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Subject: [Outing] 14/10/2018 蒲台島觀鳥活動 Po Toi Island Outing [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 3/09/2018 10:05     Subject: 14/10/2018 蒲台島觀鳥活動 Po Toi Island Outing



集合地點:香港仔海濱公園往蒲台島街渡碼頭 (近香港仔魚類批發市場)

- 當天唯一一班由香港仔開往蒲台島的街渡將於8:15開出,敬請準時到達碼頭以免錯過街渡。

- 蒲台島開往赤柱於下午3:00 及4:30 開出; 蒲台島開往香港仔於下午6:00開出,參加者可自行決定回程時間


會員:    免費(需要出示會員證)
非會員:港幣$30 (19歲以下學生港幣$10)


** 不用報名 **

活動查詢熱線/當天與領隊聯絡電話:9457 3196 (只限語音,不設短訊)

1.        如活動(或預計活動)前一小時天文台仍然(或預告即將)懸掛三號或以上「熱帶氣旋警告訊號」、黃、紅或黑色「暴雨警告訊號」,當日活動將會取消。
2.        如活動進行中天文台發出「雷暴警告」,領隊會視乎現場情況決定是否繼續或取消餘下行程。
3.        至於其他的天氣情況,鳥友可自行決定是否參活動

因參與由香港觀鳥會 (下稱“本會”) 主辦的一般活動、戶外觀鳥活動或訓練課程 (下稱“活動”) 所出現的個人或財產的損失、受傷、死亡或損壞,無論是在活動過程中發生或活動完結後出現,本會不會承擔任何財政或其他方面的責任或義務。所有參與上述活動的參加者,必須確保自己的身體狀況能夠適應活動的要求,如有疑問,應該在參與活動前諮詢合資格的醫務人員,本會建議參加者應自行購買相關保險以保障自己。報名參與上述活動的人士即表示同意即使在活動過程中或活動完結後出現的損失、受傷、死亡或損壞,本會的執行委員會委員、其他委員會委員、職員、僱員、義工、中介機構或人員及分判商均不會承擔任何責任。


Details of the Po Toi Outing to be held on 14 Oct, 2018 as below:-

Activity Date: 14/10/2018 Sunday
Activity time: 8:00 - 16:00

Gathering Time : 08:00
Gathering Place: Aberdeen Ferry Pier to Po Toi, Aberdeen Promenade (near Aberdeen Wholesale Fish Market)

- Ferry will leave Aberdeen at 8:15am and this is the only ferry going to Po Toi from Aberdeen.  Don't be late or you'll miss the ferry.  

- Return ferry from Po Toi to Stanley Blake Pier departs at 15:00 and 16:30; ferry from Po Toi to Aberdeen departs at 18:00, participants may decide which ferry to take.

Target Species: Migratory birds

Members:         Free of Charge (by showing your membership card)
Non-members: HK$30 (HK$10 for student under 19yrs)

ALL participants have to pay their own ferry fee ($50 round trip)

**No registration is required **

The Activities Enquiry Hotline / for contacting outing leaders on the event date only: 9457 3196 (Voice call only, no SMS).

Bad Weather Arrangement
1.        Outing will be cancelled when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or above or Rainstorm Warnings Yellow, Red or Black is hoisted (or is expected to be hoisted) by the Hong Kong Observatory 1 hour before outing.
2.        If Thunderstorm Warning is announced during the activity, leader will decide whether the outing should be continued or cancelled based on the weather condition on the site.  

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (“the HKBWS”) assumes no responsibility, liability or obligations, whether financial or otherwise, for losses, injuries, death, damages, whether to the person or property, arising or occurring in the course or as a result from the activities, outings or training courses (“the Activities”)organized by the HKBWS. Persons who participate in the Activities must ensure that they are medically fit to do so. If in doubt, they should consult qualified medical practitioners before participating. Participants are recommended to purchase relevant insurance for their own protection. By participating in the Activities, the participants impliedly agree that they will not hold the HKBWS, its Executive Committee members, other committee members, its officers, employees, volunteers, agents or subcontractors responsible or liable for any losses, injuries, death damages arising or occurring in the course or as a result from the Activities.

Author: Jay_K    Time: 15/10/2018 21:06


1         65          023         綠鷺        Striated Heron        Butorides striata        I
2         73          020         岩鷺        Pacific Reef Heron        Egretta sacra        I
3         98          078         松雀鷹        Besra        Accipiter virgatus        I
4         103         067        黑鳶        Black Kite        Milvus migrans        I
5         223         192        山斑鳩        Oriental Turtle Dove        Streptopelia orientalis        I
6         226         194        珠頸斑鳩        Spotted Dove        Spilopelia chinensis        I
7         271         229        普通翠鳥        Common Kingfisher        Alcedo atthis        I
8         306         279        棕背伯勞        Long-tailed Shrike        Lanius schach        I
9         310         438        黑卷尾        Black Drongo        Dicrurus macrocercus        I
10        327        447        大嘴烏鴉        Large-billed Crow        Corvus macrorhynchos        I
11        341        271        白頭鵯        Chinese Bulbul        Pycnonotus sinensis        I
12        349        251        家燕        Barn Swallow        Hirundo rustica        I
13        356        346.9     金頭縫葉鶯        Mountain Tailorbird        Phyllergates cuculatus        I
14        369        354        黃眉柳鶯        Yellow-browed Warbler        Phylloscopus inornatus        I
15        371        356        極北柳鶯        Arctic Warbler        Phylloscopus borealis        I
16        410        347        長尾縫葉鶯        Common Tailorbird        Orthotomus sutorius        I
17        430        436        八哥        Crested Myna        Acridotheres cristatellus        I
18        437        434        灰背椋鳥        White-shouldered Starling        Sturnia sinensis        I
19        454        287        鵲鴝        Oriental Magpie Robin        Copsychus saularis        I
20        456        368        烏鶲        Dark-sided Flycatcher        Muscicapa sibirica        I
21        457        369        北灰鶲        Asian Brown Flycatcher        Muscicapa latirostris        I
22        466        378        白腹姬鶲        Blue-and-white Flycatcher        Cyanoptila cyanomelana        I
23        478        298        紫嘯鶇        Blue Whistling Thrush        Myophonus caeruleus        I
24        491        297        藍磯鶇        Blue Rock Thrush        Monticola solitarius        I
25        494        292        黑喉石(即鳥)        Stejneger's Stonechat        Saxicola stejnegeri        I
26        514        257        灰鶺鴒        Grey Wagtail        Motacilla cinerea        I
27        515        258        白鶺鴒        White Wagtail        Motacilla alba        I
28        540        403        黃眉鵐        Yellow-browed Bunting        Emberiza chrysophrys        I

[ Last edited by Jay_K at 30/10/2018 21:34 ]
Author: Jay_K    Time: 15/10/2018 21:51

The weather was nice, with moderate sunlight and comfortable temperature.
The total number of birds, however, was poor.
Luckily some less common species did show up well and cheered us up.

The first bird that we could take a clear look at – Dark-sided Flycatcher

An immature male Blue-and-white Flycatcher showed up a few times on a short tree.

A “Grey color Egret” far away turned out to be a Striated Heron after examining the photo. It displayed its crest just before landing.

A mysterious dark bird was found on that rock, that rock and that rock far away.
Playing hide-and-seek with us for a long time, the bird finally flew towards us and let us confirm its identity – A female Blue Rock Thrush.

A bunting calling in some shrubs was hard to locate. It then took off and perched on a tree far away, revealing its identity – Yellow-browed Bunting

Enjoy! Please feel free to share your record photos here.

[ Last edited by Jay_K at 30/10/2018 21:34 ]
Author: akki_hkbirds    Time: 16/10/2018 01:22

Hi All, while going through my pictures for the trip, also noticed this pic which was clicked flying high above the island (too far and not clear). Not sure of ID (maybe a Hobby?)

Image Attachment: IMG_6816.JPG (16/10/2018 01:22, 42 KB) / Download count 439

Author: Jay_K    Time: 16/10/2018 21:14

Original posted by akki_hkbirds at 16/10/2018 01:22
Hi All, while going through my pictures for the trip, also noticed this pic which was clicked flying high above the island (too far and not clear). Not sure of ID (maybe a Hobby?)
Thanks for adding one more bird of prey on the outing bird-list!
Yup looks like a Eurasian Hobby to me.

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