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Subject: [Oversea] 非法食用致禾花雀面臨滅絕 拯救工作刻不容緩 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 6/12/2017 18:48     Subject: 非法食用致禾花雀面臨滅絕 拯救工作刻不容緩

非法食用致禾花雀面臨滅絕  拯救工作刻不容緩


國際自然保護聯盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature)在12月5日公佈最新修訂的「瀕危物種紅色名錄」(俗稱紅皮書),其中為內地及香港人非常熟悉的「禾花雀」(黃胸鵐)由「瀕危」(Endangered) 再調升至「極度瀕危」(Critically Endangered)。香港觀鳥會研究經理余日東慨嘆:「禾花雀十四年內連升四級,正面臨滅絕的威脅,此消失速度絕對是歷史上罕見,假若未能盡快遏止非法捕獵及實施適切的保育措施,禾花雀恐怕即將從此消失。」有見及此,香港觀鳥會把2018年訂為「國際禾花雀關注年」,我們將會持續在本港、內地進行保育行動及與國際合作,呼籲各地民眾一起參與保育禾花雀,承諾「不吃禾花雀」。前食物及衞生局局長高永文醫生亦非常支持是項保育行動,並以「香港禾花雀保育大使」身份一起參與未來的保育行動,呼籲香港市民承諾「支持本地農業,不吃禾花雀」。




香港觀鳥會發展及中國項目經理傅詠芹補充:「黃胸鵐在六、七十年代的中國非常普遍,甚至被視為害鳥,政府更鼓勵民間捕殺。直至民眾流傳禾花雀有「天上人蔘」般的滋補療效,更是特殊階層對野味消費的身份象徵,為黃胸鵐正式帶來滅門之災,幾十年來被大量捕殺。廣東省三水市甚至曾經舉辦「禾花雀節」,交易數量一年可達數百萬隻。雖然廣東省政府在1997年取消了「禾花雀節」,中國國家林業局亦將禾花雀列為三有物種(《國家保護的有益的或者有重要經濟、科學研究價值的陸生野生動物名錄》,2001年列為廣州省重點保護野生動物,禁止捕獵。在2016年修訂的《陸生野生動物保護實施條例》中, 增加了出售、收購、運輸、攜帶和利用野生動物的管理及處罰, 即市民進食黃胸鵐也屬違法,但仍有不法之徒偷偷售賣。兩星期前我們也曾經親身前往三水考察,仍然發現有食肆隱蔽地提供禾花雀。根據一份2015年於Conservation Biology發表的文獻指出,中國大陸的非法捕獵是黃胸鵐走上滅絕之路的主因。



另外,香港觀鳥會亦會繼續促請香港政府積極支持本地農業,並呼籲有關部門盡快向「瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約」 申請將黃胸鵐列入公約的附錄內,以管制進出口。





Image Attachment: 03-Colour Ringing of Yellow-breasted Bunting©HKBWS.jpg (6/12/2017 18:59, 1.77 MB) / Download count 826

Image Attachment: 07-Eco-art in Long Valley©HKBWS - 複製.JPG (6/12/2017 18:59, 4.86 MB) / Download count 847

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 6/12/2017 19:01

Yellow-breasted Bunting is facing the risk of extinction
caused by illegal human consumption
Immediate rescue action is needed

Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS)
Press Release

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) announced their most updated Red List of Threatened Species yesterday (5 December) and the status of Yellow-breasted Bunting (YBB) was uplisted from “Endangered” to “Critically Endangered”. Mr. Yu Yat-tung, Research Manager of HKBWS sadly expressed, “Within 14 years, the status of YBB has been uplisted 4 times and is facing the risk of extinction. Number of a species declines in such speedy rate is rare. If no immediate actions to stop illegal hunting and to conserve the species, this bird will eventually extinct in the wild”. In response to this, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS) has set the year of 2018 as the “International YBB Awareness Year”. The society will continue their effort in local, regional and global conservation works on protecting YBB. At the same time, we will encourage general public to participate in the campaign and promise not to eat YBB. Dr. Ko Wing-man, former Secretary for Food and Health, strongly supports this conservation action and acts as the Ambassador to help promote the conservation of YBB in Hong Kong. He also urges, “Support local agriculture and stop eating YBB”.

Conservation works on Yellow-breasted Bunting
Birdlife International, HKBWS and Sun Yat-sen University co-organized a conference on the conservation of YBB in November 2016 at Guangzhou. It aimed to formulate the conservation framework and actions for the conservation of YBB and to reduce the human threats to this endangered species. An important recommendation was about strengthening the bird ringing works, so as to collect more data of the migration routes of YBB for the formulation of its conservation strategies.

Mr. Yu Yat-tung continued today, “In order to carry out the compromised actions, HKBWS has started bird ringing works in Long Valley this autumn (2017). We aim to systematically collect data of YBB and other farmland birds, such as their migration routes, stopover time, populations and their wintering grounds. During October and November this year, we ringed 21 YBB with metal and coloured rings. Each ring has a unique code, just like their identity cards, for tracking their movements and migrations patterns. YBB was constantly recorded during the whole study period and we believe YBB has a longer migration period than other buntings. Meanwhile, we come across only several ringed YBB, which means their period of stay at Long Valley could be very short and other YBB constantly pass through Long Valley. The Society together with other bird watching societies and conservation groups in China and Asia countries are currently promoting the conservation of YBB and encouraging bird watchers to report sightings of ringed birds.”  

Ms. Vicky Yeung, Project Manager of HKBWS, explained, “Long Valley is located in the North District of Hong Kong, a flood plain of about 37 hectares between River Beas and Shek Sheung River. It is also the largest piece of active farmland remains in Hong Kong. HKBWS and the Conservancy Association has started wetland conservation projects in Long Valley since 2005, and introduced rice paddies since 2009. The number of YBB recorded in Long Valley then rises slowly, this is a proof that rice paddy is important to YBB which stops, rests and recharges before continuing their long migration journeys. To conserve YBB in Hong Kong, “Stop eating YBB” is not enough to converse it, we are also required to promote local agriculture so as to provide more suitable habitats for YBB.”

Yellow-breasted Bunting situation in China
Ms. Vivian Fu, Manager of Development and China Programme of HKBWS, said “In the 60s and 70s, YBB was very abundant in China and even considered as pests. The Chinese Government even encouraged the public to kill them. Such massive killing became more vigorous as YBB was thought to be nourishing like “ginseng in heaven” and turned to be status symbol. Sanshui municipal in Guangdong province even organized “The YBB Festival” which millions of birds were consumed each year. Although protection of this species was stepped up by law in recent years, there are still illegal trading of YBB happening in the country. It is still not hard to find restaurants serving YBB secretly. According to a recent paper published in Conservation Biology in 2015, the illegal hunting of YBB in China was the main reason for its road to extinction.”

To tackle the problem of illegal hunting, HKBWS started a conservation project along the coast of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in 2014. We helped to build the capacity of awareness-raising and monitoring works of local conservation groups, and encourage public to report illegal hunting or trading to the government in order to stop the illegal hunting and consumption of wild animals. In 2017, HKBWS started to collaborate with NGOs in mainland China to carry out monitoring and education programmes, so as to educate the public about the threats YBB currently facing and encourage them to participate in the conservation activities.

Future Actions
HKBWS will continue to work with other environmental NGOs in the future to promote the conservation of YBB. We are also going to set the year of 2018 as the “International YBB Awareness Year”. HKBWS will continue to plant rice paddies in Long Valley to support local agriculture and to provide a stable and ideal habitat for YBB. We will conduct researches in cooperation with other conservation organizations from where YBB migrates, so that more information about the ecology and distribution of YBB can be collected. These data is also important in the formulation of conservation measures for YBB.

Lastly, we would like to urge the Hong Kong Government actively supports local agriculture, and the relevant departments applies to CITES (Convention of International Trade of Endangered Species) to include YBB to their Appendix of the convention, in order to have legal control of the trading of this threatened species.

Yellow-breasted Bunting promotion video:
Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 8/12/2017 12:13

1. 禾花雀極度瀕危 慘過大熊貓 [晴報] 2017-12-07
2. 禾花雀極瀕危 絕種風險高過熊貓 [蘋果日報] 2017-12-07
3. 禾花雀跌9成 極度瀕危恐滅絕 [香港經濟日報] 2017-12-07
4. 禾花雀改列極度瀕危嚴峻過熊貓 [明報] 2017-12-07
5. 禾花雀急減九成 極度瀕危 [星島日報] 2017-12-07
6. 禾花雀遭持續濫捕面臨滅種 [信報財經新聞] 2017-12-07
7. 禾花雀列為「極度瀕危」 [東方日報] 2017-12-07
8. 禾花雀成極度瀕危 環團籲支持保育拒進食 [東網] 2017-12-06
9. 14年升四級 禾花雀「極度瀕危」 [成報] 2017-12-07
10. 「禾花雀」極度瀕危 [頭條日報] 2017-12-07
11. 禾花雀極度瀕危 環團籲承諾不要吃 [都市日報] 2017-12-07

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