,香港觀鳥會從一個只有會員參與的團體,逐漸發展成會員人數達至約有2000本地市民的組織,並積極推行教育、推廣、鳥類研究和保育等各方面的工作。本會的工作亦由以往只由義工執行,改變為由一支已經有20位專職員工的專業團隊去推行。同時,亦令我們興奮的是香港錄得的雀鳥種數由219種大大增加至今天的549種,反映香港的生物多樣性仍然非常蓬勃。



日期及時間:2018年1月10日(星期三) 晚上6時
地點:百味王酒家 (百樂門集團)
           九龍長沙灣元洲街388號 肇如大樓2樓
截止報名日期: 2017年12月20日

The first and only bird watching society in Hong Kong, i.e. the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, was formed by a group of foreign birdwatchers in 1957 to facilitate the bird watching and recording in Hong Kong.  During the past sixty years, the number of our members has reached more than 2,000 and now our members are mainly local residents.    Besides promoting bird watching and advocating education and study of birds, the Society has proactively involved in the conservation of birds and their habitats. In addition, the Society has changed the volunteer-oriented operation to forming a professional team with 20 competent staff to support our surveys, studies, education and conservation work.  At the same time, it is excited to see the number of bird species recorded in Hong Kong has increased from 219 to 549, which reflects a great leap forward in the discovery of the rich biodiversity of Hong Kong.

To allow us gathering again to chat about the past and the future of the Society, we cordially invite you to our 60th Anniversary Dinner Celebration, details as follows:

Date and time: 6:00pm, 10 January 2018
Venue: Best Hotpot Restaurant
            2/F, 388 TST Tower, 388 Un Chau Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon.
Cuisine: Chinese cuisine
Charges: HK$300/head for Member, HK$350/head for Non-Member
Registration deadline: 20 December, 2017

Attachment: 60th_Anniversary_Dinner_Registration.pdf (30/11/2017 12:36, 249.41 KB) / Download count 659

Attachment: 60th_Anniversary_Dinner_Registration.doc (30/11/2017 12:36, 1.39 MB) / Download count 648
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 3/01/2018 12:48

Google Map:

Image Attachment: Menu_60th_Dinner.jpg (3/01/2018 12:48, 248.76 KB) / Download count 606

Image Attachment: 百味王.jpg (3/01/2018 12:48, 482.07 KB) / Download count 554

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