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Subject: 米埔各設施暫時關閉 Temp. closure of all visitor facilities at Mai Po [Print This Page]

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 19/09/2018 16:10     Subject: 米埔各設施暫時關閉 Temp. closure of all visitor facilities at Mai Po

米埔各設施暫時關閉 Temp. closure of all visitor facilities at Mai Po
各鳥友請注意, 由於受到颱風影響, 米埔自然保護區内有大樹倒冧, 路不通行。

米埔內各項設施(包括觀鳥屋, 木橋, 浮橋等)全部暫時關閉, 直至本會職員檢查及維修確認安全。

為保障各位的安全, 請鳥友們暫時不要前往米埔觀鳥。

米埔訪客中心亦會關閉至2018年9月26日。不便之處, 敬請原諒!

本會將盡快恢復行人路及各項設施, 並通知各位。如有任何查詢,請電郵至

Due to battering by Typhoon “Mangkhut”, roads and paths are blocked by trees fallen down.

All visitor facilities at MPNR (including bird hides, boardwalks and the floating boardwalk) will be temporarily closed until their conditions are safe to be used.

For safety reason, WWF advise birdwatchers not to go to the reserve for the time being.

Mai Po Visitor Centre will be temporarily closed until 26 September 2018. Sorry for any inconvenience that may have caused and thank you for your patience.

We will ensure the whole area can be fully operated as soon as possible. For any inquiries, please contact us by
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 26/09/2018 17:32



Thank you for your patience. The facilities in Mai Po will be resumed to normal on 27/09/2018 except the Tower Hide, #3 Birdhide and the route around Gei Wai #19-#24. Due to safety measurement, we still need some time to recover the Tower Hide and the route around Gei Wai #19-#24 and we will reopen these area as soon as possible.

For any inquiries, please contact us by

[ Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 3/10/2018 14:44 ]
Author: ajohn    Time: 27/09/2018 17:57

I was on the reserve on Tuesday and there has been a lot of damage to trees (as in the rest of Hong Kong). I expect it will take reserve staff some time to work through the damage and make sure the trees are safe, so thank you to WWF for your efforts. Fortunately there doesn't seem to have been as much damage to the road and bunds as there was in the T10 last summer.
Author: ajohn    Time: 21/04/2019 07:40

More than seven months from Typhoon Mangkhut, and Hide #3 has still not been reopened. I realise that this was a serious storm, but the lack of action by WWF is very disappointing. This is often a popular hide, giving good views of some of the roosting shorebirds during spring and raptors during winter, often with good light.

Given that WWF will receive several hundreds of millions of dollars to build extra infrastructure, could they not have spent a small proportion of this to repair and enhance existing infrastructure on the reserve?
And if they can't cope with repairs to existing hides, how can we trust that they will cope with future typhoon damage to the new tower hides?

Image Attachment: 20190420_103908.jpg (21/04/2019 07:40, 984.75 KB) / Download count 499

Author: coconutcat    Time: 5/05/2019 16:15

I asked the WWF Mai Po office staff this morning, they said that bird hide #3 will be repair at the period of summer holiday.  Although this seems too late, hopefully they will really do the repairing...
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 8/05/2019 09:28

The birdhide #3 was severely damaged by Typhoon Mangkhut in September 2018, with half of its roof blown away. After the Typhoon, WWF Hong Kong assessed the workload before November (the beginning of bird season), and found that we had to put the repairing of Hide #3 off to a later time since there were other much more urgent works to be done in September and October 2018, e.g. removing fallen trees, repairing damaged bunds and sluicegates, and normal habitat management works etc.

To minimize the disturbance to wintering and migrant waterbirds in Gei Wai #16/17, which is the major high tide roosting site in the Reserve, it is not an appropriate time to carry out the repairing work in winter and spring. Therefore, the repairing work has to be scheduled to start in May 2019 and expected to be completed by the end of June.

Thank you for your understanding.

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