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Subject: Egret Night Roost destroyed [Print This Page]

Author: tbob    Time: 20/03/2018 16:41     Subject: Egret Night Roost destroyed

20th March 2018, Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter

This morning trees were being felled at the Eastern end of the typhoon shelter, next to Tung Lo Wan Fire Station

This area is a part of the old Ah King Shipyard and forms part of the Night Roost for Egrets and Black-crowned Night Herons. The trees were of particular use as the Wanchai - Central bypass has major works next to in in part of Victoria Park

The area was also the Hong Kong "home" of the Eurasian Hoopoe which normally spent around 14 days a year roosting there as well as feeding

Were permits granted for the removal of these trees

Image Attachment: IMG_6035 small.jpg (20/03/2018 16:41, 910.68 KB) / Download count 633

Image Attachment: Hoopoe small.jpg (20/03/2018 16:41, 68.08 KB) / Download count 609

Author: russcath    Time: 21/03/2018 07:54

Tragedy! I noticed this as well. The area is 300m from our flat. We enjoy watching the bird activity (egrets, night herons, hoopoe ...). Understood site was on hold for the construction of some type of temple but there was no money.
Author: tbob    Time: 21/03/2018 13:34

Yes a temple is being built but they don't seem to care about the environment, yesterday as soon as I left the site they cut down branches of the tree on the public walkway. I think it will have Fung Shiu

[ Last edited by tbob at 21/03/2018 13:43 ]

Image Attachment: 20180320-IMG_6051small.jpg (21/03/2018 13:43, 824.52 KB) / Download count 609

Author: russcath    Time: 21/03/2018 19:25

As of tonight, all the trees have been removed! Tragedy! Tragedy!

Image Attachment: IMG_8456.JPG (21/03/2018 19:25, 211.69 KB) / Download count 674

Author: tbob    Time: 23/03/2018 14:09

23rd March, Now all the trees have been cut down it leaves all the feeding birds vulnerable to raptors

Image Attachment: 20180323-P2080149sm.jpg (23/03/2018 14:09, 42.45 KB) / Download count 640

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