Subject: Ringed BFS released 環誌黑臉琵鷺野放 [Print This Page] Author: HKBWS Tung Time: 6/03/2018 15:09 Subject: Ringed BFS released 環誌黑臉琵鷺野放
Dear all birdwatchers,
Three BFS were released at Lok Ma Chau wetland after fitting with colour rings yesterday. It is because these three birds were found sick in mid-February and then sent to KFBG for treatment and rehabilitation. After two week of recovering, these three birds could regain their fitness and so return to the wild.
Colour rings on these three birds are:
E34 (right leg, red colour, white numerals), red/white/yellow (left leg)
A40 (right leg, green colour, white numerals), white/red/white (left leg)
A41 (right leg, green colour, white numerals), white/yellow/red (left leg)
When you go to Mai Po and nearby wetlands and could find these birds, please report your sightings to us (e.g. date, time, place, behaviour of the bird). We will make sure the birds are healthy and safe when they are staying here. Your sighting of these birds can let us know the birds are in good condition or not. You could write down the sighting information of these birds in replying this post, or you could use the BFS record system (later) to submit the sightings
E34 was on a fishpond at San Tin (with 140 other BFS and a colour-ringed Little Egret) at 1pm today.
A40 was back at Lok Ma Chau at 0830 yeterday. Author: HKBWS Tung Time: 8/03/2018 17:56
A41 was found at Futian Nature Reserve, Shenzhen, on 7 March 2018.