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Subject: 泥灘上的非法活動 [Print This Page]

Author: Roman    Time: 22/01/2018 23:56     Subject: 泥灘上的非法活動

22/1/2018  15:30 南面浮屋 疑似鄰近國家人仕

CV5A2455 by 38888240737274, 於 Flickr
CV5A2527 by 38888240737274, 於 Flickr
CV5A2530 by 38888240737274, 於 Flickr
CV5A2574 by 38888240737274, 於 Flickr
Author: irsychan    Time: 23/01/2018 09:32

什麼"鄰近國家人仕"?  香港和深圳都是在中國國土!
Author: louislee    Time: 23/01/2018 17:54

Original posted by irsychan at 23/01/2018 09:32
什麼"鄰近國家人仕"?  香港和深圳都是在中國國土!

Please stay calm and do not be over-sensitive and politicized. We should stay focused on discussing the illegal activities.
Author: irsychan    Time: 23/01/2018 18:37

Original posted by louislee at 23/01/2018 17:54


Please stay calm and do not be over-sensitive and politicized. We should stay focused on discussing the illegal activities. ...
I am very calm.  Please don't use illegal activities to bring out political issue.  Hong Kong and Shenzhen belong to the same nation, China!
Author: louislee    Time: 24/01/2018 01:28

Yes, you are right. People from Hong Kong and Shenzhen are both people of the country, 國家人士 as in Chinese, I don't see any problems in using the term. What is the point of making it political?

Again, please focus on nominating solutions to the illegal activities instead of political views. Thanks!
Original posted by irsychan at 23/01/2018 18:37

I am very calm.  Please don't use illegal activities to bring out political issue.  Hong Kong and Shenzhen belong to the same nation, China!

Author: irsychan    Time: 24/01/2018 09:22

Original posted by louislee at 24/01/2018 01:28
Yes, you are right. People from Hong Kong and Shenzhen are both people of the country, 國家人士 as in Chinese, I don't see any problems in using the term. What is the point of making it political?

Ag ...
I don't know why you have such time in making a fuss about this.  Someone said something improper and I stand out to correct it.  That's all.  I am sure that your time can be used in a more sensible way than engaging in this senseless argument.

[ Last edited by irsychan at 24/01/2018 09:34 ]
Author: kc3018    Time: 28/01/2018 13:42

Don't know if it was the same person.
Taken on 18.1.2018
Btw, what action should be taken if we encounter such situation?

Image Attachment: _DSC4243.jpg (28/01/2018 13:42, 857.57 KB) / Download count 544

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