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Subject: 「吃魚。育鳥。護濕地 」“Eat fish‧Protect bird and wetland” [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 16/01/2018 17:49     Subject: 「吃魚。育鳥。護濕地 」“Eat fish‧Protect bird and wetland”

【食魚都可以支持鳥類保育?】“Eat fish‧Protect bird and wetland”(Please scroll down for English)



1/ 不驅趕雀鳥:在我們的生態魚塘,你不會看到任何阻礙雀鳥使用魚塘空間的設施
2/ 延長低水位:傳統作業會在收魚時保持低水位四至七天,我們的生態魚塘會延長至十四天,以令候鳥能有更長的時間到塘中休息、覓食剩下的低經濟價值的小魚小蝦,以提升魚塘生態價值
3/ 低密度養殖:為了減低塘魚患病的機會,我們採用低密度的養殖,塘魚少了疾病,漁民便不需使用藥物和抗生素,因此,生態魚飼養過程絕無使用任何激素、抗生素及有害物質(例如孔雀石綠)
4/ 天然混養方法:除了烏頭,我們還會混合鯇魚及大頭,充分利用魚塘資源;我們以天然米糠及粟粉餵飼烏頭,也善用生長在塘壆上的巴拉草飼養鯇魚(又名草鯇),而大頭則濾食水中的浮游生物
5/ 優質養魚場:我們養殖的「生態魚」獲得漁農自然護理署「優質養魚場」的認證,符合市民日漸注重飲食健康的綠色生活,消費者可以安心食用

大家快啲黎買返條生態魚與屋企人分享,與我們一起「吃魚。育鳥。護濕地 」

訂購方法及詳情: ... iewform?c=0&w=1

“Eat fish‧Protect bird and wetland”

Our first batch of “Eco-fish” is ready for you to take them home!

In the last 10 months, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society co-managed a 1.4 hectare fishpond with Tai Sang Wai fish farmers to raise “Eco-Fish”, which includes Grey Mullet, Grass Carp and Bighead Carp.

“Eco-Fish” is farmed by eco-friendly and bird-friendly way:
1. No bird expelling facilities: At our “Eco-fish” pond, you will not see any facilities that would hinder birds from foraging and staying at the pond
2. Extended low water level: Traditional fish-farming drains the pond for 4 to 7 days while harvesting. At our “Eco-fish” pond, we extend the low-water-level period to 14 days so that to benefit both migratory birds the fishpond itself.
3. Low-density fish farming: We adopt low-density fish farming in order to reduce the chances for diseases. Therefore, fish farmer do not need to use antibiotics or medicine during the rearing stage.
4. Polyculture methods: We use mixed fish farming in raising Grey Mullet, Grass Carp and Bighead Carp in order to make full use of the fishpond resources.
5. AFCD Accredited Fish Farm: Our “Eco-fish” pond is accredited by AFCD Accredited Fish Farm Scheme, to ensure that fishes raised are absolutely safe for consumption.

Let’s share an “Eco-fish” with your family! Eat fish, Protect bird and wetland!

Order and details: ... iewform?c=0&w=1

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