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Subject: 沙嶺濕地農地破壞Destruction at Sha Ling wetlands [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 21/02/2018 18:55     Subject: 沙嶺濕地農地破壞Destruction at Sha Ling wetlands

Any hope for the wetlands and farmlands at Sha Ling?


早於2010年完成的邊境禁區土地規劃研究指出,位於沙嶺墳場以南的濕農地及魚塘所記錄的雀鳥種類跟塱原濕地十分相似。當中包括不少依賴濕地、具保育價值及本地分佈局限的物種,譬如本地關注的彩鷸,而2014年本會的鳥類紀錄再次確定彩鷸族群的存在。另外也有全球近危的歐亞水獺紀錄。該區連同梧桐河兩旁的魚塘、濕地和農地,是河上鄉鷺鳥林的繁殖鷺鳥主要覓食地,也是連繫塱原及后海灣濕地的重要生態走廊,是國際鳥盟「內后海灣深圳河集水區」重點鳥區(Important Bird Area)的一部分。

Perhaps you may not notice when you are on the train heading towards Lo Wu, there are some agricultural lands right next to the railway at Sha Ling in Sheung Shui.  Actually, the fishponds, wetlands and farmlands there are of special conservation importance.

The Feasibility Study of the Land Use Planning for Closed Area completed back in 2010 already stated, the bird community of the wet agriculture and fishpond area south of Sandy Ridge cemetery is very similar to that of Long Valley. A number of wetland-dependent, conservation-significant and locally range-restricted species were recorded, including the Greater Painted-snipe of local concern, which the Society’s 2014 bird record also reconfirmed its presence in the area. Besides, the globally near threatened Eurasian Otter was recorded as well. The area together with the fishponds, wetlands and farmlands along the Ng Tung River is an important foraging area for the breeding ardeids at the Ho Sheung Heung egretry. It also acts as an important ecological corridor in connecting Long Valley and the Deep Bay wetland ecosystem, and forms part of the “Inner Deep Bay and Shenzhen River catchment” Important Bird Area recognized by BirdLife International.

Imminent development pressure


政府公佈的《香港2030+: 跨越2030年的規劃遠景與策略》,也提及新界北發展的初步概念。當中包括在沙嶺具保育價值的魚塘、濕地及農地旁邊,規劃35公頃的文錦渡物流走廊。事實上,新界農地所面對的發展威脅較其他保育用地更大,非法傾倒泥頭或堆填的情況屢見不鮮,究竟政府如何確保文錦渡的物流發展及其相關活動不會入侵一路之隔的濕地農地呢?


The wetland and farmlands in the area can be preserved, probably because it was located within the restricted Frontier Closed Area (FCA). However, the development pressure gradually increases as the FCA opens up. The wetlands and farmlands south of Sandy Ridge cemetery is currently zoned as “Agriculture” (AGR) under the Fu Tei Au and Sha Ling Outline Zoning Plan. During 2014 and 2015, the Town Planning Board (TPB) received 3 planning applications for temporary goods reshuffling yards (A/NE-FTA/151), temporary frontier shopping centre (A/NE-FTA/152), and temporary unloading/loading platforms (A/NE-FTA/156) respectively. The Society submitted our objections to TPB. Various Government departments did not support the application as the applicant failed to demonstrate the proposed development would have no adverse traffic, environmental and landscape impacts on the surroundings. TPB eventually rejected the three planning application as it was not in line with the planning intention of the AGR zone and approval would set undesirable precedent for similar applications.

The preliminary concepts for the New Territories North Development was mentioned in the “Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a planning vision and strategy transcending 2030” announced by the Government. In the strategic plan, a 35-hectare Man Kam To Logistic corridor was proposed right next to the fishponds, wetlands and farmlands of conservation concern in Sha Ling. However, illegal dumping and filling is commonly seen at the agricultural lands in the New Territories, and the development threat faced by farmlands is much greater than that of other conservation zonings. So how could the Government ensure the proposed logistic development and related activities will not encroach into the wetlands and farmlands of conservation concern just across the road?

Unfortunately, illegal land and pond filling already occurred. Approximately 2 hectares of abandoned fishponds and fallow farmlands were being filled in 2017. Planning Department investigated and issued Enforcement Notices and Reinstatement Notices. Yet early this year, a planning application related to agriculture use at the filled area was submitted to TPB, requesting for permission to fill land and pond for the proposed hydroponic farm. The applicant claimed that part of the site already obtained approval from District Lands Office (North), Environmental Protection Department and Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department for the land filling works and the hydroponic farm.

Hydroponic is an agriculture use. What’s wrong?


The Society and the Conservancy Association has been carrying out habitat management agreement scheme with the farmers in Long Valley for more than 10 years, which demonstrates the multiple values of agricultural land. Apart from the social and economic value of food production, farmlands also has ecological value, landscape value, cultural value, educational value, and buffering effect between urban areas and countryside. On the other hand, a report published by the Liber Research Community in 2015 stated that the performance of hydroponic farm is unsatisfactory, both in terms of environmental protection and return on investment. It quoted information from the Government saying that the operation of iVeggie, a hydroponic demonstration unit by the Vegetable Marketing Organization, already loss 6 million Hong Kong dollars, while its carbon emission is about 13 times higher than that of conventional farms. Hydroponic farms, which does not require soil cultivation, should not occupy arable farmland. Moreover, farmlands destroyed by illegal dumping and filling is difficult to reinstate and rehabilitate for farming, giving people an excuse to apply for other non-agriculture related land use. The Society considers that the Government should strengthen the protection of farmlands, and strictly regulate the application and operation of hydroponic farms. TPB should also reject applications for hydroponic farm on land reserved for agriculture use, so as to ensure farmlands can be preserved for cultivation.



Therefore, the Society objects to the hydroponic farm planning application (A/NE-FTA/182). The application site and its surroundings are fishponds, wetlands and farmlands of conservation importance. The land and pond filling as required by the proposed hydroponic farm would destroy the farmlands, fishponds, hydrology and ecological value in the area. In addition, the site is suspected to be “destroy first, apply later”. The approval of this application would set an undesirable precedent for similar applications, leading to adverse cumulative impacts on the environment in the area.

*Feel free to submit your comments and concerns on the planning application A/NE-FTA/182. Deadline for comments is 6 March 2018 (Tue). It can be directly through email to, or can be submitted on online (link:

Image Attachment: Fig1_overview.jpg (21/02/2018 18:55, 365.83 KB) / Download count 670

Image Attachment: Fig2_Cattle Egret.jpg (21/02/2018 18:55, 449.07 KB) / Download count 697

Image Attachment: Fig3_enforcement.jpg (21/02/2018 18:55, 526.74 KB) / Download count 657

Image Attachment: Fig4_before after.jpg (21/02/2018 18:55, 706.92 KB) / Download count 689

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